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Posts posted by sahibji

  1. 20 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

    we were in town yesterday , was not deserted ,but not all that busy  either ,mind you so many Brits not coming because of the high baht and now the virus ,two very big spenders ,just said not coming in March , one friend who is a bar hopper not coming Baht to high ,my family not coming same thing ,a friend just gone home usually here 1 month ,stayed only two weeks ,.

    please give some views about the bad publicity in pattaya - robbing and abuse by ladyboys, cruel attacks on foreigners (often by many against one) the ruthless tuk tuks and taxis (not all but certainly a fair number)

  2. Just now, davidstipek said:

    You really want to Boost Tourism here?




    2 things are needed and this includes for India and China!


    1: Raise the value of U.S. Dollar in relationship to the Thai Baht by 6-8 Baht per Dollar. (This is more where it should be anyway!).

    2: Offer Visa Exempt Status to U.S. and British Citizens! One additional stipulation... They screw-up it any way, no matter how big or small they will be deported and Barred for life.


    These two things will do massive Benefits to Thailand! Plus and added Bonus of Improving Exports 200%, Putting Thai's back to work. Raising Mom and Pop shops income 500% along with Major Stores 250%. Aslong as you don't screw up and raise prices!! Profit should be made on Volume of Items sold... Not on Price of each Item!


    germans and the hungarians travel fair bit to destinations providing value for money.

  3. 45 minutes ago, gtm2k said:

    Before the intellectuals on this thread light up concerning arrival of indian tourists - take a deep breath !

    The top 5 destinations that indians most visit are -

    Singapore, UAE, UK, US and then Thailand

    So please dont worry, we will always only have left over change to spend here...

    singapore is for the shopping experience; u a e is also for shopping; uk is very likely visiting relatives and the u s is shopping and leisure.

  4. 13 hours ago, notasmartassknowitallfarag said:

    Absolute chav scumbags did this. I feel for the guy, hopefully they will get caught and no 500 baht fines please. 


    I also feel for foreigners here who get beat down 7 on 1, even if it was for being an annoying drunk. We all make mistakes. 

    unfortunately many will get away scotts free and that is what making the situation in UK so unsafe. the police enforcement is poor.

  5. 3 hours ago, macleans said:

    Farang by itself generally isn't an offensive term.


    The most commonly accepted theory in Thailand about the origin of the term "farang" suggests that Thais borrowed this term from the Arabs who started trading with the kingdom of Siam hundreds of years ago. The Arabs called the Franks, who were the French ancestors, "Farangi". As the French were the very first group of westerners who Siam contacted centuries back, they used this term to refer to the French. The Siamese extended usage of the term "farang" to refer to other westerners who arrived years later.


    The word farang at the time and mostly in today's usage is not a racial slur, just like the word "Orientals" that westerners used to call East Asians. It is shorter and, hence, more convenient to use, especially when they don't know where the person in question comes from -- vs. chow tawon tok (westerners), khon ungkrit (English), khon farang-sed (French), etc. 


    The term farang can sometimes have an offensive meaning when a term "tah narm kaow" (literally describes the light color of westerners' eyes) attached to it e.g., farang tah narm kaow.

    not only that they "attack" foreigners like wild dogs, often many against one and they can be thoughtless and brutal and that is frightening.

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