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Everything posted by jippytum

  1. I bought a laptop from JIB tuckom pattaya. Good service and very helpful staff
  2. Leave it at home and buy a cheap fake to wear in Bangkok
  3. No major catastrophe financial or political could rock Thailand as much as a fatal epidemic affecting buffalos. This is serious folks.
  4. The world has gone mad. Men in frocks and a wig being sent to womans prisons and trans athletes having an unfair advantage in sport
  5. I wonder how many protesters have a financial interest in selling cannabis
  6. wonderful to see the old fox Thaksin's game plan outmaneuvered on this occasion.
  7. Lawmakers with a vested interest in new legislation that benefits their own business shoud declare that interest a abstain from voting.
  8. ievery day you get these forcasts the predict how many visitors or how many millions such a music festival or other promotion will make. All pie in the sky. Boring guess work.
  9. if the voting is rigged how come Thaksins brother in law and ex prime minister couldn't get elected. Not complaining just curious.
  10. The British invented the queue and hate anyone not conforming to the etiquette.
  11. Not often a member of the Thaksin clan get outvoted. Hope the trend contiues.
  12. take the sim to your provider and they will repace it free of charge with the same number
  13. Do you think rich people are not greedy and corrupt
  14. Big joke lost his place in the money trough.
  15. Robbing school kids is not uncommon in Thailand. Previously the school free milk was watered down.. No escape for honest Thai people or their children. This Will contiue if they elect convicted criminals at every election.
  16. Assange did more than ten years. I'm glad he's free.
  17. who ever told you that shoud visit Spec savers.
  18. I kown one widow that receives a good works pension from her departed husband's employers. But still looking for another foreigner. Don't forget when Thai Women Are not fishing they are mending their nets. Quote from Chinese cookie.
  19. I don't read too long posts like yours. Could do with editing.
  20. And i thought Bodi trees where supposed to be lucky. RIP oldtimer.
  21. Hearing some of the cons western men fall for being dumb and guliable should be up there on the list
  22. At least living in Thailand pensioners can spend their money on the good things in life that make them happy In a warm climate don't forget it's cheaper to run a fan than a heater.
  23. How can this man propose election changes when he is on parole, on bail and banned from politics.
  24. The Pm and Thaksin's Families both own large property companies selling condos. Just saying!!
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