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Everything posted by jippytum

  1. It's not golf people don't like but the boring people who play and can't stop talking about it.
  2. Load of self centered crapp
  3. I would hate to be your neibour on the otherside. They have to put up with the dogs and now the racket from your boombox. Life must be hell.
  4. I don't know the lawful decibel rate for loud noise but there is one. I know for sure there is a decibel limit for speaker vans During elections. However rarley enforced as they do make a racket.
  5. He does not have the gumtion to quit
  6. Its about time police took action against the scammers on facebook.
  7. The prime minister could demonstrate he is not Taksins puppet and increase his public standing and improve the economy by two measures. One.. Return Thaksin to jail Two... stop the 560 million baht bribe to voters the counrtry can ill afford.
  8. That's nice Thaksin is having some friends over. Outside catering perhaps.
  9. Why would two people post confused mojos. The comment provides correct information.
  10. I travelled by yellow songtel yesterday to Hangdong in Chaingmai full to capaclty both ways and i was the only person not wearing a mask
  11. Probably realising he was famous maybe decided an extra payment was worth a try.
  12. Another drunken fool destroys another life.
  13. yes residency certificate required from Jomtien showing Pattaya address
  14. Really.. What a rubbish post.. Get a life.
  15. Expats panic over the every newspaper story or scare blogs on this forum. The proposed tax on foreign investment income applies to Thai people with income derived from overseas. Many countries have a double taxation treaty. The tax chart shown in this blog is a joke. Don't panic guys and as for longtime expats leaving Thailand WTFWould you be better off???
  16. you are being overcharged for a double eye correction. I had two lense replacements for 120'000 baht at a major hospital in Chaingmai. My friend 78 years of age is booked to have cataract Procedure at the specalist eye clinic Pattaya next week 55,000 inclusive for one eye
  17. Shame is something unknown by all the Shinawatra family
  18. tragic those novice teens from poor families scarred for life after seeking education at a renowned temple.
  19. It is illegal to disconnect the utilities for non payment of condo fees. Non payment must be addressed by legal action within five years as five is the maximum compensation period allowed by the courts in most cases.
  20. There is an immigration office in the airport before security
  21. You sound like you could be the problem. Not advisable to piss off your thai neibours. The fact you have to contact a forum on buying batteries says a lot about your social standing.
  22. So do i. If you read thr post the charge was added after by the ins company
  23. Since posting the topic the insurance company have agreed to refund the overpaid amount by refund to my credit card within 40 working days.
  24. too little too late he will be out by the time they report on this
  25. mods please redirect if necessary. I booked a flight with Vietjet air Chaing Mai To Bangkok .I usually fly Thai smile sadly now defunct and the Thia airlines departure time for my journey did not meet my requirements. The ticket price was a reasonable 2,107.07 including extra baggage and seat selection.I was careful not to include any other extras and declined insurance cover. The payment page showed the correct premium of 2107.07 a OTP was accepted and i paid by visa . An SMS message from the bank advised 2206.07 had been debited. Immediately after i received a message from MSIG thanking me for taking out their insurance at 99 baht. Now i know its only a small amount but i was careful not to include insurance and the flight confirmation from Vietjet Air shows premium for MSIG insurance as 00.0 baht and a total amount due 2107.07 .How come i was overcharged for insurance .? I have contacted Vietjet air customer care by email without response and today contacted the insurance company.
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