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Everything posted by klauskunkel

  1. Prayut: Master, you have pretty lips, what's your secret? Xi: Covergirl Velvet Teddy. Prayut: You are my hero!
  2. ThaiBev (SangSom, Chang) and Boonrawd Brewery (Singha, Leo) are major corporate financiers of Phalang Pracharat. Therefore screw the 99%
  3. "Loves and cherishes the land" Yup. Go clean up your cherished land, Party Leader.
  4. "License and registration, please."
  5. Dear Thai media, may I offer another suggestion: the shooting resulted from the shooters bad impulse control, and carrying a gun in public..., just saying...
  6. … while stroking a Siamese pussycat..., meeow.
  7. "Hey Dudes, I am linked to an illegal night club and want to donate money to your party which is linked to an illegal overthrow of a democratically elected government. Can do?" "Of course you can, for that matter we have even established an official Election Committee that ensures all legal issues are checked in our favor."
  8. That's why the other four safes hadn't been opened yet: lists, ledgers and logs.
  9. 2nd left: which one can I use to make that last hole in my belt?
  10. He will need even more time to find that money again..., well he could always sell some weapons, that's a valid business model.
  11. Police might be very active in the coming days (that's a pun)
  12. appointed by the coup makers owned by CP group, which is a major financial backer of government party Phalang Pracharat, which was formed by coup makers and that's all there is to say about that
  13. I'm impressed by the flow chart alone. Go get 'em, Tiger!
  14. U.S. replies: Go ahead, you'll just embarrass yourself again...
  15. If there is one thing you can consistently rely on, it's the RTP and their unsurpassed image-tarnishing ability
  16. "Prayut Verdict Day", the latest Thai holiday.
  17. They do not disclose the specific crime she had committed, although it has to be spelled out in the Interpol warrant/notice, if there is one. My guess is that she is not "wanted by Interpol" as the Thai Immi Officer told her, but by Myanmar, and that the actual charge has too much potential for eggs on the face of Thai officialdom to be revealed.
  18. My first reaction after reading the headline was: what kind of Generals are those? From Zimbabwe, Zaire??? I have been thoroughly indoctrinated to only see "Generals" when it comes to Thai politics and elections.
  19. wonder if that's one of the appointed senators
  20. Look, he received a temporary fruit basket.
  21. Before Terribly Big: sling shots after Terribly Big: Glocks
  22. actually, the article quotes 1,385 trays of eggs usually a tray has 30 eggs
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