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Posts posted by anon8

  1. So if a woman agrees to sex and then falls asleep during the act , should i stop immediately or can i carry on and just like pretend I haven't noticed ?

    If you carry on, and you tell her about it in the morning, and she is hungover from last nights drinking and feeling like hell, or she regrets going with you in the first place, or she simply feels like it, she will file a police report, you will charged w rape, and very likely convicted.

  2. Do you really believe what the US government tells you?


    I am not sure if that would work, but I do think cigarettes should be illegal, especially given that they are far more costly to society (in terms of dollars and deaths) than all of the "illegal" drugs combined.



    making something illegal only benefits organized crime, and that means rise of violent crime.

    Do you really believe tobacco and all of other illegal drugs can be compared? Do you believe heroin is less harmful than tobacco?

    The cost of health care for tobacco related illnesses can be higher than treatment , say, crack cocaine users. That is because number of tobacco user is much higher than crack users. Crack users are not treated in med facilities, as they should be, they are incarcerated.

    When has banning something ever been effective?

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  3. So again, why not petition the government to outlaw smoking completely?

    Smoking will become illegal, it is a matter of time only.

    I'm surprised some Scandinavian country hasn't made it illegal already.

    My guess is Sweden will be first country in the world to make it illegal.

    Of course we all know how well banning something works!

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  4. I know of no evidence saying there isn't.

    Most of the atheists I have known were either alcoholics, heroin addicts or sex-addicts. Interesting, as maybe they loved their drug of choice so much they refused to believe any evidence on the existence of God for fear they would lose it. Ex-addicts, however look on the God thing very differently. Would be interesting t see how many atheists lived in Pattaya!

    Not nice!

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  5. It is very sad and you said it - fear is the only thing stopping them and fear is all in the mind.

    I have met a few enlightened folks and agree that in their presence I felt something very special. They included top Buddhist Lamas(inc. HH the Dalai Lama), Hindu gurus general meditation experts.

    Strangely, I felt the same thing when I met Uri Geller, who is famous for bending spoons. I found out recently that he was used to find Saddam Hussain a few years ago. I met him on a TV show where I was hypnotically regressed (not by Uri)to a previous life.

    Can an atheist believe in re-incarnation as there is proof of that?

    Uri Geller is a fraud.

    Watch this classic clip, Johnny Carson Show,

    Most have prolly seen it, if not, watch it, it is quite amusing:

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  6. You did say I would be overwhelmed by your evidence and I am sorry to say that it did not occur.

    Scientific dating methods also have no bearing on whether or not there is a God. Scientists have many versions of radeologic dating. They have many because they get different results with different methods, so are keen to use the method that is likely to provide the answer they prefer.

    I may not have convinced you, but the evidence that there is no god is overwhelming. You may not accept that, but most rational minds would and do.

    Carbon dating is very precise. You say scientists can come up with a number they prefer. But that is precisely what science does not do, scientific theories have been proven over and over, they are no longer theories, they have become scientific facts. The results of dating techniques are repeatable, they are not some random numbers, made up just to annoy religeous people. That is why it is called science, not fiction. You may choose to ignore this if course.

    There are christians who believe Earth is 6000 years old. No amount of scientific evidence will ever change their beliefs.

    I onced watched a funny debate, a christian man was arguing how Earth is 6000 years old, and men walked the Earth same time as dinosaurs. Opponent was making a point that dino bones have been proven to be much older than 6000 years, christian mans responce was: god put these bones to trick us LOL

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  7. I know. Not here to enforce my beliefs, just chatting.

    Everybody should be free to believe what they want.

    Religeon becomes only an issue, when in some parts of the worl relgigeon makes living there difficult, and hazardous to your health, and life.

    Sent from my C6903 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  8. Peter cool , if you worked as a police volunteer you must have been sleeping . Sent from my SM-P601 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    And - specifically - just what did you witness inside a police station that contradicts my own observations on these jet ski cases ?

    You really should stop now.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  9. There is zero evidence there is a god. There is overwhelming scientific evidence there is no god.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Where was I the day science proved there was no God. I missed that completely.

    Was there any awards handed out?

    No no. Please not twist my post. I said there is zero evidence, I did not say science proved there is no god.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    You said "There is overwhelming scientific evidence there is no God". But I guess you didn't mean there is proof.

    Nevertheless, show us the evidence and let us be overwhelmed.

