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Everything posted by jippytum

  1. Nothing story this one. Recent media reports would indicate they are more likly to be kidnappedand and extorted by gangs from China already residing in Thailand. Expect more drama with gratis five month visas available with minimum security checks.
  2. 1000. Per day is a bit steep. However if there is limited parking the rule must have been introduced because of problems in the past. Some tenants who have a car And rent a condo for six months leave the car at the condo until they return.
  3. Pity he didn't make it to the airport with his remaining cash. 20000 would have enabled him to return and evade being banned and jailed before departing.
  4. Good luck with your journey. Kudos to ypur wife
  5. Your kidding me. Thaksin is already running the show. The current prime minister is only a puppet and the old con man is still pulling the strings from his VIP Hospital suite.
  6. Cure the problem of Chinese overstayers give them all a five month visa on arrival for free. Job done!
  7. This restuarant owner should stand for parliment at the next election he obviously has the IQ to be a perfect candidate.
  8. Its a disgrace. Many MPs are convicted criminals and stll manage to prosper from government positions. Convicted ex politicians like Thaksin get five star treatment. Pita banned for having shares in a defunct company. A wich hunt by any standard.
  9. typical. These idiots bring in new laws thinking only about the money it will generate. Never thinking of the bigger picture. Same with canabis. Make it legal then make the laws and restrictions afterwards when the horse has bolted.
  10. Thaksin has coerced most of his family into politics with dire results. Dont forget his sister is still in exile. She should be wary of taking orders from the con man in chief.
  11. This con man and his family have been lying to the voters and media for years. Operatlon Maybe but would the hundreds of prisoners on remand have the same medical options if any at all.
  12. I don' t like the guy never have. Truthfully how many guys would like their past actions from the sixties examined in minute detail by Tv and a national newspaper. Would any of your previous encounters dish the dirt for a payout on you decades later. ????
  13. Very popular with the ladyboys in Pattaya.
  14. Residents will often witness poor Construction work in public areas. Obviously because most of the budget goes on bribes not quality.
  15. What a stupid post. How would people on this forum advise you on this without knowing the location security etc.
  16. Immigration with all the checks didn't. Find him. He was outed by some nosey dogooder.
  17. Why do people make excuses for a convicted criminal who in his tenure as PM sent many people to jail and endorsed a mandate for violence. He is giving the two fingers to the voters and evading jail because he is a self seeking con man receiving special treatment. The Thai people will not forget.
  18. No Russian Mafia in Phuket. Is that a quote from the same official that said Pattaya had no prostitutes
  19. Personally i don't welcome any help to encourage more tourists from China. Covid did us a good turn be thankful.
  20. Stop corruption. That's a joke when half the MPs have convictions that should make them illegible to even be in the government..
  21. Prisoners on remand who are unconvicted unlike Thaksin are forced to sleep dozens to a single room and he has the luxury of a private room. The redshirt faithful had not returned home to the norteast before he was transferred to a private room. I hope they remember.
  22. You can not smoke anywhere you like. Not true Typical arrogant smokers comment.
  23. smoking in the common area of a condo and within eight metres of the entrance is against Thai law. If the smell of canabis is causing a nuisance by inconsiderate smokers then it can be banned from use within the building. Durian for example is banned from many buildings and public transport because of the pungent smell.
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