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Posts posted by anon8

  1. And of course restoring order in civilian conficts and riots is job of police, not army. When did you see army putting end to street riots in any democracy? Here ofc we dont have democracy. The reason police cant be used to restore order, most are her supporters, espically lower ranks.

    For some reason you used a word 'treason', in a topic about politics of Thailand. There is no such word in Thai dictionary. In any country of Western democracy, you would be correct using this term.

  2. Maybe they are meeting to discuss the low turnout?

    Who needs a big turnout when the police are doing NOTHING to stop it. I could get some boy scouts to do the same thing. The ploy is obvious - let it run it's course. They are hoping for a backlash from the public. They are hoping for unseen hands to carry out violence to put protesters off of protesting.

    No.. any violence and the army will jump at the chance to carry out the coup.

    That is why police are being kept away - avoid a confrontation at all costs. It defeats the purpose of the police strategy if 'third parties' then start violence anyway. That is why the reds are being kept at bay, they realise what the army and protesters are waiting for.

    Exactly. When army steps in after a day or 2 of serious violence, blood and dead bodys on the streets, army will be seen as a force for good, they will end violence, and change of current gov will seem like something that just needed to be done.

    2006 coup was crude and obvious, this time it will be packaged as restoring peace and order.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  3. You talk like Tkaksin and his red team. There will be no coup. Yingluck has to clean up the mess herself.

    No coup? LOL what do you think is going on right now?

    Protests are going on right now.

    You don't think the protests are part of the game, next level of that game is violence on the streets, then tanks on the streets and change of current gov.

    How do you suppose it would like, is army simply rolls 5 tanks to gov house and kicks her out. Doesn't look good at all, yes? That is why protests are needed.

    2006 coup was crude, this time its gonna look much smoother.

    I wouldn't consider opening a fortune reading shop if I were you!

    Do you follow news at all?

  4. You talk like Tkaksin and his red team. There will be no coup. Yingluck has to clean up the mess herself.

    No coup? LOL what do you think is going on right now?

    Protests are going on right now.

    You don't think the protests are part of the game, next level of that game is violence on the streets, then tanks on the streets and change of current gov.

    How do you suppose it would like, is army simply rolls 5 tanks to gov house and kicks her out. Doesn't look good at all, yes? That is why protests are needed.

    2006 coup was crude, this time its gonna look much smoother.

  5. The problem with a 3.5" external drive is it's not particularly portable, it's why they get categorized as a desktop back-up. Portable hard drive refers to the 2.5" laptop size drive. Combine a 3.5" external drive with your tablet and you end up with almost as much bulk and weight as the laptop you say is too heavy to carry with you. The Seagate wireless drive sounds nice, not too big, it's light but it's more than you want to spend. Maybe someone knows of a 2.5" powered portable drive that will work with a tablet.

    The whole point of tablet is portability - size and weight. To drag along a 3.5 HDD, that needs its own power adapter kind of defeats the purpose, no?

    Why not get 11" ultrabook with 500 Gb drive and be done with it.

  6. Can anyone here help me with the best pre paid package for internet for my laptop which allows unlimited downloads at good speed.

    If not unlimited downloads what is the most I can get.

    I need to download tv shows and movies as there is nothing on tv here!

    Just few posts above, poster Jiu-Jitsu prepayed plan 'Unlimited, but capped at 8 Gb) is about the most you can get. All prividers pretty much match their packages.

    Using 3G in Thailand gets expensive quickly. You dl 8Gb worth of movies within days, then your speed drops to around 200kbs, hopelessly slow for dl movies.

    What I do is find a place that has fast wifi connection, and dl movie there.

    AIS packages give you access to any of their 3BB wifi spots. At Central, I connect to 3BB, and download The Daily Show, 22min show, 175 Mb within 15 minutes, on a good day.

    All Family marts have 3BB wifi routers, if you find a coffee shop near by, hook to it.

    Or Starbucks wifi, I think 1 month of wifi access at SB costs 350 baht, but Ive never used it, no idea how fast it is.

    3G for dl large fails is not the way to go.

    Newer MKV movies are around 800Mb, so 10 movies a month, are your done.

  7. Android tablet itself is an external drive, it has a display and operating system. Connecting any external hdd to a tablet using usb cable, is not gonna work. Why not buy several 64 Gb SD, if you need 500 Gb with you, everywhere you travel. But why drag along 500 Gb of storage, while using a tablet?

