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Posts posted by MikeyIdea

  1. 8 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    "According to the report of #COVID19 cases in #Thailand, there is a high number of infections in #Bangkok. BMA plans to work on active case finding, with the goal of testing 26,850 persons per week, to find new cases and prevent the spread of the disease effectively."


    This works out around 3,800 tests a day in Bangkok through active finding, an improvement but falling far short of what is necessary and leaving many areas where their are hospital walk ins untouched.






    Thanks for that. Only Bangkok but still, IMO, they are stretched or they would have increased those numbers. Not a good sign.

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, ThailandRyan said:
    1 hour ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    Do you think they are still tracking and tracing "all" positive cases and placing all close contacts into self isolation?Because trying to that many each day has got to be pretty tricky. 

    I agree. Now they are just going house to house since it appears many are infected in those areas. 


    They simply can't in Bangkok but I think they do in other areas.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Cadan said:

    why would you think that Asians spent more then Western ?  Have you have counted the number of average stay per visitor ? Europeans dont fly her for the weekend. The average is at least 10-14 days. 


    Just read the statistics published in the matter. Westerners are second to Asia in total tourist spending.  


  4. 1 hour ago, johnnybangkok said:

    Most office based companies have already taken the initiative and have their staff working from home. I've had mine working from home for the last 3 weeks. Different story with factories and the likes of course but most conscientous employers have taken this difficult decisions as the government is avoiding using the word 'lockdown' like the plague (pun intended).  


    The office workers in the company I used to work for (FMCG) has worked from home most of the time since December. Only the sales force is out and not much at that, they've nearly doubled their credit exposure to reduce visits, stopped nearly all top-up sales, the company provides free PPE etc., not the flimsy type.  I find that many companies are acting very responsibly actually. 


    • Like 2
  5. 37 minutes ago, BritManToo said:


    What part have you played in Thailand's COVID policy?


    We because I am a permanent resident who only have left Thailand 6-7 times the last 30 years, mainly have Thai friends and normally speak more Thai than English by now and enjoy voting in the local elections.


    • Like 1
  6. We're fairly stable around 2,000 (a couple of days doesn't mean a clear trend) and the Songkran window is closing but I still think we really have to be on our toes here. The virus quietly brewed in Lombardy for weeks before it took off, it did the same in New York, then it exploded with a vengeance. And that was a less contagious strain. 


    I don't like these around 2,000 per day figures. Sure, IMO anyway, the Thai contact tracing has been first class, still is, but they easily could lose this one if it doesn't start to go down soon. Contract tracing could get overwhelmed and it's enough if a few of the 10?, 20?, 30? thousand they try to contact every day can't be reached (and is infected) and we could have a few more clusters every day. 
    Hospitals will get / are already overloaded. They are switching to quarantine at home so most or at least many of the other family members in the house hold will get infected.
    IMO, the Thai economy will lose much more not controlling this than what a lockdown will cost. Why? Most business will still go on as usual, factories will still produce and export. Only smaller parts of the Thai economy will be shut down. And what about the future tourism? Westerners with their gung-ho attitude to covid-19 will still come during 2022 but Asians will not! And income from Asian tourism is much greater than Western tourism. 
    The next 15 days will decide I think
    • Like 2
  7. 36 minutes ago, rabas said:

    When I try to register with my pink card using Line, the entry after the ID number requests the number from the back of the ID card. This is a number that starts with one or more letters.   I do not see this number anywhere on the yellow Tabien Ban.


    Did you have to enter that number?



    I read in one place on the internet that the number was not required but it is set as required in the app. You can register by entering a blank (again not first hand info, internet) but don't know what would happen later. 


    What would a day be without conflicting information in Thailand ????

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  8. 1 hour ago, newnative said:

    You need a pink ID card to use the app.  I believe it is only accepting people over 60.  It accepted me but my Thai partner, 55, needs to wait for the next group.  I don't know if there is a way for it to accept younger people with health issues--perhaps others have info on this.  


    You actually don't need a pink ID card, what you need is an ID number. I had a yellow tabien baan with an ID number in (starting with 6) but I never bothered to get a pink card in the past (separate process). I had to get a pink card when I became a permanent resident. ID number changes when you become a permanent citizen, Blue tabien ban and pink ID card will then have an ID number starting with 8 (and you have to get a new pink ID card if you had one before).     

  9. 48 minutes ago, EricTh said:

    Is there a way to register instead of going through LINE?


    Why don't Thailand have a link to a website like everyone else in the world? 


    Probably because everybody uses Line here and the application offers better functionality. You can also install line on your computer, then click to start the process there. It'll immediately open a webpage in your default browser. 


