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Posts posted by Gers1873

  1. Who has jurisdiction over trying the pirates?

    Dont know that there is ny. Watched the BBC documentary where they were onboard a RN frigate. It seemed that the Navy 'spots' the [irates (alleged) then the Royal Marines gave chase. Pirates were taken onboard as 'guests' then released near the Somali coast with their boat.

    The idea seemed to be disrupt rather than apprehend the pirates.

  2. Dont ride any more but agree 100% with Trout - most helmets sold in Thailand will at best be ineffectual in an accident. Even when coming to Thailand on holidays, knowing in advance that I'd rent a bike, I always brought my own helmet with me.

    The thought of Thai helmets being dangerous probably never enters your average riders head --- not till its too late.

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  3. DTAC. True, and others have 'aircard' options which are simple to install and use. If you only require access for browsing and email you should find these options sufficient. I believe they all use EDGE network technology.

    Google 'aircard' and your choice of provider.

    Good luck

  4. As China gets wealthier so uneducated (and often educated) people have the finances to indulge their superstitions. Often this involves eating parts on animals considered to have 'special powers' A walk through many markets especially in Southern China and you will see bags of dried snakes, dried star fish, dried seahorses. Other animal parts from tigers, bears, deer etc are there but kept out of sight.

    Millions of sharks are slaughtered each year for only their fins --- to make the tasteless yet 'status giving' shark fin soup.

    The solution, already begun, is to try to educate the Chinese (and perhaps Thai) consumers of these animal parts. Yi Ming the basketball star is already involved in campaigning --- perhaps Thailand needs some high profile celebs to become involved. Hopefully Thai schools will also start to make Thai kids more environmentally aware.

  5. As you come into Pattaya on Sukmv there are a number of places about 500M -> 1Km before the Toyota dealership.

    I used one to fit an ipod connector in my SUV and they were ver professional Sorry forget the name but they are on the corner of a small Soi --- on the opposite side of the Soi but still on Sukmv they have three or four 'work bays' where they are able to work on vehicles. If I recall the name of the shop will post later.

  6. When Thais talk about spirits and ghosts they are often the object of ridicule from Westerners in particular. When people openly discuss the possibility of life on other planets they are held up to scorn. (yet we are but one small planet in one galaxy --- there are over 500 bilion galaxys) not unreasonable to assume there must be some other form of life out there. Perhaps a planet where dirty underpants are used as a fuel source.

    But I digress - talk of spirits/ghosts/aliens all leave people open to ridicule. Yet billions of people believe that some omnipotent being created the universe some 6,000 years ago. These people are considered normal. Its a strange world we live in.

    Now where did I put my undies and where's my medication. giggle.gif

  7. Lots of times on places such as Thailand and China its not 'rudeness' or even 'bad manners' it is just a different 'protocol' from what has evolved in many Western cultures over centuries. In China there appears little concept of privacy (people having a crap with the stall door wide open) or of 'individual space' results in lots of pushing and shoving which many Westerners take for rudeness.

    That said you will 'rude' eople in many societies. More down to the individual than anything else.

  8. The internet in Saudi is closely controlled. There is satellite service through the UAE which is available, but it is still monitored within Saudi.

    I would be very surprised if any of the hackers (I hate hackers!) were physically in Saudi Arabia.

    More likely in Europe, Pakistan, the US than Saudi.

    Not that closely controlled. Anyone with an ounce of savvy can access the web using VPN bypassing Saudi controls and monitoring. A number of compounds provide internet services via sattelite services. Again no controls. Most young Saudi males couldnt survive without their daily doze of porn.

    Hackers --- agree with your comment and your assessment, most likely from a third country.

  9. Thailand's manufacturing industries and hospitals can implement ISO standards. Why cant the government follow suit over the issue of road safety.

    Road traffic injuries have become the leading killer of young people aged 15-29 years. Almost 1.3 million people die each year on the world's roads, making this the ninth leading cause of death globally. In addition to these deaths, road crashes cause between 20 million and 50 million non-fatal injuries every year. In many countries, emergency care and other support services for road traffic victims are inadequate. These avoidable injuries overload already stretched health services.

    The UN started a decade of Action, launched on 11 May 2011, seeks to prevent road traffic deaths and injuries which experts’ project will take the lives of 1.9 million people annually by 2020.

    ISO has developed more than 800 standards for the automotive sector, including more than 200 related to the specific subject of road safety through its two technical committees: ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles and ISO/TC 204, Intelligent transport systems.

    Eagerly awaiting Thailand implementing CREDIBLE driving tests, STOPPING kids from riding motorcycles, JAILING drunk drivers.

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