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Everything posted by jippytum

  1. Wouldn't fancy having a nutter in a white dress banging a bucket next door.
  2. Both are crooks and justice avoiding con men. Typical examples of Thai politicos.
  3. You can not obtain an non o incorrectly referred to as a retirement visa in your home country.
  4. . Phu thai to ensure the safe return of de facto leader Thaksin promised to pay every citizen 10,000baht. Now they are going to borrow the money they don't have. Some 560Billion Baht the country can ill afford from the Government Savings Bank. That is the reason the Baht is in trouble and foreign investors are exiting Thailand. When you are seeking election candidates usually promise policies to help the economy not bankrupt it.
  5. Not a bad way to go. RIP. On reading the story about the difficulty in removing the body. I wonder how they managed to transport the oxygen bottles to such a remote location for him to use.
  6. MFP won the election but got conned out of having even a single MP in the cabinet. They are being accused of dirty political tricks to secure the speakers posts by the very people that used dirty tricks to rob them after the election. Good on you MFP learn all the dirty tricks from the masters of deceit currenty in power before the next election you will need it!
  7. I have attended three meditation ten day retreats over the years. If you are thinking about it please give it a try. I am always amazed at the large number of people young, old, foreign and Thai who attend meditation retreats. Courses for ten days are usually fully booked several months in advance and english tuition is available for some courses in Thailand.
  8. white wash comments from another official. Prolonging the special treatment of a con man and convicted criminal.
  9. Big joke wants us to belive this was a friendly handshake. Rubbish... Look closer they are not shaking hands big Joke is holding onto the other guys belt. Hope big joke should gets a refund on his usual 10,000 baht to fake the news as it didn't work this time.
  10. Convicted crimials can not stand for parliment. Why ban him from elections for five years and not a lifetime ban?
  11. Donald Trump did the same. A low bar to follow.
  12. I used to like 'Big joke '. However his admission he pays four reporters 10000 baht each for writing favorable stories about him has changed my mind.
  13. Question.... Do the first owners who bought the land illegally face charges and required to repay the money plus interest.
  14. Nothing new here.. The RT police and the army promote people with a short time to retirement so they get an enhanced pension upgrade when they retire. Jobs for the boys!!
  15. Bribe the voters with a 10,000 baht then borrow the money from the government bank when you get into government. Don't think there will be any rush to repay the loan do you?
  16. . I wonder what percentage of Thai politicians past and present have criminal convictions or cases pending.??
  17. Perhaps theunfortunate man had a medical episode. RIP. The roadside damage and the distance from the shore the car was located at would suggest very high speed at entry.
  18. word is the management at wongamat are not so good. They allow dogs and turn a blind eye to short term rentals.
  19. In a previous court case the white buses owned by Chinese where returned to them. Poetic justice perhaps.
  20. Probably another example of shoddy work where quality and safety come second to backhanders. Sometimes as much as 25% creamed off the top.
  21. Most people would not give a monkeys about his health if he was in the proper prison and not using his health as a reason to remain in luxury that is denied to the other remand prisoners.
  22. Pattya city churn out poor quality infastrucure work every few months. Most of it is to use up the goverment budget and cream backhanders off the top. In the meantime residents have to live in a poorly requlated construction site for most of the year.
  23. no doubt they will get a majority again. However many of their top people have been banned because of legal issues. They have time before the next election to be more prepared and get all their ducks in a row.
  24. A Thai politician flees the country to escape prosecution then arranges favourable terms To avoid jail when he returns. Sound familiar. You bet.
  25. The thailand stock exchange needs to get its house in order with firms like more and stark leaving investors shell shocked with billions missing and no criminal charges or firm action from the SET.
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