    This is the link. I don't know if this will work if you don't have a line account 



    • Like 1
  10. 47 minutes ago, EricTh said:



    I thought I've posted somewhere.


    Phase 1 (Mar-May): Health workers & frontline workers

    Phase 2 (Jun-Jul): Aged 60 and above (Astrazeneca only)

    Phase 3 (Aug - Dec):Aged 18-59


    Unless you have serious health issue, I don't think they will accept. Almost everyone has high blood pressure, mild diabetic nowadays due to poor diet (too much sugar, no exercise) so this isn't considered 'serious'.


    So you have to wait until phase 3 , the same as me. If everybody skip queue, I might also want to skip queue.


    You skipping the queue or not is up to your concience, I won't.

    I'll only take the vaccine if I am eligable.


    Don't assume to know how serious complications a stranger has. It sounds silly


  11. Is this only open for people over 60? Or? 

    I'm a permanent resident, 57, I am retired but not 60 yet, 2 risk groups. I chose monthly pension so not contributing to the health care system any longer. I get an error on the first page in the line app, "please fill in correctly..." but I already have, exactly as spelled, perhaps except the laser code that blue ID cards have. Pink ID cards don't have it, there's another number but it doesn't work if I fill it in.


    I would assume that retired Thais can register even though they don't contribute any longer, is it age or something else? Any idea?

  12. Is this only open for people over 60? Or? 

    I'm a permanent resident, 57, I am retired but not 60 yet. I chose monthly pension so not contributing to the health care system any longer. I get an error on the first page in the line app, "please fill in correctly..." but I already have, perhaps except the laser code that blue ID cards have. Pink ID cards don't have it, there's another number but it doesn't work if I fill it in.


    I would assume that retired Thais can register even though they don't contribute any longer, is it age or something else? Any idea?


  13. 1 hour ago, Danderman123 said:

    The millions, tens of millions of tests that Europe and the US have made haven'timproved their situation much.”


    That doesn't say no testing Danderman. It just says that all their tens of millions of tests haven't improved their situation much, that's all. And it's true, isn't it? 


    IMO, it's simply because their other measures and actions were inadequate. Take the UK for instance, they mass tested but left international airports open and hundreds of thousands of people entered the country, walked straight out of the airports, many infected already. And take the US - I don't want to be told what to do so I'm not going to wear a mask and practice social distancing. I'm going to go out and demonstrate against the measures without wearing a mask instead ????


    Other measures, more mask wearing population and targeted testing have worked pretty well for Thailand this far. I have no idea if it's going to be enough this time too


    • Like 2
  14. 29 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

    You are making the wrong conclusion.


    The other measures are useless without testing. For example, the UK is successfully using testing to re-open the country.


    Where did I say without testing? Read again. What I question is how much testing is needed and I think we can read out that I think that mass testing with the measures western countries have implemented doesn't work

  15. 19 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

    Testing is the only way that officials know when to start and stop lockdowns. There is no way to manage an epidemic without adequate testing, only the basket cases don’t test.


    I responded to meltonpie's comment that testing was nowhere near enough.


    Sure we need testing to know when to end lockdowns but what kind of testing (mass or targeted) and together with what other measures? Western countries except Sweden implemented mass testing and where did that take them? Ehhhh... Thailand practiced targeted testing and it has worked pretty well.


    It is testing combined with other measures that decide success. There must be something else very wrong in every single western country if mass testing is necessary as Thailand's tactics this far has been a success and western mass testing countries have failed.


    Future will tell, we'll just have to wait and see  


  16. 12 hours ago, meltonpie said:

    I can agree with that.

    And also nowhere near enough.


    That will depend on the end result, won't it? The millions, tens of millions of tests that Europe and the US have made haven't improved their situation much.


    We'll have to be patient and wait a month or two to see the end result of the Thai testing effort before we can say if it was enough or not

  17. 19 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    “Airborne infection isolation rooms (AIIR) are most equipped for patients with severe conditions who require intubation. Modified AIIRs, which are secondary, can also accommodate those with severe conditions. These two types of rooms are already 70 per cent to 80 per cent (occupied),” deputy director of the Medical Services Department Nattapong Wongwiwat said at a press conference on Tuesday."


    Hmmm, those 2 types of rooms are 100% full at Rajavithi hospital in Bangkok

    • Like 2
  18. 10 hours ago, tgw said:


    the choice of Moderna or Pfizer is about effectiveness.

    against blood clots, I will just take blood thinner, will buy it myself if it's not provided.


    My mother got the Moderna vaccine, no problems at all with the first shot but the second one made her quite ill for 4-5 days. No vaccine is 100% safe against side effects.


