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Everything posted by jippytum

  1. Hope they sent the basket of fruit to the right guy at the VIP suit at the police hospital.
  2. Six doctors looking after him and someone to dye his hair
  3. Well as expected a few hours in jail now moved to executive suit in the police hospital. Thaskin has a degree in criminal justice, not much justice on view here. Taking the voters for complete mugs.
  4. Walking by the beach without a shirt is ok. Problem is shirtless people should shirt up when visiting food shops. I like yhr sign.. No shirt no service.
  5. SCB insist on customers using the app on smartphones for online banking. More scams are carried out by scammers via smartphone apps than any other.
  6. Many passports and false names as befits a fugitive so expect him to arrive on time. The media awaits and this self seeking criminal will not disappoint to make an entrance.
  7. Its true many people sre conned with fake ads and facebook do nothing to correct the problem. If they are can't protect the subscribers then a ban would be in order until facebook take some action to protect people from the hundreds of scammers currently on facebook.
  8. He has used his supporters votes to cut a deal with a bunch of crooks for personal gain. I hope the plan in place for his special treatment fails at the last minute And he gets locked up for the full term without special treatment suitable for a crook like him.
  9. He made a deal with the devil to get special treatment and a pardon will follow quickly. Shows what a self serving individual he really is.
  10. Noisy Russians and their unruly kids dominating our pool. City hall blocking roads causing traffic woes. Dishonest politicians like pigs in the trough. Immigration officers making their own rules to make things difficult to sway people to agents. Places that charge 55 baht for a cup ob tea. I buy 100 teabags for 99 baht
  11. He is still pulling the strings and with the problems Pita is having a pardon for him is the main objective.
  12. Fitch.. The same company that gave Bernie Madoff a three star ++ rating for his Ponzie scheme
  13. I bought my condo after confirming they had a strict no pets policy. If a co owner or tenant hsd a cat or dog however small i would not hesitate to report then and insist the management take action to remove the offending animal .
  14. Thank you for providing a list of condos to avoid.
  15. billions of investors money has been stolen. Balance sheets, company financal statements and audits from top Accountants count for nothing in Thailand. By the time the fraudsters are brought to justice if ever the billions will be long gone.
  16. The army backed senate still hold the key to power desite a dismal show in the election.
  17. Is that the same guy who coudn't find any sex workers in Pattaya??
  18. it is illegal to smoke in the condo common area and withln eight metres of any condo entrance. It is however not illegal to smoke on your own balcony. The condo management can ban the smoking of canabis in the building if the smell is a big problem and the majority of owners agree. Many public places ban durian for objections to the smell likewise for canabis.
  19. Diana garden resort has a lift for the handicapped lifts you in and out the pool
  20. Sad to see the demise of the Democrats
  21. closed 100% same every year .Lots of duff info on the forum as usual .
  22. Lots of negative posts from wimps who would accept being conned without the guts to fight back.. He has a good chance in the thai civil court of a settlement and i hope he wins
  23. The price per journey however short is 30 baht three times the cost of a similar trip for example in Pattaya
  24. The value of the confiscated items may determine whether his visa is officially cancelled or not
  25. Typical half in half measure from a below par politician with a record of poor decisions
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