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Everything posted by jippytum

  1. Thailand has a free visa open door policy for Chineese. Smuggling them in is a bit like taking coals to Newcastle.
  2. Good new for us handsome foreigners. Even the Thai men are fighting each other to gain our favours.
  3. Confirmation why Harris was unelectable as President. A nice lady but any presidential aspirations she had are now well and truly over.
  4. Another whinger can't stand the humiliation of a resounding election defeat. Give the new guys chance to better Old Joe's performance. Although he has spurred into life of late unfortunatly too little too late for the bad loser Dems.
  5. Good for him. A politician keeping election promises as per his election manifesto is a rare breed. Sleazy Starmer recently elected in the UK for example.
  6. Trans athletes are cheats. The problem is woke officials allowing them compete in the first place. There should be more protest and outrage prior to tournaments allowing transgender athletes. Not waiting until after the officials have allowed a Trans competitor to use an unfair advantage to win the contest.
  7. Not quite there yet Elon Starmers only had a few months to work on that.
  8. How long is a piece of string. The sky is the limit if you are in love and vunerable. Keep your cash in your pocket for this match.
  9. By aeroplane is recommended
  10. I think the ratio in favour of Trump is a lot higher than that but will accept that result from a Dems biased poll for starters.
  11. Is this really news worthy?? He is lucky the motorcycle was not stolen along with his shoes.
  12. This thug should be jailed, finef and ordered to pay compensation to his hapless victim. The monkhood in Thailand has enough criminals in its temples without this bully using the monkhood as an excuse for lenientcy.
  13. This harbinger of death has no right to criticise other world leaders until he puts his terrorist controlled country in order.
  14. The woke members of the toothless UN contiue to bully disenting members with an alternative viewpoint
  15. Get used to being in the minority. Bad loser post.
  16. This man is a trickster and con man who should havr been arrested and jwiles after covid. However like many guilty people in Thailand he has been allowed to flee from justice. Happily his age would suggest he will meet his maker in a foreign country.
  17. Rubbish.... The vote was never close and Trump's mandate was very clear. Like or loath it his election promises where very clear throughout his campaign. What worries the Dems is you will have a President than keeps his promises.
  18. Yes..... and her sentence will be reduced to a short period in luxurious accomadation orchestrated by her Justice evading brother.
  19. Not suprising when you allow unristricted illegal immigation. The majority being Muslim men.
  20. never has a newly elected party with a massive majority been so upopular so soon after an election. Testiment to the sleaze from Starmer and his bogus election mandate.
  21. Unfortunatly Britain is a member of The ICC and as such has to abide by it's rulings. Boris the clown is aware of this.
  22. Not a bad thing to 'clear the swamp' and bail out before Trump does it in January.
  23. There are a lot of reports of damage from electric scooters catching fire. Make sure your condo management forbid the storing of electric scooters in condo rooms. These cheap imports are more popular and a fire risk.
  24. You where lucky. the car had a chipped windscreen when you accepted it. You did not follow your own advice and had it recorded and photographed priof to signinr rental papers. Same applies to renting motor bikes or Jet skis always check and record any existing damage.
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