    What for thousands of years the faithful attributed to the supernatural such as the wrath of God, earthquakes, lighting strikes; draught; extreme weather, plague, have been explained by science.

    The work of Satan, deformed births, two headed sheep, plague, all explained by science.

    demonic possession/ witches", epilepsy, hysteria, catatonic states, have been shown by mans scientific awakening to be natural, explainable, even reproducible/ repeatable events, & processes.

    Radiologic dating, consistency of fossil species evidence within geologic strata, which meet stringent scientific criteria , provide overwhelming evidence of Old Earth and Evolution, rendering Creationism and Young Earth fables just that...unsupportable mumbo jumbo, with no scientific basis.

    Huge advances in medicine, showing black plague, cholera were not work of satan.

    Uncurable diseases, widely believed prayer will cure, but never did, now treatable, thanks to advances in science.

    Now its your turn, canuckamuck! Please show me evidence there is god, a single peace of evidence, please!

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  10. There is zero evidence there is a god. There is overwhelming scientific evidence there is no god.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Where was I the day science proved there was no God. I missed that completely.

    Was there any awards handed out?

    No no. Please not twist my post. I said there is zero evidence, I did not say science proved there is no god.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  11. Yes, good idea, tax the hell out of them (make them pay for the damage they are doing to themselves and society). And fine them for violating public health laws. And start building guillateens (sp) and select one of them each week. Put the act on TV. smile.png

    Yup, I agree public execution of smokers should begin tomorrow. You say select one of the them every week? With this kind of soft touch we're not gonna get anywhere. Daily mass hangings using the new light posts on Beach rd, I would say one poll could carry 5 hanging noose each.

    And why stop at smokers!? I want to incl all the people I dont like!

    Of course (I think) you know that I was joking. But that would be good entertainment (joking again). One does wonder what punishment should be inflected on people who smoke and actually kill other people with their fumes. If I killed another person, I would likely go to jail (in USA executed). I don't think smokers bring to the forefront of their conciousness what they are "potentially" doing to other people who do not smoke. We, the non-smokers, do not "fuc$%#g" want to inhale their cancerous-inducing fumes. I also think smokers are in a boat called "denial," and/or have little concern about their health. I know nicotine is a powerful narcotic that leads to addiction (odd that is is legal). Still, "addiction" is a poor excuse for the costs to society (in terms of health and deaths) that smokers are causing, which is far greater than the costs to society of all "illegal drugs" combined.

    Then why not petition the government to outlaw smoking completely?

    I can’t speak to Thailand, but in the US, smokers actually cost taxpayers less than non-smokers, plus additional revenue is generated selling cigarettes. Financially, smoking is good for everyone.

    I love to hear all the whiners piss and moaning about second-hand smoke.

    Many people in US live on junk food. Many people drink liters if soft drinks, full of corn syrup.

    Coronary illnesses is often linked to crap people eat, and lately there have been articles in medical journals saying sugar intake seems much more destructive than previous thought.

    I dont believe smokers are costing the most for tax payers. Hospital care of elderly is main burden.

    Anuways, US spends the most on health care in of Western nations, but it is far from best health care.

    US needs to move to single payer health care, like most of West. In US health care is a business, not care.

  12. if you are an atheist, you are a believer too.

    Not really. Believing in god, something supernatural, is not a same thing as believing in proven scientific theories.

    Most everything can be explained and understood using science. Believing in god is blind faith.

    There is zero evidence there is a god. There is overwhelming scientific evidence there is no god.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  13. Yes there is a markup that is capitalism. They also are providing a service of delivering the items to our chairs.

    If I approach you tonight, and insist you pay me for walking on the sidewalk, is that capitalism?

    They can offer anything at any mark up, but they have no right to forbid me buying from some place else.

    They have Thai right, of course.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  14. Yes there is a markup that is capitalism. They also are providing a service of delivering the items to our chairs. I thought that each business paid a fee to the city to rent the beach. Does anyone know for sure?Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Remember few years agi when City got all serious about number of chairs in each section, they vowed to limit number of chairs to 25. Nothing came of it.

    I is tricky how the beach chair business operates, the boss of the section pays somebody, but to who?

    Unless private property, all beaches are public. It is little bit like the guys starting charging for parking, in a public parking lot.

    Bringing their own food and drinks started happening 4-5 years ago, when Russians came to town. I too thought it wrong they bring their own drinks, cutting into chair peoples profits, but now I think they have every right to do it, cos Jomtien and Pattaya. beaches are public.