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  8. Nice phone - amazingly small for such a big screen ..... but no SD card was a deal breaker for me.

    I went for the Sony Z1 after considering G2, Note3 and the Z1 ..... heavier and bigger than the G2 for same screen size ..... but it's ideal for Songkran!

    Agreed, SD card is a must, unless your phone internal is 32Gb at least.

    I also use Z1, very nice phone. Quad core 800 snapdragon, 1080p.. and it looks great, Al and black glass, as far as industrial design, only HTC One competes.

    For many people design is not important, but phone is something Im using all the time, I look at it more times a day than anything else, and design matters very much.

    Z1 water resistance is huge advantage during Songkran, but Im gonna take off before, so water resistance is minor advantage for me lol.

    G2 is very good phone, no doubt.

  9. Of course having a smart phone, and data turned off means you don't get Skype, Viber messages, and no email alerts, cos you are not connected. But if you dont have to be connected all the time, turn data off.

    Still, go with 399 baht 1.5Gb package, a Thai friend of mine uses this, its the lowest cost data package at dtak, unless watching video clips, it is probably enough for everything else. He spends hours on FB, and 1.5 Gb seems to be enough

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  10. Are you actually switching data on and off? That can affect time used.

    Good advice! Phone in your pocket is constantly doing something, from checking weather to updating Viber (so much so that Viber is now so bloated, it is most processor eating messanger)

    and downloading updates to all the useless bloatware that allmost all makers stuff their phones with, all the stuff, that you never asked for, and dont need.

    Turn off data, when phone is in the pocket, let the updates and all the useless updates to apps you never even use, when you are connecting w wifi.

    But that should affect the download cap packages, time limit package should give you 3g connection exactly for the time they promise to give you, when you buy the service.

  11. i told my story of an event that happened to me in a topic about Thai parking abuses

    i do not care if you like my story or not

    i did not give anyone advise about anything

    how another person deals with abuse of parking regulations will be their decision

    personally i would rather have a scratched car or a damaged tire than to have to consider selling my principles so cheap

    i do not care to heed your advise on how to live my life:

    ''I would advise to listen and not park there, if a Thai tells you not to''

    i dance to the beat of my own drum

    I never asked you to like my story, and my advice in my earlier post

    (my last post, where I quoted you, but using a mobile I accidentally typed inside the borders of your post, TV Android app crashed while was trying to post, it is now a mess, I have asked mod to fix or delete that post)

    My intension was not tell you how to live your life, as you interpreted it. I simply posted that it is hazardous to ignore a Thai, who tells you not to park on a spot that Thai person thinks he owns.

    Did you read last night news, firearm used to settle parking dispute, and 4 shots fired.

    You dance to your drum, cool! I, as a mindless sheep, try to follow Thai rules. In my first year I spent some time in Memorial hospital, cos I wasnt aware of some Thai rules.

    Maybe some readers here are not aware of Thai rules, and retribution from angry Thai may come as a surprise, my advice was intended to that reader.

    i am aware of the hazards and relish opportunities to point out just how wrong they are

    i realize that one day i may well be the subject of a news item on ThaiVisa but i would rather live one day as a tiger than a lifetime as a sheep

    so keep your advise directed towards that other reader

    maybe they will care to accept it more graciously than i

    Cmon man, this is not about you! NOT ABOUT YOU!

    You have said in many posts that you have lived here for years, of course you know how it is here.

    But there are people reading this forum, who dont know the Thai rules. They will learn, but maybe the hard way. Is it wrong to advise them, so that they know the game, if they chose to do things their way, fine, as long as they know what may happen to them or their property.

    Again, I am not trying to give advice to you. I am not telling you how to live your life, pls don't put words in my mouth, it is bad form.

    Do you really consider people in Pattaya who play by Thai rules sheep? Lifetime of sheep?

