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Posts posted by sahibji

  1. 44 minutes ago, trainman34014 said:

    So; according to the report it was the truck that 'broke through the barrier'...not the driver.   So typical of Thai thinking and behaviour.


    When this moron gets a new vehicle will he have learned anything from this experience ?   Highly unlikely has to be the answer !

    negligence written all over in this case. the driver did not exercise due caution.

  2. On 08/10/2016 at 8:37 AM, khwaibah said:

    Nothing new in this. Immigration is opening more regional offices throughout Thailand and they do not have the personal or equipment to staff them. 4 hours to do a 90 day report at the new Buriram Immigration, no staff and no equipment.

    when open the regional offices in the absence of the possibility of getting staff and the relevant equipment.

  3. 17 hours ago, Xircal said:


    I think Mr. Denton's estimate is a little exaggerated. There were only four flights arriving around that time with two of them using an A320 which can carry 150 passengers, an 737-800 which can carry up to 215 pax and a third one using an A330-300. An A330 can carry up to 277 passengers making a total of 792 pax in all (assuming all four flights were full which might not be the case). If you look at the image, it looks like there were more than four flights, but apart from the last two which I've outlined in green, the others were all codeshare flights. The first four which I've outlines in red was a codeshare operated by Thai using the A330.


    It's still a lot but those same flights would have been handled in the same way in the old terminal so I don't see what all the fuss is about suddenly.


    three and a half hours to get through immigration and customs is anything but a harrowing experience.

  4. coordination is such an integral part of an operation  that some  simple omissions can jeopardise the entire operation. a brand new terminal  building  is proving to be of little help in solving the immigration queues due to lack of matching number of computer terminals and processing equipment. the co-ordination process went haywire some where leading to the fiasco.

  5. 2 hours ago, impulse said:


    Do yourself a favor.  Go to your medicine cabinet and write down a list of all your perfectly legal prescriptions.  If you're as old as a lot of us, the list won't be short.


    Then Google each one to see if it will ring the bell on a cheap, first pass piss test.  And figure that the more sophisticated test that will eventually exonerate you may take a week or two.  During which time you'll be a guest of the local jail.


    My BKK doctor strongly suggested I stay away from bars where I'm likely to be piss tested.  He said I'd eventually be cleared, but why risk a couple of weeks of misery?

    thanks for the enlightenment. most elderly are on a truck load of medication daily.

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