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Posts posted by anon8

  1. What is Christ trying to teach us? That we should love one another and should not sin. What is so objectionable about that? Let's even suppose that Christ was only a mythical figure that never existed. Wouldn't living by those rules make our world a better place? Of course this would mean sacrificing all the selfish indulgences that are so hard to resist. Much easier to reject the whole idea and carry on with our own selfish little lives where we make our own rules to suit ourselves.

    Greed, lust, envy, pride, wrath, sloth, gluttony are the roots of all evil.

    What is objectionable, is any religeon becomes a hate group sooner rather than later. You may recall good Christians burning their fellow men alive just few hundred years ago.

    You asked what is objectionable? I say burning people Christians disagreed with, and countless other crimes and atrocities Christians have committed.

    Christian hAte groups like Westboro Baptist Church are operating out in the open, taking cover and being protected by US Constitution freedom of speech amendment.

    That is what is objectionable.

    In broder terms, this whole cult is a hate group. Something like this can operate only in USA, in any other Western nation all members would be charged with hate crimes.

  2. Seeing is believing, but no one would believe you. . . I feel sorry for those that have not seen the light
    The same would be true of alien abduction.

    Yes, of course that would be true however, it has an opposite connotation of doubtful desirability

    I haven't heard it is quite so pleasant

    Truth is not based on desirability. To wish theism to be true is to wish to be a slave but it is not that which makes it untrue.


  3. Which god? You could be referring to one of many! If yahweh from the boible then I'd rather he didn't touch any part of me as that chap is a genocidal, egotistical, cruel, evil monster!

    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    If ever a god is going to touch me, I hope it will be Afrodite.

    Good choice! I'm thorn between Apollo and Hermes.

  4. To be fair, the same thing could be said about the air that we breath and gravity but the difference is, we have other ways to test it is true other than by visual means. Any man on the street can put a bag over his/her head to test air or throw themselves out of a window to test gravity. Gravity often comes up because it too, like evolution, is only a theory.

    Dude, are you gonna post anything of substance in this thread at all, or keep up with mumbo jumbo, post after post?

    Now you claim gravity is only a theory!

    Gravity is little bit more than a theory, dont you think? Well, you just said you dont.

    Have you ever observed an object fall down? How can I make this simpler for you..?

    Stuffs falls down not because of a theory, but because of gravity.

    How is it possible that you do not realize that what you are saying is nonsensical, dumb crap?

    • Like 1
  5. I have been reading about the world famous Thai jet ski scam for 14 years here, think it would be

    fun to see it in action. So in front of Mike's is the best spot ??

    Yeah, just 100m or so from Mikes towards Central, they have built some wooden structure right where it needs to be, to have front row seats to watch the show. And wooden railings you can lean on, very comfortable. The terrace made of wood planks, looks like there may be some benches built there soon. That would be wonderful!

    I observed a scam in progress today, around 4pm, watched the negotiations for 10 min, then got bored and walked.

    Another spot is towards Walking st from Mikes, maybe 300m or so. There you can enjoy comfortable concrete steps seating arrangements. Very close to the action, often you can even hear the dialogue.


    • Like 1
  6. not really an apple fanboy, but the fact s ipad is better, i had a android 10.1 before i got a ipad and ended up giving it away, why? because even my 2 yr old son wouldnt play with it, if he cant play on the ipad then he wont even entertain the android, and all he really does is watch mickey mouse on youtube, what does that say to you?

    I have a theory, but it is not make comments about mans family and kids.

    • Like 1
  7. YES indeed the deviated wee dark ones they love a Blondie don't they --- There eyes near glaze over when they see somebodies pretty blonde mrs downright dangerous take your girl to Thailand is she is golden blonde ( still---- most smart men would never take a woman their anyway) --be like taking a sandwich to a restaurant - i mean why would you bother

    It must be very frustrating for Russian guys, who come here with families to walk around Pattaya after dark, so many temptations, but wife/gf is never letting him out of sight. Imagine 2 weeks under palm trees, first time abroad, and not just abroad, in Pattaya :D

    the poor guys fly back home after 2 weeks without a single hook up.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  8. I am really getting tired reading stories abouth drunk people, getting drunk and having some problems in the early hours, just before the sun gets up.

    Do they act the same in their own country or on hollydays in other country's ?

    Or is it only in some asian country's ?

    In my opinion. one only get's what he is looking for !

