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Posts posted by MikeyIdea

  1. 9 minutes ago, Kiujunn said:


    Everywhere,  but not in China.

    Just a reminder: the boss of the WHO was China's candidate.

    When in December 2019, Taiwan warned the WHO about the Wuhan outbreak,  the WHO ignored the letter.

    And then consistently,  from January on, the WHO praised China's handling of the outbreak. 

    When China was hoarding masks (and Taiwanese bought mask-producing machinery all over the world),  the WHO refused to acknowledge any danger. 


    Now China's economy is doing very well.


    and Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is an old communist. Quite telling.


  2. Amphur has a standard form, back side is for custody of children and child support. I would be VERY careful even if it is uncontested though. There are documented cases where the wife and amphur officer agreed on what to write, and it wasn't what the husband and wife had agreed on. Always bring a lawyer that meets the wife the first time on that day. 


    I have never searched for it but the form should be available on the internet. 

  3. 2 hours ago, VocalNeal said:

    I went to a Shark helmet dealer. The helmet was too big for me I could swivel it quite a lot. They removed the liner and put a smaller liner in.


    Is there a moral?  Probably not, but they can change the liner.


    I think the Vietnamese helmets for women should be available in small sizes. The ones with a cut out for a ponytail.


    It's not unusual to change liner. Helmet manufacturers often only have 2 or 3 outer shells, each shell normally cover 2 sizes depending on the interior, can be more too.


    Really expensive helmet manufaturers do the same. I bought a Shoei J-Cruise II to my daughter here in Bangkok, she needed XXS (52) but they only had XS. No problem, the shop just ordered the XXS interior and swapped, the shell is exactly the same anyway.


    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, jackdd said:


    The most common Thai female size is S, and that makes up at least on third of the helmets in any random helmet shop here in Thailand.



    I don't agree. I've only been buying helmets in Thailand for 30 years so what do I know? Actually a lot. I used to race bikes when I was young and stupid and also worked selling helmets. Good luck finding the correct size for a Thai female in Thailand, it's difficult so I mean it ????


    • Haha 1
  5. I got a certfied copy of my daughters birth certificate at the amphur where she was born. I went there alone (I speak Thai), showed my passport and they carefully asked for the reason, that's all. Easy, quick and cheap.  


    It's almost impossible to get a new birth certificate issued, what you get is a certified copy.


  6. 20 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Property manager is named on the chanote at time of transfer, and can only be re-assigned on the death of the named manager (which can be a foreigner).

    It's really tiresome to read all the WRONG information put forward by ignorant posters.


    Maybe the moderators could step in and start banning people posting false information.

    Please see chanote land title deed with names redacted attached. There is no property managers' name on it, front or back, only the childs name. Note dekying = child in column 4.


    The purchasing agreement needs guardians name on it, not the title deed as the child is allowed to own land in its own name but not allowed to enter a legal agreement without guardians approval


    • Like 2
  7. 20 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    It's usually a conspiracy between mom and the land office where this happens.

    Children are clearly allowed to own land and property under Thai law, although the named adult appointed 'manager' must be by mutual consent of both parents.


    I once was allowed to overhear a telephone conversation where two foreign grandparents wanted to put a house they were buying in their Thai grand-daughters name. They hired a Thai lawyer, who promptly phoned mom (Thai lady who let me listen in) and the lawyer said, "we can both make money from this". Thai lawyers are shockingly corrupt., and rarely work in the best interests of their foreign employers.


    Land office: Agree on most cases, yes. The case in Chiang mai wasn't though. I'd put that down to the senior land office manager. The court order path should work.


    Court: Yes again, many Thai lawyers are shockingly biased in foreign / Thai cases. It's a real eye opener for the foreigner who understands what they say and do. 


  8. 9 hours ago, the green light said:

    that is not true.. you CANNOT have just your minor child name only as owner of land with nobody else.

    you and your wife can have all your children name on the deed. that is ok


    I am looking at my chanote and the original purchasing agreement right now. The columns on the land title deed are: date of transaction, last owner, new owner, land information and in the last column to the right, land office signature and stamp. The chanote (land title deed) has my daughters name only in the new owners column, nothing else. It clearly says dekying and then name. dekying is child.  

     The original purchasing agreement has, as I have already stated before, my daughters thumb print in the signature area with my signature below, then the mothers'. Both mine and the mothers' signature are actually below the signatures area as there is only one line.  


    There's only one name on the title deed because a child can own land in its own name. A child cannot enter a legal agreement on its own though so the the guardians signatures are needed on the purchasing agreement. 


    The mother has never been my wife by the way. The land office confirmed that the fathers signature can only be on the original purchasing agreement if he has legitimized the child and I had to show "bai rapp rong bott" certificate of fathership (as I never married the mother) before the signing could start




    • Like 2
  9. 54 minutes ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

    That's not true as far as Hua Hin goes, based on my experience. The chanote for the land/house where I'm sitting as I write this, is in the name of our dual national daughter.


    Also, to reinforce another point which has already been made by others, our house chanote was registered to her name when she was still a minor.


    Although things might have changed since, I'm not aware of any recent change and in fact we were intending to put another chanote in her name when she visited us just recently. Although in the end we didn't go ahead with it, as far as we knew (and my wife has a friend who works in the land office) there would have been no legal impediment to doing so.


    There is a large Swedish community in Hua Hin and some of them reported that the land office refused unless the mother had sole custody. This was some 10 years ago and could have changed. The case in Chiang Mai I know of well, the land office denied a Norwegian Thai family, unless the mother had sole custody, 6-7 years ago. 


