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Everything posted by jippytum

  1. here is a man with too much time on his hands. If he had a thriving law business with many clients he would be too busy to waste time on this nonsense.
  2. Looks like the truck driver only noticed the bike after he ran it
  3. Anti graft committee in name only. Pue Thai bribed the voters in the election. If MFP had done that they would be barred from government
  4. Thaksin is running the country lncluding the justice system so no suprise there sadly.
  5. Last week when attending the goverment hospitial in Banglemung two prisoners from the remand prison where brought to seek medical attention. Both prisoners where manacled in leg irons and heavy chains. Bear in mind these prisoners have been charged but not found guilty and held on remand until trial. Compare that treatment to that of Thasksin who is a convicted criminal who evaded justice for fiftee years and contiues to do so.
  6. Thaksin has a degree in criminal justice. It has served him well in evading justice since his return.
  7. Woudn't it be great if they sent him back to the real prison. It would be justice after the constant attempts to jail Pita and curtail the MFP.
  8. Please don't do it know. You will have to pay the transfer tax and change from Foreign to Thai quota.
  9. I used two accounts for many years. One day the IO decided i had to transfer funds and use one account. After renewal i transferred the funds back. Have used one account specially for visa since then
  10. when the PM endorses cut price imports from China retailers in Thailand cannot compete with the slave labour prices of imports flooding the market place
  11. The Russian thug will get a nice haircut where he's going before deportation.
  12. Lots ofrubbish on this forum already
  13. This is not a straight forward case of sexual abduction of a minor. Any man taking a younger lady as a companion take heed.
  14. The MFP proposed an adjustment to the law that would have to be ageed by the majority of MP's and may be banned brcause of it. Phue Thai offered a 10,000 baht cash bribe to voters with no funds or a plan to fund the offer yet that seems ok. These activists are self seeking media craving attention seekers.
  15. Hit the central Bolards at speed no other Motorist involved.poor driving by the Brit can't blame Thai bad driving for this one.
  16. You should refer your case to the local labour tribunal. They will review your case and award a binding compensation award settlement if warrented. Our condo management have dealt with the tribunal on occasion after appeals from former dismissed employees.
  17. Your You are very concerned about your wife's health and unhappy with the diagnosis and treatment at your local government hospitial. Why not bite the bullet financially and have her see a specalist at a private hospitial.
  18. Thasksin and his alliance with the millitary. The same ones that forced him to self imposed exile are suceeding in removing the threat of MFP and Thai peoples choice of government. The court verdicts and Thaskins special treatment to avade confinement in jail demonstrate the power and influence the most politically devlsive family in Thailand have over the wlll of the people who voted for Pita and the MFP.
  19. Absolute disgraceful ruling. The election manifesto was to change the current law that would have to be ageed with parlimentry votes. The fact all judges agreed is a worry to the MFP. Futher attempts to cancel the wishes of the majority of Thai voters will follow.
  20. The smell of money attracts Thai ladies
  21. Your father will tell you when its time to take over. A scapegoat and puppet are still required untl then.
  22. Next time use bolt cutters for a quick getaway
  23. Class Brit fighting drunk and tight with the cash.
  24. Disgusting display. The same people would go to a resturant or shop like that and expect to be served. I would like to see more notices like. NO SHIRT NO FOOD. outside resturants.
  25. They want to bancrupt the country to pay bribes to the voters
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