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Posts posted by MikeyIdea

  1. Just hit an interesting snag. I registered for the vaccine on [email protected] a while back. I'm a permanent resident so I selected the permanent resident option and included copy of passport, my alien book and the red police book. All nicely scanned, crisp and clear. I don't plan to leave Thailand so I don't have a re-entry visa.


    Got an email today stating that my vaccine request cannot be processed due to lack of required visas... I can only think of 2 possible options:

    1) You must have a re-entry permit even though one is not required if you don't want to leave the country

    2) Perhaps it's the same as the land transport department at Chatuchak. They refused to let me re-register my car because I didn't have a visa expiry date. I explained that it's difficult for immigration to know when I will die - as a permanent resident is allowed to stay in the country for life, making a few Thai's queueing around me laugh. That didn't impress them but it made me happy. 


    They are not making it easy for foreigners to get vaccinated



    • Thanks 1
  2. 1 hour ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    Well, the comment I was replying to was very simple.  But your more detailed comment is interesting.  Is the fact that cases (and deaths?) in Vietnam are still rising despite the severe lockdown, attributable to the new strain or the ineffectiveness of the lockdown?

    I'd say it already has had a noticable effect in Vietnam, just not enough to turn things around (yet?). Look at the graphs of Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand and compare with Vietnam. Up like a rocket vs. steady much slower increase. Delta is vicious.   

    • Like 2
  3. 6 hours ago, 2 is 1 said:

    Total BS!


    Sweden travel restrictions:


    They really test pickers when entry country and isolate them for 7 days.




    Nonsense, there's a whole lot of "recommendation" and "should" but as usual, zero checks and zero follow-up. This is Sweden you talk about.


    First https://polisen.se/en/the-swedish-police/the-coronavirus-and-the-swedish-police/travel-to-and-/from-sweden/


    Follow the link to: 



    "Recommendation to get tested and self-isolate after arriving in Sweden. Applies only after entry from certain countries, so-called third countries

    In addition to the recommendation above, it is also recommended that those who, seven days before arriving in Sweden, have visited or entered from a so-called third country outside the EU that is not on the EU list of exempted third countries. That is, from a country that is not a member of the EU or EEA and where the spread of infection is currently relatively high. In these cases, you should:

    • Get tested for COVID-19 as soon as possible after arriving in Sweden, preferably on the same day. Find out how to get tested by visiting 1177.se
    • Get another test five days after your arrival in Sweden. Find out how to get tested by visiting 1177.se
    • Self-isolate and avoid close contact with other people for at least seven days after arriving in Sweden... "


    Sorry for the strange fonts   


    • Confused 2
  4. 2 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Pray tell how they would have been allowed to board a flight, oh wait fake certificates.  Is that even possible in todays day and age where follow-ups are supposedly being done by the airlines as well as a self attestation being signed by the flier.  Maybe faked certs in Sweden, perhaps, or is the employer grasping at straws and trying to deflect from his practices on safety

    Sweden doesn't test at arrival. The Thai agent in Thailand probably provided fake certs to most of them. Easy to do unfortunately

    • Thanks 2
  5. 59 minutes ago, James105 said:

    You really are blaming the wrong people here.  The WHO advise against wearing masks when exercising for good reason.   You should be grateful there are people taking care of themselves as these people are less likely to need a hospital bed if they contract the virus.  In the absence of vaccines  this is the best thing someone can do to protect themselves against severe illness.    If you are going to be angry at someone, be angry at the idiots who closed the parks in the first place - they are directly responsible for this. 

    OK, so parks are closed, that was easy. Here's something a bit more difficult. Do you think that people planning to exercise without mask who cannot find a quiet, near deserted place to do it should exercise where there are people around or not exercise at outside at all? 

    • Like 1
  6. 42 minutes ago, robblok said:

    why would you show leniancy to guests that break the rules ? I mean if you have enough problems at home why let your guests do this. 


    Normally I am all for 1 punishment for all but got a lot less sympathy for foreigners doing this. Its always the same crowd who defends this and disagrees with all restrictions. So if these people get caught twice they should just be deported. 

