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Everything posted by jippytum

  1. I decided some years ago to get a pink card via the yellow book. I had to jump through hoops at Pattaya city hall. The cost of verification and translation of documents is not worth the small benifts the card provides. Ie building tax, for id, not all government departments accept it in lui of residency certificate. Tell your friend not to bother.
  2. Perhaps a clampdown on the pickpockets in government is overdue.
  3. Chinese, Indians and Russian mafia? Perhaps something to do with the free visas with reduced verification increasing the crime rate.
  4. He would be a star as PM Instead of the crooks who retain power. After the Thaksin saga the 560 billion bribe increasing the national debt and Phu Thai siding with the military. Thais will not forget the deceit that robbed MFP from leading this country.
  5. People will make their own decisions and mistakes. Dan regaled us with how happy he was. Now its gone tits up he advises against it.
  6. He had his toenails clipped. They are bringing in a specalist to dye his hair next week.
  7. Too many breakfast beers already
  8. This con man has made a deal with the devil
  9. Respect should be earned by individuals in buisiness and politics not inherited by siblings of wealthy and influential families
  10. Amazing Thaskins total abuse of the law only attracts a dozen activists in protest. Disgracefull the lack of response from opposition MPs and local news outlets to the contempt for the legal system shown by a convicted criminal.
  11. Public opinion and local complaints regarding noise and other nusiance take a backseat when it conflicts with politicians greed and police donations from the entertainment industry.
  12. Really.. They are so desperate to attract the Chinese the only incentive left will be paying them to come.
  13. Well connected politicians in Thailand have no fear of the law.it takes years to convict them and if found guilty they are allowed to keep the money they stole and abscond to live in luxury in a nearby county until the statute of limitations has expired.
  14. Its taken years after many official committee and court cases to find details of Prawits hidden assets. Funny how Pitas shares in a defunct company where disclosed In a matter of days when he became a threat to the crooks now in power.
  15. Tha amount of fake adds and scammers on facebook is a disgrace.
  16. I think the crime from China is one way.
  17. The goverment would welcome if the courts banned the payment costing 560 billion. That would get them off the hook after bribing the voters and not having to pay out. After all Thaksin's return was the real reason for the bribe.
  18. Leave the country before the visa expires. Return via visa exempt or non o then see an agent to contiue your stay.
  19. 882 billion received from tourism and they are giving away 560 billion to every citizen over 16. Money the country can ill afford. Even with this huge bribe they still did not get a majority in the election. They promised this money two weeks before the polls as they feared losing to MFP and preventing the return of their de facto criminal leader.
  20. You don't need to be Sherlock Holmes to expose the lies concerning Thaskins confinement
  21. The money generated from Tourists is the main objective at the determent to the welfare of local residents . Aircraft noise is a necessary evil but local residents do deserve some respite during night time. Last year the local Nong Buak Haad used daily by many local for exercise was closed for six weeks to prepare for the flower festival.
  22. It can be done . Permission from land office . Existing committee members to agree proposal terms to merge separate sinking funds .Proposal on agenda at each AGM setting out terms for merger. Agreement to the proposal by 75 % of all registered owners at the AGM. Job done .
  23. 690 baht Ram chaing mai last week
  24. Chinese tourists have a greater risk of been abducted, scammed and conned by fellow Chinese citizens living in Thailand than they have of being shot in a shopping mall.
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