  12. i told my story of an event that happened to me in a topic about Thai parking abuses

    i do not care if you like my story or not

    i did not give anyone advise about anything

    how another person deals with abuse of parking regulations will be their decision

    personally i would rather have a scratched car or a damaged tire than to have to consider selling my principles so cheap

    i do not care to heed your advise on how to live my life:

    ''I would advise to listen and not park there, if a Thai tells you not to''

    i dance to the beat of my own drum

    I never asked you to like my story, and my advice in my earlier post

    (my last post, where I quoted you, but using a mobile I accidentally typed inside the borders of your post, TV Android app crashed while was trying to post, it is now a mess, I have asked mod to fix or delete that post)

    My intension was not tell you how to live your life, as you interpreted it. I simply posted that it is hazardous to ignore a Thai, who tells you not to park on a spot that Thai person thinks he owns.

    Did you read last night news, firearm used to settle parking dispute, and 4 shots fired.

    You dance to your drum, cool! I, as a mindless sheep, try to follow Thai rules. In my first year I spent some time in Memorial hospital, cos I wasnt aware of some Thai rules.

    Maybe some readers here are not aware of Thai rules, and retribution from angry Thai may come as a surprise, my advice was intended to that reader.

  13. You can't knock the Thais for playing by their own rules, we're seen as outsiders here, a necessary evil in the main. I went back to the UK recently and I can't believe how out of control immigration has become. It's a shame our government didn't adopt some hard line policies regarding visas. Or that the indigenous population weren't less apathetic about letting it happen. Thailand belongs to the Thai people and they want to keep it that way. Yes you're going to have to play by their rules, or you'll come off worse. Well done to them for protecting what's rightfully theirs I say.

    Really? You say Thailand belongs to Thai people, but no one is arguing about that.

    You say well done, they are protecting what is rightfully theirs. What do you mean, please? What is it that Thais are protecting? Is there anything we, the foreigners are trying to take away from them?

    Thailand belongs to Thai people, you say.

    That reminds of a political party in Germany, In the 2004 state election in Saxony, Germany, the National Democratic Party of Germany won 9.2% of the overall vote. Their main slogan is 'Germany is Germans!' They also do not like foreigners. In Germnany, NDP is considered extreme right wing. Thai xenophobia is widely accepted in Thailand, there is not even debate about Thais being superior to everyone else.

    You say Thailand belongs to Thai people, both statements sound very similar, do you agree?

  14. As I said a few days ago in thread "Farang doormats":

    It isn't a good idea in this country to blindly insist on having it your way. It doesn't matter if you are right ot wrong, just drop it and whatever you do don't make them lose face, or the consequences could be serious and nobody will give a s**t about you.

    What has happened here isn't uncommon, and if the bloke involved doesn't step down it wil escalate.

    So what's the conclusion? He's had live rounds fired at him, but hey, he isn't a doormat, he has values and those Thais had better listen.

    People who are here for short holyday are not aware, that the moment your passport is stamped for entry, you leave your manliness behind, when you cross the border to Thailand, you can not stand up for yourself, well, you can, but you will be assaulted, only question is how badly. And you may lose your life. You become a man again, after exit stamp. It takes little bit getting used to, i never really do, just try to not lose control here, ever! Not easy at all sometimes.

    So we have a choice, be a man, and not a door mat, what carries a very heavy price, or be a doormat, walk away immediately from the slightest confrontation, walk away even if you get an angry stare, it feels terrible, but you stay healthy. I rather be healthy and humiliated, than proud man who stands up for himself, but in a hospital or worse. Remember the guy from Malta few weeks ago?

    There is a thread in Pattaya forum, some posters argue that we, foreigners should not surrender, if intimidated by locals, usually taxiboys or business owners forbidding parking on the street that they feel they own. This news bit right here goes to show one possible outcome, for standing up.

    Somebody could have easily lost their life in this incident.

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  15. Please folks this is a serious post regarding what can happen here in Pattaya and NOT an oportunity to bash the place where we live.

    There has been some good replies like:

    Keep cash on hand as the ATM's will be effected

    Internet could also be disrupted here in Pattaya as the towers are in Bkk

    Pharmacies might run low on supplies

    Grocery stores WILL run low

    Hotels will most likely be full

    etc etc etc. This will effect Pattaya no mater what you think

    If Bangkok protests last few days only, it won't affect us.

    But Bangkok events will not be just few days, protesters will stay on the streets as long as needed, sooner or later violence breaks out, and it will very likely be much more serious than red shirts in 2010.

    After there is blood on the streets in Bangkok, army will step in, restore order, and goverment will be replaced.

    If caos and lawlessness that starts on Monday, goes on for weeks, it will affect us in Pattaya and all of Thailand very much.

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