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Posts posted by Gers1873

  1. Some members of this forum act as if Thai, US and Israeli authorities should have been holding a running commentary as this case progressed. Oh there is nothing in the Bangkok Post / Nation it cant be true. Do you expect the police to provide details of any ongoing investigation???

    Looks as if the Thai authorities got a result - perhaps a "well done" rather than constant negativity would suffice.

    The conspiracy theorists and anti US / Israel posters are starting to bore the tits off me.

  2. Do you have any experience with this? Yes and adoption as well.

    At what age did you come into their lives? Thai son 10 daughter 12

    Do they treat you like a parent? Son no, more like a friend, daughter yes like a dad.

    Have any made a negative or positive attitude adjustment at a later phase? No more than my own just in different ways as my own did.

    Any issues with your spouse's family and/or your stepchild's boy/girlfriend? No why would there be.

    Has your step child impressed you? They don't have to impress me, I love em in my way.

    Have you ever split with anyone due to your relationship and/or the behavior of the stepchild? No.

    Do you feel there will be a point where the stepchild will long for their genetic parent? My son still see's his father, my daughters parent's are both dead.

    What's your problem. rolleyes.gif

    Strikes me as a typical biker type response. Positive, straight to the point no-nonsense and logical. It also seems to have been written from the heart --- full of good advice --- good post --- well done.

  3. Hopefully, though I doubt it, he will now provide details to the police over Natalee Holloway so that her family may get some 'closure' or at least lay their daughter to rest.

    That is very doubtful. He is still liable to charges in the US. I don't see how revealing what is probably self incriminating info will be helpful to him.

    He may prefer a us prison to a Peruvian one.

  4. Governments issue travel advisories and travel notices all the time. In countries deemed 'hot' (nothing to do with the weather) embassies have lists of 'wardens; whom they correspond with.

    These 'wardens' then circulate the advisory notices to friends and colleagues.

    Why is something so 'normal' being made into a conspiracy by some TV posters?? The mind boggles.

    • Like 1
  5. Warnings originating with Israel were given. The Thai government got upset as it was another blow for tourism. An arrest had to be made so the government could say the danger was over. They found a scapegoat. He cooperated with police by saying Hezbollah had changed their mind so tourists need not worry about visiting LOS. Police haven't charged him. Tourism is protected. He can go home to Lebanon, where he'll be in deep caca. He's a scapegoat


    And is there any report of Hezbollah having attacked a target that was not connected with Israel. I doubt if there are enough Israelis on KS rd or Soi 22 to make them targets. This could be part of an Israeli plan to further discredit Hezbollah (and Iran) by adding a bomb plot in Thailand to their record. Who knows? Maybe only MOSSAD or CIA know the truth.

    Check the other thread -- the planned attacks were indeed real

  6. When a terrorist attack occurs the first people we hear from are the "why didn't the government warn us", "why didn't the government know" brigade who demand answers for everything.

    When governments issue warnings you often find the same people espousing "\oh the governments of X, Y Z are just scaremongering"

    Me I'd rather governments err on the side of caution rather than adopting a 'hope for the best' attitude.

    • Like 1
  7. I wonder how many farangs who laugh at thai's believing in ghosts also believe about that bloke called jesus who they claim died, came back to life, and made wine out of water , oh and his mum was a virgin too.

    I find your denegration of religion to be un-called for and offensive. I'll have you know I found Jesus recently and he has helped change my life. Both he and Santa were having a beer along Walking Street and offered me sound spiritual advice regarding the company I was keeping.

    • Like 1
  8. These Marines, like way too many other people, acted before considering the consequences of their actions. How many more of their own fellow soldiers will now die because of their actions? Not only are they serving as recruiting tools for the Taliban across the Moslem world they have brought disgrace to a uniform that should be worn with pride.

    The action in itself was reprehensible the recording of the action on digital media was completely stupid...... As Forrest Gump once said "stoopid is as stoopid does".

    • Like 2
    1. If the hotel hasnt done so then contact police
    2. Get a police report you may need it for the Embassy
    3. Contact embassy / consulate re: passport -- phone numbers available in some newspapers
      Hopefully you carry a photocopy of your passport
    4. Ask hotel if they can provide you some free internet access for research and for contacting relatives
    5. Cancel and ATM or credit cards that were stolen. Ask credit card company to send new card 24-48 hours in emergencies
    6. Visit your countrys website for details of lost passports, download and complete any forms needed
    7. Get passport photos taken -- if you were able to borrow some cash
    8. Ask if Embassy can provide you some emergency funds - you may have to provide a guarantor in your own country
    9. Contact relatives or friends to send you cash
    10. Ask hotel for a free beer--- you may need it.

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