    Start using your brain, even on hollyday !!!

    This is what guys and girls in their 20s do back in there home countries, 3am is not early hour, it is late, and usually after clubs closing the after parties and fun continues, usually then people hook up

  9. Smokers everywhere in Singapore. Not sure where you visited but every coffee shop in my old area had one and all puffing away (mostly on illegal cigs). saved a fortune on the Indonesian marlboros.

    2 years ago. Didn't see any.

    But that is wonderful news! I am all for people having more rights, not less.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  10. Well it's great to find out that I will be constantly exposed to secondhand smoke if I go to Pattaya - indoors and out. I was very interested in going for a couple of months and spending some money there. Now I no longer am. Is it pretty much the same deal in Bangkok?

    Yes, you will see people smoking cigarettes outside in Bangkok and in Pattaya. You probably won't notice or smell the cigarette smoke in Bangkok nearly as much as air pollution from vehicles, but best to stay away.

    People smoke cigarettes outside everywhere in Sout East Asia, so you're out luck. Probably have to spend your money elsewhere.

    Except Singapore, no smokers in sight, very affordable, and very laid back.

  11. All it takes is sitting outside Starbucks or Mike's on Beach Rd for less than 30 minutes to see the jet ski mafia in action. If Mr Cool is so adamant about helping tourists, perhaps he should plant himself there for a few minutes to see for himself.

    Oh cmon, there is no way Mr Cool doesn't know how the game is played

  12. I gave up watching and warning....Senseless... Nothing will ever improve in this town or country. A shame what has become of the exotic and friendly LOS within the short span of 25 yrs. that I have been coming here. Case closed. MS>

    I can't even begin to imagine this place 25 yrs ago. Pattaya has grown into a buzy seaside resort, that's for sure. And that is not a bad thing, I wouldn't want to live in sleepy fishing village.

    But the violent street crime started getting serious about 4-5 years ago, yes? And in padt 2 years, violent crime has risen sharply.

    I believe many crimes go unreported, I and my friend were assaulted over a bar bill dispute, we both needed stiches, we spoke to a cop on the street, trying to describe what happened, all we got was free ride in police truck to a hospital. This was my 2nd winter in Thailand, so I wasnt surprised the cop showed no interest why 2 foreigners are bleeding on the corner of 2nd rd and South rd. That was in 2003. If similar situation would take place now, I would just take a taxiboy to hospital, if able to walk on my own.

    The local bad guys and girls know this very well, that even if charged, there are no serious repercussions, drugging and then robbing a victim is no big deal in Thai justice system.

    Taxiboys casually beating a tourist almost to a coma goes unpunished, cops work with taxiboys, and offending taxiboys are somehow never found, alltho everybody knows who they are, which soi corner is the spot they hang out.

    But I still come here every winter, I dont like any neighbouring country. If it becomes unbearable, it will be Marocco in the future. Ugly and boring, but with few upsides.

    It will be interesting to observe what next few years will be like here.

  13. Don't the faithful also have to have some burden of proof for their claims?

    Of cause theist's do but not being able to come up with any leads to the ridiculous claim that atheism (which is by definition a rejection of theistic claims) is also a belief.

    So, you've got nothing!

    Good night!


  14. This is a fairly standard argument - but it is not an argument against or evidence that there is no God. It is simply a list of things certain religious people got wrong.

    Simply put there is no evidence, even underwhelming evidence, that God does not exist


    Yes, my arguments are fairly standard. But every single thing I listed was contributed to god or satan, before science came along, and gave an explanation.

    You say there is no evidence that god does not exist.

    Ok then! Where is he, what has he done? I asked in my post that you quoted, for believers to show some evidence that god exist. Nobody has come with anything yet. You say there is god, and it ends there. But this is child like belief there is Santa, because the child has been tought that there is Santa.

    Following your logic, there is no evidence that there is no god. Ok! How do you prove thst Santa Clause does not really exist. I say there is overwhelming evidence that he doesnt exist. Should I list my reasons why I believe that?

    Don't the faithful also have to have some burden of proof for their claims? I suppose they dont, faithfuls blindly believe. Atheist bring arguments to the table, faithful have nothing to offer.

    I give up now.

    It is hopeless to argue with group of people who believe in talking snake, magic underware.

    It was fun talking about it until some guy came along with a claim all atheists he has met are heroin addicts LOL

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