    Great post. Common sense for most people, the foreigners who do this are so thick and selfish that warnings are useless. Fine first time, just deport them and make them persona non grata the second time

  7. 1 hour ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    Nah no sarcasm there so no misunderstanding on your part.So now we must ensure that everyone must get vaccinate every year for the flu because the flu also kills people and to not vaccinate against the flu is deliberately risking other people's live and it has been thus a long time before this virus came along so are you accusing every who hasn't been vaccinating against the flu of deliberately endangering the lives of those that died of the flu?Oh that's right this is different because it's not the flu even though the flu has been killing people for a lot longer than covid has.

    I must say you confuse me  

    2 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    "So you're willing to put your family and the community at risk of dying until you can get a vaccine of your choice even if it takes another 6 months?"

    And then you say that you're against all restrictions aginst people who are not vaccinated. 


    2 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    I'm against any restrictions placed on people who don't get vaccinated as has started happening in France and has been hinted at in Oz

    It doesn't make sense. And now you compare the seasonal flu with covid-19. Yes, the seasonal flu kills but it doesn't make the health care system break down. Max a few hundred thousand people die of the flu in India every year. "Between 3.4 and 4.9 million estimated excess deaths were reported in India between Jan. 2020 and June 2021, while the Indian health ministry's reported death toll of approximately 400,000". (https://edition.cnn.com/world/live-news/olympics-coronavirus-pandemic-07-20-21/h_950e9295e6f410b7fe471719ac57e101) .


    Do you see a difference? Compare apples with apples please.


    I don't know exactly where we should draw the line but of course there should be a line. How great the risk that people die or have their livelihoods destroyed is a good start to look at. An overwhelmed health care system accentuate that.


    I have several pre-existing conditions, I would refuse to send my daughter to school if it opens in November and the school had an unvaccinated teacher. Any Thai school (international, private or government) would surely remove the teacher. This is what Thai's think should happen and we are in Thailand. This is now.  


    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, MikeyIdea said:

    That didn't work ???? I never leave home without a N95 8210 respirator mask and hand sanitizer, even to just receive a package at the gate. I never go out except for buying food. I don't accept visitors. This will go on until I get vaccinated. I'm in Udon now so it'll probably take several months but what can I do. I am old and oldfashioned. It's the right thing to do

    I need to clarify a bit. I didn't write the bold part well:

    I cut the grass without mask, I don't get near anone without wearing a N95   

  9. 58 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    it looks increasingly likely that you may not be welcome to participate in the new normal society if you are not vaccinated

    As long as an unvaccinated person poses a higher threat to people than a vaccinated one, I sure hope so. Deliberately risking other people's lives or risking their livelihood is for some strange reason not popular with the majority.  


    I should add - Sorry if I missunderstood and it was all sarcasm 

    • Haha 1
  10. 34 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

    Last time I checked vaccination was optional. Take care of your own backyard and hop off your pulpit.

    Well, it is optional according to law, not optional according to the moral my parents taught me. Unless... I'm OK with your decision if you never ever leave home without a 3M N95 mask until you get the vaccine you want. The 8210 without valve is very good.

    • Like 2
  11. 24 minutes ago, sucit said:

    Yes. We had someone comparing total deaths of countries with different populations. As I initially stated, this makes as much sense as saying Malta is doing great because they have fewer deaths than the United States. In other words, it makes absolutely no sense at all. 

    I never compared apples to oranges. "We" were you.

  12. 2 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    Got some evidence to support your contention that SWeden had more part-time workers at their homes? 

    I see no mention of that here:



    As for GDP, Sweden performed at about the same level as did the economies of Denmark and Finland 2 countries that enforced tight restrictions.  Norway's GDP suffered because a significant shares of its revenues come from petroleum.

    HoSoLoSoNoSo is correct about that. Sweden does have many more part time workers working in elderly care. But, the fact that politicians knew this and still prioritized people contributing to society contributed much more to deaths.   

    • Like 1
  13. 13 minutes ago, sucit said:

    Extremely short sighted and even obtuse not to mention or think about current and projected deaths caused by lockdowns. 

    what is clearly going to happen over time is Swedish deaths are going to be lower relative to other countries. In the end it is going to be close to a wash. Yet, Sweden didn’t lockdown. Make any sense? I would assume not. 

    To quote your own words, "Extremely short sighted and even obtuse not to mention or think about" demographics when commenting that "Swedish deaths are going to be lower relative to other countries"


    Makes any sense?

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