    The chair people own the chairs, and charge you for using their chairs. Of course they like to sell you drinks, and make profit. On food they can't make money, the dish costs you the same in that restaurant, where they beach chair boy brings it from.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  15. Swedish Laws - No Condom = Rape - Consensual or Not - Just ask Assange.

    Just a matter of time before the law reaches these shores. Just like the drug laws, drinking and driving, smoking in public etc.

    I'm surprised how the Swedish are able to reproduce then

    Never heard about this law.

    Nobody had heard about this strange law in Sweden, until Assange was wanted for questioning, this came as a surprise to most of world.

    Everything in Sweden is strictly regulated. Sweden was the 1st country in the world to pass a law, forbidding you smoking on the balcony of your own apartment, that was about 20 years ago.

    It wont take long, before law in Sweden will control how many breaths you can take in one minute. It is surprising, Sweden hasn't regulated this already, an obvious oversight by bureaucrats in Stockholm.

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  16. Swedish Laws - No Condom = Rape - Consensual or Not - Just ask Assange.

    Just a matter of time before the law reaches these shores. Just like the drug laws, drinking and driving, smoking in public etc.

    How do you make babies in Sweden ?

    This is a terrible situation and hopefully the musician will get his just deserts

    I believe that in the Assange case the allegation was that the woman had consented to sex with a condom. He was aware the that Condom had broken and continued. That is he had unprotected sex without consent.

    Yes! That is exactly it. And the charge would be rape.

    Maybe person living in Sweden 30 yrs is not familiar with absurdity of this Swedish law. Whatever it was, rape it was not. But the charge in this case is rape.

    And the moment Assange steps on Swedish soil, he arrested and extradited to US, Assange has sayd in interviews he is aware there is a US Grand Jury sealed indictment, espionage charges, just what Chelsea Manning was charged with.

  17. I'm all for letting people smoke. If they want to kill themselves and waste money it's there problem. What about letting me breath fresh clean air? Pattaya is loaded with unhealthy people killing themselves it's amazing really. It's like they want everyone else to get sick and die too!

    Smokers have the least to do with air quality in Pattaya, never mind Bangkok.

  18. Yes, good idea, tax the hell out of them (make them pay for the damage they are doing to themselves and society). And fine them for violating public health laws. And start building guillateens (sp) and select one of them each week. Put the act on TV. :)

    Yup, I agree public execution of smokers should begin tomorrow. You say select one of the them every week? With this kind of soft touch we're not gonna get anywhere. Daily mass hangings using the new light posts on Beach rd, I would say one poll could carry 5 hanging noose each.

    And why stop at smokers!? I want to incl all the people I dont like!

    • Like 1
  19. What is the 'new-fangled stuff' you're talking about?

    And what war is there to win? Or is that just an expression?

    All this nuclear science stuff. It seems a bit far-fetched to me, but if they can make bombs out of it then I'll place my faith in that, even though I don't really understand it, and I've never actually seen any evidence of it other than people explaining that that is what makes the sun hot.


    All this nuclear science seems far fetched? Not really, it is science, physics. It is not something like religeous faith, it cant fetched.

  20. Swedish Laws - No Condom = Rape - Consensual or Not - Just ask Assange.

    Just a matter of time before the law reaches these shores. Just like the drug laws, drinking and driving, smoking in public etc.

    Assange's case is bizzar, he is not even charged, only wanted for questioning. The female accusing him of not using a condoms has said Assange did use a condom, but at some point it came off. So she went and failed a complaint, if Assange will be questioned by Swedish police, the rape charge will be filed. I dont get it, why can't Swedish cops go and question him at Equadorian embassy in London.

    Rape charge can be a tricky thing.

    If the 20 yr old Swedish woman was druged, and guy did anything sexual, that is clearly rape.

  21. Well, he's probably been saving himself for several months now.

    Very possible,!

    I know a guy, he didn't practice this 'art' for about 2 years straight, he considered himself a virgin, well, almost.

    But it wouldn't last! He met this really cool Thai top guy couple of weeks ago in Pattaya, and he lost his virginity again. He said after 2 year break, it felt like first time.

    But only after reading this thread did he found out he is an artist!

  22. If he was a good looking straight guy, takeing it despite his objections, being penetrated, I'd watch that art. But this guy!? No, not art.

    But theses art school people have to come up with something shocking, everything has already done by other talentless artists, so he found an alley that hadnt been exploited yet. Got to give him credit, he got publicity.

    Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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