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Everything posted by klauskunkel

  1. It will stop when adults take their responsibilities towards children seriously and supervise the heck out of them. Also goes for kids left in vehicles and all kinds of other predicaments. The parents may think that if the kids are going to swim with a group, they would be all right - but nope... They need to be supervised, if the parents can't do that for whatever reason, then the kids can't go swimming.
  2. Welcome to the National Thai Aerobics Party, now everybody: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, turn left, turn right, bow in the middle, repeat...
  3. Court pretending to scrutinize diligently
  4. after reading the article I found that the "closer look" did not include any of their assets
  5. 15 seconds into the video I spotted: a beard, a ponytail and rings on his thumb and index finger...
  6. RTP is a PR disaster, scandals after scandals necessitate a public face that is less tarnished than anybody else in the force: in walks Big Joke, rising (pun alert) to the occasion one more time...
  7. Officer: "What shall it be, Harakiri or Kamikaze?"
  8. when you are north of fifty, hair coloring in the salon becomes more and frequent and expensive...
  9. Thank you ..... and correct . some other facts from Wikipedia: Date: 22 May 2014; 8 years ago Location: Thailand Result: Successful military and police takeover - Caretaker Prime Minister removed - Yingluck's caretaker government dissolved - 2007 Senate dissolved - 2007 Constitution repealed - Military junta, the NCPO established - Prayut endorsed by Bhumibol as NCPO leader and Prime Minister Rise of fascism: The rise of fascism in Thailand began around the coup, first coined by James Taylor of University of Adelaide in 2011,[113] after the junta took control, academics and political commentators started to identify a political system by fascism. Pithaya Pookaman and James Taylor called it 'New Right', consisting of ultraconservatives, reactionaries, semi-fascists, pseudo-intellectuals and former leftists.[114][115] John Draper, an academic and political commentator, noted that the rise of fascism in Thailand began in 2014.[116] The King's sufficient economy was mentioned that it serves as one of the ideological foundations of the military regime, and reminiscent of fascist regimes in Europe in the 1930s.[117] My interpretation of the last above bullet point is that on May 22 2014, over 8 years ago, His Majesty the King endorsed Prayut as Prime Minister of Thailand. Now, it is established that the King is regarded as the highest authority in the country, a sentiment that is forever on the lips of the NCPO, the prior and present government, the Phalang Pracharat party, and General Prayut. So, if the King has endorsed Prayut as PM 8 years ago, then his term is finished. If that is contested, then all who do so are committing lèse majesté by holding the King in contempt...
  10. If I say that Thailand's law system is corrupt I would probably be charged for defamation, Lèse-majesté and imagery tarnishings. This guy is on public record exactly saying this, but he is not opposing the corruption, just the traffic fines. (Why be part of the solution when being part of the problem is so much more rewarding and fun...)
  11. I think the primary cause of death is that no adult present in the van would take responsibility for a child in their care. Maybe the system needs an autopsy.
  12. Nope, it's all you: being a weak-willed addict with an inferiority complex, compensating by hurting physically weaker people. Realize this and change yourself.
  13. Let me see: sudden U-turn and no helmets
  14. The TAT, the TAT, the TATARATATAT, cheerleading Thailand's tourism for over 60 years. I think they should have their own holiday: National TAT Day, where ordinary citizens can predict a number and the highest number wins a fruit basket.
  15. Actually, I was just helping out Gerard052 with his grammar since he was struggling... Therefore I continue to stay in Thailand doing as I please.
  16. from the article: "Kornsasi, 43, was arrested and charged for reaping benefits from forced labour and human trafficking along with physical and mental abuses. Senator Thani was summoned in regard to his relationship with Kornsasi and his involvement in her appointments as well. The senator admitted to the media he had previously known Kornsasi but had stopped communicating with her for a long time now." Maybe the magic blue pill could help the good Senator with his (ahem) communication problem.
  17. What's that massive thing on his desk? A headstone? Epitaph: Final Inactive Post of Prayut the Grumpy, He worked his ass off, and nobody noticed
  18. Mahidol University Dental Clinic, about 1,200 bt You need to register and then get an appointment
  19. Two police generals Two police lieutenant generals Two police colonels Two police lieutenant colonels Two Air Marshals Two prosecutors One lawyer and Two politicians... and a partridge in a pear tree
  20. No, not at all. Here is what I mean: If a foreign government tells me to collect an additional fee for them, then I would charge that government (not the passenger) a fee for that service, to cover my costs.
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