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Posts posted by sahibji

  1. On 14/10/2016 at 11:25 AM, bark said:

    Note the signs at construction sites across the country. " Safety First " .

    Nothing else matters when it comes to stopping these animals.

    And remember all the information, is coming from USA, Australia, British , Russian intel.

    surely a concerted effort will be necessary to combat the threat, if at all. if some of the innocents suffer for the betterment of the whole society. the risk is worth it. in any case there can never be a perfect operation.

  2. On 14/10/2016 at 11:07 AM, Stargrazer9889 said:

    To all you commenters, I hope you are now wondering what your lives will be like for the next few months..

      I am thinking that your lives, at least for the expats in Thailand will be changed as of today..

      I am hoping to have a real great Holiday in Thailand after Jan2 2017. Good Luck to you all

    until then.  For myself, I have not had a negative attitude of the present Government and of

    he military, as they have a very difficult job to do, especially now.  I do remember the past,

    and it was not as rosy as some of you  seem to remember


    Stargazer9889 these are times of uncertainties. should we not give it a little time to see how things work out before making forecasts.

  3. On 14/10/2016 at 11:04 AM, dotpoom said:


    All politicians promise transparency when running for election....then pull down the shutters if they get in.

    it can be ensured that there is transparency provided there is a meeting of minds between the government and the people. A responsible people and a responsible government can bring that about. there are living examples of such transparency.

  4. 7 minutes ago, farcanell said:

    Monks with iPhones... wiki monks.... ?


    but what I want to know is, should either party win a defamation case, who pays the court costs... and who makes the defamation payout? 


    the same monastery, given neither have money, being monks and all?

    i wonder how they come to own and bear the charges for the operation of the phone as the monks are not supposed to be own material things.

  5. 51 minutes ago, neeray said:

    "..... many tourists will shift their trips to other countries such as Vietnam, Indonesia or Philippines.... "

    Vietnam -- more dangerous roads and motorcyclists than Thailand (from what I hear). 

    Indonesia -- take a noise cancelling headset if you stay in Jakarta. The loud speaker prayer music is deafening. Beware if you are not a Muslim. 

    Philippines - get robbed, maybe decapitated or scammed. 

    I still prefer Thailand. The chance of being in the wrong place at the wrong time is so minuscule. 

    Bombs threats be darned. 

    or kidnapped in the Philippines. 

  6. 47 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

    you are a bunch of wimps, mention the word terrorist and you all pee in your pants, you have more chance of being hit by lightning than being killed by a bomb in Thailand. Yes i know it has happened before but so have road accidents. Look on the bright side,it's safer here than in Afghanistan or on the streets of London.

    Afghanistan  yes but on what authority is the comparison made with London. it is not being wimps but to ignore know or prospective threats is surely perilous to out own health.

  7. 41 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

    Wouldn't be surprised if they start indicting tourists for defamation if they write anything negative online about Thailand. Wouldn't even be surprised if Thais in their heat for max tourist number start kidnapping people from Swampy and count them as tourists. 


    The effect of tourism on GDP seems to be quoted somewhere around 10%. With the constant whining about abcxyz hurting tourism the truth must be nearer to 90%.

    Yann55 that about sums up the situation well. on its part TAT ought to present the true situation to the world so that correct perceptions prevail.

  8. 21 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

    Foreign govts give out scare notices for a reason,to cover their own arse and increase local tourism.Also suits the scare campaign they run to try and convince their own citizens that they know best and have everything under control.

    is it  not the duty of a responsible government to give out a fair advisory if the situation so warrants. how can we be certain that there is additional agenda in the advisory.

  9. the tourist agenciest should not fear the temporary drop in tourism as remaining transparent will only strengthen the image as a responsible country. indonesia is as open to attacks as any other country. it is doubtful that people will make a beeline to philippines  any time soon considering their domestic circumstances.keep the world informed of the existing situation. it will be to your eventual advantage.

  10. 12 minutes ago, Gandtee said:

    This preposterous! A Spa offering sexual services? I find this very hard to believe. We were told some time back, by a politician doing an onsite check on Walking Street that there was no prostitution! We were assured by this revered politician and now some contrived accusations have been made to the contrary. Unbelievable! :sad:

    a land of smiles and surprises.... at every corner.

  11. 16 hours ago, Alive said:

    The whole story about this possible event seems silly to me. These cars models make it even more ridiculous. And although BKK would be a great target for some international terrorist group I just don't think it would be a needed target for these folks to make a larger statement about their problems in the south. The south is about land and rights for them. Islam may have some role in that too but its more about their 'homeland'. Well that's how I see.

    perhaps it is best to leave religion out of the equation until some data indicates otherwise.

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