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Everything posted by klauskunkel

  1. Agreed. Although the problem is that Trump's voter base doesn't understand most multi-syllabic words all that well.
  2. in the interest of "same same" they gonna "find an army barracks for him some where"
  3. Woops. the regulation kicked in (how auspicious), woops they can move him now anywhere he wants. "Find an army barracks somewhere", already found, approved and customized long before "the regulation kicked in". Here is a cherry-on-top idea: why don't you clowns make the "de facto Pheu Thai Leader-cum-Convict" an Honorary General complete with "de facto recruits-cum-servitors"... on a side note: look how fast the government can move when it really wants something. If they would tackle the PM2.5 crisis with a similar vigor, their legitimacy rating would soar...
  4. From the linked article: so I googled Vibharam Hospital, and ironically this is the first page of their website:
  5. These governments continue to be tested, yet they never fail..., just like school.
  6. Yes, the timing is quite justified, appropriate and inspired. Duh.
  7. Imagining someone clandestinely opening those tanks in that room with the BiB...
  8. The government's Elite Convict Card scheme, an exclusive membership only club...
  9. That's the first thing they do without fail: a patrol at Pattaya Walking Street. Without doing that, you are not a bona fide commander of anything. Wondering if there is a medal for that: Walking Street Patrol First Class.
  10. "The police were alerted woken up and conducted a search of the premises."
  11. If you get the right guy, he'll fake an injury and then clean you out with his police friend.
  12. It's quite obvious that the police's job is not policing or enforcing laws when political committees and other authorities put that burden on private businesses. The message is clear: protect the police from actual work at all cost.
  13. He borrowed 30,000. If the daily interest rate is 200 baht per thousand, then 30 x 200 = 6,000 and not 600. August 2023 to December 2023 is 5 months and not 8 months. To arrive at 3mio baht in interest alone, the daily rate would have to be 20,000 baht Nattapong Westwood, I suggest some basic scrutiny before you publish stuff.
  14. Politicians are worried: less swill in the trough..., if this trend continues some may have to become policemen!
  15. She herself was on Soi Nana, so she is "99% not good" Come on Influencer, I dare you to criticize Beijing I bet she was totally ignored by everyone and that's why she is angry.
  16. Can't touch this... it's intangible! Barack Obama Singing Can't Touch This by MC Hammer.mp4
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