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Posts posted by sahibji

  1. 15 hours ago, mettech said:

    What a scum bag if he has no money to be here he should be kick out and make him to apologize to us farangs we are the one who stay behind and face the retaliation .

    who is going to retaliate against you for the action of sole offender. kidding are you?

  2. 15 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

    Thailand is the land where I never take anything literally, even if something seems obvious. The English guy could have simply been lost, saw a parked taxi, stopped his car, walked up to the front of the taxi in the hope of asking the driver for directions, saw the driver was not there and then went on his merry way.

    thank you for making my day. nice joke. ha ha ha

  3. 16 hours ago, docshock13 said:

    In addition to the theft, he should be charged for whatever that is that appears to be on his head.

    whatever appears on his head is his personal right. that is no offence. the theft of course is unforgivable. he  must have know that there must be items of value in the vehicle. to steal the driver's licence is beyond any reasonable logic.

  4. 16 hours ago, z42 said:

    And yet the daylight robbery these same tuk tuk drivers perpetrate with their overpriced fares and boorish behaviour when on duty everyday goes completely unpunished.

    Another fail for the BIB. And am not saying this idiot deserved to get his stuff stolen, but not locking his door is a pretty dumb move by any standards

    the two issues cannot be compared from any angle. stealing is different from boorish behaviour or overcharging.

  5. 16 hours ago, mercman24 said:

    i would call that a baht bus not a tuk tuk.

    what is in a name. the point is that the Brit stole which is shocking as the tuk tuk drivers are a close knit community and will not hesitate to collectively retaliate against offenders .this  must one stupid or utterly daring Brit.

  6. On 13/10/2016 at 5:28 PM, gemguy said:

    Hmmm...simple enough .....BUT why is it they take down the little guy when it is the larger guys that would make a difference.

    I know...I already know...but ......It would be interesting to hear all the reasons, valid or humorous,  as to why they do not follow the guy back to his sources and drug dealing accomplices and round them all up at once...like a bunch of cattle ....lol


    gemguy this game is not that simple. the police will certainly investigate as to how far they can go to reach the network. the offenders' houses  may also yield some clues.

  7. On 13/10/2016 at 10:21 PM, fruitman said:

    When something bad happens at a university they like to mention the name, why not mention which golf driving range it happened?

    not of  serious relevance but yes they could have mentioned it after the operation was performed. maybe the golf range requested withholding the information in the interest of their members. it is not a good publicity for the members or the range.

  8. On 13/10/2016 at 0:45 PM, Brer Fox said:

    Not having to chase after ya ba dealers will be a load off for the police when the government makes it legal. Then they can concentrate on the heavy duty drugs likes shisha smoking and electronic cigarettes. This military administration has lost the plot.

    making it free for all may spread the habit too far and wide in the society and make it difficult to handle thereafter.


    shsiha  in original form only uses tobacco and is less harmful than cigarettes unless of course hard drugs are added in.

  9. On 14/10/2016 at 11:41 AM, Wazza1 said:

    I fully support the raids and any secret detention, they can even torture them for all I care, they can even hold them down and shove bacon in their mouths, good to see a Government not pandering to terrorist wannabes for once.

    you are right. fighting the terrorists is not an east task. they know your strength but you do not know theirs. see how tilted the battle field is. they can strike with a knife, a gun, a car , a body worn bomb and even aeroplanes. how to guess what is coming next?

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