    Well, nothing is ever certain in Thailand ????  


    "there would have been no legal impediment to doing so."

    Yes, absolutely. 



  10. I'll combine a couple of responses

    I was interpretor in a number of Juvenile court cases in Thailand some 10 years ago and I always found Thai Juvenile courts to be good, better than many European Juvenile courts actually. It's the Thai lawyer representating foreigners who creates the bad reputation. I was shocked how they often didn't quite fight for the foreign parent while pretending to do so, talked to the other party when they shouldn't have, clearly not being partial. Not all but most.


    Juvenile court in Petchabun has a bad reputation though. Best to refuse "kam yaam" mutual agreement and let them order and go on to the appeals court if the deal is not acceptable or the other part is expected to not follow the agreement. The appeals and the Supreme courts almost *never* take up mutual agreements!


    As far as I know, a lawyer cannot be appointed guardian of a childs assets except by Juvenile court. We can always write whatever we want but the legal guardians (parent(s)) ultimately manage their assets until they reach majority. Also, each case in Juvenile court is acted upon based on what *currently* is best for the child, not something that was written 10 years ago


    30 year leases: You cannot take away anything from a child legally, not even with a 30 year habituation lease. I tried at the land office in huaykwang and they refused. Clear answer: Need court order as owner is a minor. Per is right, lease must be on the title deed before it is transferred to the child. 


    I have never heard of a 30 year lease to a foreigner being refused. Even Hua Hin allows it, a friend of mine living there has one. One funny true story from Pathum Thani Juvenile and Family court. A female court officer there told me about a case where a farang had bought land in the name of his girl friend and had a 30 year lease registered on the chanote. The old partner refused to move out when they separated and the foreigner took it to court. The woman never showed up and they eventually issued an arrest warrant. That got her out. I forgot to ask how long time it took but I'd expect that she was given several chances, each with 3-4 months in between.



  11. It's very legal for a Thai minor to own land. My half Thai daughter owns the land our house  in huaykwang in bangkok sits on. She was 2 years old and her western name (in Thai of course) is on the title deed and I had to put her fingerprint on the papers as a 2 year old can't sign, with my and the mother's signatures below. 


    A few things to think about:

    It's easy to give to children but difficult to take away again. You'll have to go to Juvenile court to sell, and they'll only allow if its good for and benefits the child, highly unlikely to happen even then. I wouldn't trust Juvenile court after you are dead though. Money for education is good for the child's future... 

    The transaction cannot be done without all legal guardians signature (mother and father IF father has legitimized child or has married the mother). 

    Age of majority is 20 in Thailand. 

    There are lots of houses all over Thailand (read land) owned by half Thai's. I have heard that the land office(s) in hua hin and chiang Mai refuse to process for half Thai's though.

    There seem the be a clash between the law which says that a Thai national is allowed to own land in Thailand and hua hin and chiang mai land offices hard-line stand that land cannot be controlled by a foreigner. 


    Possible work around: I have never heard of anyone trying but I would suspect that this workaround would work: Mother and father goes to Juvenile court to get a court order on that they decide to give land to the child and it should be transferred within 45 days. Now, they can't transfer because the land office refuses, they or one of them rather, go back to court to enforce the court order, formality, the lawyer petinition the appeals court to have it enforced and it goes to the "gromm bangkapp kadii" department of court order enforcement and they will transfer. I doubt that the land office have the power to refuse them. Probably only works for land that the mother already owns. FYI its difficult to get court orders regarding flesh and blood enforced but generally no problems at all when it comes to assets, big difference there. 


    You can't do much about what Juvenile court or your daughter do after you are dead. I have taught my daughter to ensure that the mother never gets control of my money if I die or a million baht per year will fly away while the mother "is being as careful as she can", probably true too". She will probably say that when guardian for her inherited money is chosen but it may not matter. Apart from that? Don't know, the mother will become sole legal guardian in Thailand after I'm dead so what can I do? (and also in my home country after a court case there but it probably won't matter). Transfer money to a western bank account and give her a debit card? I don't know how to fully protect the money after I'm dead if the child is still a minor 

    • Like 1
  12. 11 hours ago, DualSportBiker said:

    Maybe because the number of accidents and deaths goes up every year. Maybe because every goal ever set by the authorities has been missed.

    There were 37,000 dead in 1996 i think it was, road deaths are down a lot, not up compared to that period. There wasn't a week, often no more than a couple of days between when i saw the painted profile of a dead body, a totally smashed up bike or occasionally, a dead body in the nineties. They were good in the sense that they really made me concentrate and think about my own safety. Now-a-days you hardly see any. Thailand has more than halved the road fatalities since the mid 90s. 


    I find Thailand very much safer now-a-days

    • Thanks 1
  13. On 2/1/2021 at 9:15 AM, Swiss1960 said:

    The Guardian would then need to either dispose of house of land on behalf of your son or keep the assets together until your son is of age to take them over himself. Guardian and Executor can be the same, but given that you live in the US, I assume that you would have a US guardian and a separate Thai executor.

    Dispose of asset owned by a minor: Yes by law that needs to be done but you must normally have a court order to dispose of assets owned by a minor. Is it in the best interest of the child? I doubt that a juvenile court would order if it can be proven that the child is Thai by descent, regardless of if citizenship is registered or not. Can an executor really do it without a court order in this special case?  Interesting case ????

    Quite a few countries in the world has made it impossible for descendants to get citizenship after the parent has died, is it really worth the hassle and possibly risk?

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