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Posts posted by Gers1873

  1. I am sometimes wondering how she managed to get a degree from a U.S. university. I mean, with her even now English-language non-proficiency, how was she able to follow lectures, read - let alone comprehend - teaching materials or sit through and successfully complete exams? Let's be frank, she even has trouble reading prepared speeches in her own language without starting to stutter and losing the thread.

    Perhaps she was proficient at basketball??

    Listening to her speak is about a entertaining and as informative as watching paint dry.

    • Like 1
  2. It can cure stomachache, bodycoldness, toothache, belly worms, skin problem and also hair loss.

    I really like Szechuan food, and anything containing these peppercorns is fine by me - but I doubt any of the above is true.

    I believe the bit about the numb feeling. Took me ages to get accustomed to them - at first the bloody things were like novacaine....... They probably have some medicinal properties though these are often exaggerated.

  3. A life should never be taken full stop, this is why the human race is on self destruction mode, talk before thinking,act with out thinking!!!

    Yet the human race has survived, taking lives, for thousands of years - no signs yet that the species is in ecline --- 7 billion and growing.

    This woman seems to have been aware of what she was doing and did it for the money. Her motives are unimportant.

    I bet you think hitler had it right then.. There's plenty of people in the world. Why not kill of 10 million jews.?

    IYour comment smacks of total ignorance. You do not even know me sir yet you presume to equate my posting with being a Hitler sympathiser? Wow -- and you reached that conclusion how?

    not even worth the response......... foxtrot oscar

  4. A life should never be taken full stop, this is why the human race is on self destruction mode, talk before thinking,act with out thinking!!!

    Yet the human race has survived, taking lives, for thousands of years - no signs yet that the species is in ecline --- 7 billion and growing.

    This woman seems to have been aware of what she was doing and did it for the money. Her motives are unimportant.

  5. For Thailand I thought it was pretty good. No idea how to do it on the cheap. we went on one of these one day tours - which was, IIRC, not expensive.

    Animals are reasonably well looked after, breeding programs seem quite successful. Shows were a bit tiresome. Usual photos feeding birdsm baby tigers etc.

    Not a bad day out says he expecting to be flamed by the animal rights brigade.

  6. Pretty basic market style food. Dumplings were great. Kung Pao chicken was way too spicy for my taste --- even my missus said WOW!!

    Looking for Cantonese or UK style Chinese food not for you.

    Want to try something authentic -- go give it a bash - prices very reasonable. My wife enjoyed re-visiting her 'Mandarin' and had a long chat......

    Would go back

  7. Harry seems like the logical choice which means the FA are probably talking to Glenn Hoddle clap2.gif

    Glen Hoddle was a bloody good football player though. Totally agree about the fat girl in MacDonalds. Fergie wouldn't give her a job.

    It's not complicated.

    Many great players make <deleted> managers conversely many no better than average players (Fergie, Shanks, Stein) go on to be legends as managers

  8. I don't really get annoyed, its just some people seem to waste their little lives giving poor opinions that help anyone - they just want to fill the gaps in their boring days.

    Anyway, this is the script from the HO and BE as you wanted to know:

    - Home Office says I can apply for her Passport immediately as long as I have a letter from her mother and my name is on the Birth Certificate.

    - Embassy are happy to process the application based on this advice.

    - I am the father of my child and she automatically receives British Nationality, regardless of her mothers existing marriage, because was born after 2006 and also due to myself being UK Citizen who was born in the UK.

    So all in all, is just a passport application fee. There is no need to get her a British Birth Certificate other than for duties that may arise in England when she lives there later. All documents in Thai must be officially translated and stamped, then they are good for everything.

    So the application will take around 4-6 weeks, then my daughter is legally British and can go and do whatever she wants (later in life of course...)

    Thanks to those of you who gave me some advice.

    GREAT NEWS ---- Get her passport application submitted and they will process when citizenship papers arrive assuminmg you are having them sent to the Embassy..... nice to hear some good news

  9. On a serious note to those of you with young children, a friend of my wife was in a shopping centre in Bangkok when her 4 year old son was snatched when she wasn't looking. About a year later her son called out to her from the side of the road. She didnt recognise him. He has a shaven head and was missing one of his legs. He was stolen and used for professional begging.

    In another incident my niece was at school in Cha Am and went to the toilet at lunch time. When she came back the 3 friends she was having lunch with had been snatched and thrown in a van.

    I cannot stress enough how important it is to watch your children at all times and as soon as they are old enough explain the dangers of wandering off, talking to strangers, make them memorise your phone number etc. This happens A LOT in Thailand and it very rarely makes the news.

    This isn't just a 'scare story' is it? I find it hard to believe that you were just 'fortunate' enough to hear two tales of this happening from your circle of family. Still, if it's true, then I have A LOT to be f--ing afraid of. I look after my kids all the time, however, my in-laws are Thai, and well, let's just say that they don't take these things as seriously as they should. I know this stuff happens -- just that I find it peculiar that you know of two such cases quite close to your family!

    My wife and in-laws pick my kids up from school (a private school) and the school only allows people with IDs entry (although I've been able to get in all the time without an ID... maybe they just 'know' me?). However, my in-laws occasionally take the kids out after school -- when I'm still at work -- and without my knowledge. They just assume it's fine and don't want to 'inconvenience me' (or inconvenience themselves?) with a little note on where they're going.

    I tend to be reminded of Lou Reed when I hear 'stories' in Thailand.

    'Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see'


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