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Posts posted by sahibji

  1. 37 minutes ago, Emster23 said:

    Know of father who had choice of prison or monkhood for getting daughter pregnant.

    That said, we can't say he did this horrible crime because he was a monk (at least I hope not)

    Part of Buddhism includes view that we all have Buddha nature within us, and optimistically take in everyone to be monks. This guy has really hidden his Buddha nature deep.

    here is where my view diverges. no we all do not have Budhha nature within us.

  2. 24 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

    Good job by the Police,to quickly arrested this monster,

    there must have been witnesses,plus DNA,so he cannot

    squirm his way out of it,and that the sentence fits the 

    crime,so he ends up rotting in jail,where  he will be on

    the receiving end.

    regards worgeordie

    worgeordie  it is difficult nor to be sentimental about this issue as a little innocent child is involved. i totally agree that the punishment should fit the crime. 

  3. 17 minutes ago, trainman34014 said:

    RIP the poor little soul.


    I keep trying to point out to my wife's family that Monks are just men wearing yellow robes and you can't change a mans mentality, character or temperament just by changing his clothes.   However; they are brainwashed into thinking these people are some kind of Saints !

    once upon a time the monks were saintly but unfortunately some corruption has crept into the profession and it is these black sheep who taint the good name of the entire community.

  4. 4 minutes ago, scorecard said:


    Recently a monk checked into my hotel in Bkk, along with 2 teenage boys, maybe 14 - 16 years old.


    Room locked for 2 days. Room service meals left outside the door.


    Then check out, monk paid room, meals and alcohol in cash.

    i hope you did bring it to the attention of the police or other social authorities who might be able to help out. true the evidence is circumstantial but circumstances do indicate something abnormal.

  5. 37 minutes ago, dictater said:

    There was finally a crossing barrier put in on the tracks near my house but the arms come down ten minutes before the train comes, so therefore everyone, including the police whose station is just next to it and myself ignore them and do what we always did, look up and down the tracks and proceed. 

    yes  at least that basic  safety measure ought to be observed. 

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