    The figures for effectiveness are mainly for the earlier varants. It may change as the virus mutates

  19. The Labour department supports workers really well in Thailand but I don't think this case is clear-cut. Sure they want verbal, then written warning for less serious cases but the company I used to work for also fired one employee for driving over 160 kph with another employee in the car and he didn't slow down when told to. The scared employee reported it to internal controls and the guy was fired without warning. We dubbed him Mini Michael Schumacher. Strange but funny things happening in Thailand. He accepted his fate and left.


    I have no idea what really would have happened if he'd gone to the labour department, we less involved who didn't know what the lawyers said speculated that risking a co-workers life should be serious enough. No way the company would have done it otherwise.



  20. 39 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Never said it was a great cover up, I said hidden.  Ask your friend if she has access to the locked off portion of the MOPH data base showing pneumonia cases for 2020 and the number of deaths related to such.  This is one part of the true equation, and at one time until a report, that has now been scrubbed from the internet and some still have saved, the numbers were accessible.  However once that report came out on excess deaths things were put in a location few could access unless you had the password.  I listed that back in February and March when we had a discussion here on this forum prior to this wave.  It sucks that they would move things away from public view and scrutiny, but they obviously had their reasons.  Until true transparency can be done then I would take everything with that proverbial grain of salt.  There is another report running in another OP where a Doctors group that runs a page on Facebook is finally calling out the Government and Anutin.  Yes they were told not to spread information around or risk severe governmental action and only the CCSA could give out case numbers.  


    Some wasn't you Ryan. 


    No, she of course dosn't have access to a locked database. But I still think it's quite telling that one of the main covid hospitals in Bangkok wasn't that busy with covid between April and December.


    It's quite common that only authorities give out numbers. Individual elderly homes and hospitals in Sweden were also ordered to report to the provincial authorities and not give out individual numbers. Then authorities provided the details that benefited them and conveniently left the rest out. I also really dislike that style.


  21. 2 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Cases hidden in the past can be attributed to excess deaths. I had 3 family members in their 60's pass away in February and march of last year at home in the Udon THani Province.  Were given meds at the always full government hospital and sent home where they passed with family around them.  They were never tested, and the death was said to be respiratory in nature.  The outer provincial hospitals have always been pretty full even before Covid.  Thank you for your clarification as to the origination of your post.  Bangkok may not have been full as you claim during those times, but those were more than likely the regular wards.  Prior to field hospitals being erected all hospitals had isolation ward, negative pressure rooms for treating any and all covid positive patients.  There were always patients in the hospitals for Covid, so unless your many and vast friends worked specifically in these units and then traveled to the ASQ hotels daily you would never know this as they were keeping a lid on those folks.  I was in BNH hospital last week for an appointment and then this Monday for an appointment.  The hospital looked for all intensive purposes to be empty, but looks are deceiving.  The upper floors are fairly full in the isolation wards and critical care units.  Of course all hospitals I would think still have room for treating other than Covid patients.


    Thanks for the answer. I don't think there was any "put the lid on". I don't hear that at all.


    The wife of an old friend of mine is a senior nurse at Rajawithi hospital, one of the main covid hospitals in Bangkok. Sure she works on a normal ward but being the senior nurse, it's her job to brief the other staff on her ward. They have a standard process for communication of infectious diseases which she communicates at the start of each shift she leads, if there's anything interesting to report of course. The process was there long before covid.


    I don't say that she always had the number of infected at the hospital but she sometimes did, and communicated it. The numbers were up during wave 1, then went down a lot until December when it went up again. The numbers were not zero but not greater than that they could be explained by infected returnees. Could the numbers all have been made up? I don't think so. Being "an oldie" at the hospital, she knows most of the other senior nurses and I know that she knows some of the nurses at the infectious diseases floor(s). People talk. There were no discrepancies.  


    Sure, some deaths have been mis-diagnised, but she would shake her head in disbelief if she heard of the "great cover-up" some believe here at TV. There's no talk about cover-ups in, Bangkok anyway, so I don't think there is one.


    By the way, they quickly ran out of negative pressure rooms of course. To expand, they cleared more and more floors of "normal" patients, moved them to other floors. They are not entirely full but I bet that's because they don't allow it to happen.  


  22. 10 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:


    I believe he must think it is a conspiracy, beds in hospitals are empty, and it is not happening based upon the many friends he claims to have in the medical field.  Some people won't believe it even when it's staring them in the face. 


    Second time I don't put enough from the original post in. My bad

    My post was a response to Excel's post about all the cases that he claim the government had hidden in the past, the cases that never ended up in hospital. 

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