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Posts posted by sahibji

  1. 14 minutes ago, cruisemonkey said:

    They did have a compass, but thought it was broken because no matter what they did the needle kept pointing in the same direction.

    only one compass amongst 2O+ people. Should they also not carry warning devices like flares and heavy duty communication equipment. or was it a case of over confidence - "nothing is going to happen to me"

  2. 4 hours ago, fruitman said:

    They also buy food/bread which is presented totally open in the bakery or foodmarket. I've seen people sneezing over it, touching it and putting it back and what not. Also soidogs/cats are allowed to lick food on the markets or go into shops. They even might have rabies.



    just preposterous but i  believe you as you must have witnessed such incidents

  3. 5 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

    What an over reaction! The dog was just licking off the bacteria growing from the unrefrigerated eggs..all the other items have wrappers, just like skin acting as a barrier...


    thank god no one saw the soi dogs in the back pissing on the unattended food crates waiting in the sun as the delivery man takes a leak. I wonder if he washed his hands before handling the food crates again?


    get real guys...much worse things are happening to your food items that you don't see....


    one should much more concern about proper cleaning and disinfectant procedures than whose licking a plate. Hot water is rarely used here in restaurants noodle shops and unfortunately at home. How many homes here have dishwashers or kitchen sink hot water? Those are the questions one should be asking....



    what you do not see is something you can do nothing  about. it is  situation that you witness that leaves the impression. as i mentioned elsewhere i have walked away from situations where I witnessed food handlers also sharing their love for their pets simultaneously.

  4. 5 hours ago, seajae said:

    removed and destroyed, do they honestly expect people to believe that when they will sell out of date items so they dont lose any profits. Dogs should not be allowed inside any shop especially one that sells food, just goes to show the arrogance and lack of respect the dog owner has for everyone else. I actually walked out of one of our favourite restuarants last year and havent been back since after seeing people sitting at a table with their dog and it was licking the plates and they were all laughing about it. I have always had dogs but would never allow them to go into any shop let alone lick the produce, there are limits with animals and allowing them to lick anything/one after they have been licking their own ar*e is not a really good idea.

    agree with you.

  5. 28 minutes ago, Cake Monster said:

    Dogs in 7/11 stores are just the tip of an extremely unsanitary iceberg.

    Be aware of the dogs " smuggled " into the Tesco Lotus Food Halls, and the street food seller who has been carting her dog around all day sitting on the preparation table for her food.

    If you question these people the inevitable response will be " my dog is a clean dog mister - so whats your problem ? "

    My particular problem is that these so called clean dogs have been licking their balls all day on a food preparation table 


    i have witnessed similar disgusting scenes and walked away from such outlets. I have seen them play with the pets and then continue with food preparation for the customers with wishing their hands at all.

  6. 3 hours ago, smedly said:

    info like this should never ever be covered up, if there is a possible threat then it should always be made public no matter what, the public are a very necessary tool in combating such attacks, if anything they should be telling the public what to look for and to stay vigilant and report anything suspicious to the authorities immediately

    smedly right way to go.

  7. 31 minutes ago, biplanebluey said:

    2 or 3 years !!!!!!!!!!!!! There might not be much left to see by then----------- everybody walking around like zombies with microchips inside,no prostitution all banned.No drugs no cigarettes,no beer or whiskey,no moving around,pick a house and stay there for life.Report to special authority every 48hrs and minimum 2,000,000bt in bank.All laws strictly enforced with only 2 sentences for non-obeyance---- deported or executed.Welcome to the future!!!!!!!!

    comments of one fertile mind.


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