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Posts posted by MikeyIdea

  1. 2 hours ago, Phuketshrew said:

    So they risk a 40K baht fine? One filled bed would more than cover that. Ridiculous.

    "If the hospital is found guilty, the hospital operator would face at least two years' imprisonment, or 40,000 baht fine, or both," he said.


    This is not a problem that the authorities want to have now and 40,000 won't stop it from happening again. It's quite likely that they won't settle for only the fine in this case. Not saying that it (in reality) will be 2 years either.  


  2. 11 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    By the way @brewsterbudgenhow are the closures in Bangkok by the Central group going to affect your working from the office?

    I worked in the Central World office building during the occupation of central world. The department store closed, they just lock the entry doors if they have to but the office stays open. They may leave the doors open as food courts may stay open. Many office workers eat at the food courts in Central World, 6/7th floor and the more expensive one beside TOPS

  3. 1 hour ago, DrJack54 said:

    This report and earlier one for another province has surprised me. I assumed the lockdown of outbound travel would start with Bangkok.

    I wonder if Phuket will join the list. 

    Might be situation where all the governor's follow one by one to be seen as being pro-active.

    Sangkhlaburi has a very long border with Burma, the situation could be quite bad up there, we have no information

    • Like 2
  4. 13 hours ago, The Theory said:

    "When was the house purchased??? ( before or after marriage), "

    The house is in her name. she won't agree with divorce. They will go to court, she will win the house. And definitely she will win "alimony" for the 12 years old and perhaps some for herself. 

    Which country is this? Not Thailand anyway


    Thai's have a great saying, translated it goes something like: People who don't know speak easily


    Learn the rules, learn the system, choose your Thai lawyer very carefully (he may very well be more on their side than your side), always have an interpretor who doesn't know the lawyer, don't be afraid to just force it to the Appeals court regardless of if you are recommended that it'll only be worse, it won't, alimony is for the child and generally 100 to 200 baht per day, don't accept a "mutual agreement" if you feel that the wife probably won't honour the agreement, you'll probably get around 50/50 physical custody if you can prove that you're a good father (that's not only paying for education), it's not unusual that foreigners get more too. 


    You don't have to be afraid ofJuvenile court in Thailand, they're fair. Be afraid of your Thai lawyer though. Just mitigate that problem


    • Like 1
  5. 14 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    I'm not kidding; unfortunately, I can't see the current rates declining dramatically for a long time, and vaccinating the population will take even longer.  So should schools remain closed for 3 months, 6 months, a year?   When would you open schools?


    In Thailand where multi generation households are common, obviously, when kids infected in school don't risk killing their extended family any longer. Even more obvious when the health care system is overwhelmed as it is now or starting to get upcountry.


    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    My colleague is self-isolating in his condo with 3 young kids, all of whom have had Covid symptoms.  His wife is in hospital with Covid, after being tested while there for another reason.  The hospital have advised them all to remain in self-isolation and not to get tested.  The kids got over their symptoms in a day or so, my colleague felt rather sick for a while but is feeling better now.  His wife is due to be released from hospital in a few days.

    Better than the advice a friend of mine in Sweden got (I was stuck there for 5 months early March to early Aug and couldn't get back). You should stay at home. No, testing necessary, wife should go to work, kids should go to school as normal unless they show symptoms. And threats to parents who refused to send the kids to school - We have "school duty" in Sweden and you have a duty to ensure that your children go to school unless they really are sick = show symptoms...  

  7. 23 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

    My school was closed to students but teachers went in. Now teachers must stay at home and have been told they cannot go back to their home provinces. In my opinion schools will not reopen until at the very least November. 


    Quite possibly also December to mid January. Viruses like both the rainy and the cold seasons. Usually drops off during the cold season though. Probably going to be a different strain by then so no one knows for sure. Schools could be closed until the end of the year. 

    • Like 1
  8. 4 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    Just wondering if the tourist arriving in Phuket appreciate the amount of vaccines being denied to the vulnerable and who are now dying so they can enjoy themselves, seems kind of selfishly grotesque if you ask me.How people can tolerate such obscene conduct is just perverse.People are dying so the rich can have a holiday? 

    There are 2 ways to see that: Those tourists are are also helping to get the economy down there moving, to some extent helping people there. I bet they will appreciate it if it makes a difference to their hardship. There is no good solution sometimes.

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    • Confused 1
  9. 5 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    That's stating the blinking obvious. Not required.

    If someone like bkk Brian or Tallguyinbkk etc post a useful graph then a thankyou emoji etc useful. Have you noticed that not many folk post the sad emoji. You'll pick it up.



    Totally agree. A thank you goes a long way, recognition for all the hard work. Makes me happy, a sad emoji wouldn't. My opinion

    • Thanks 1
  10. 8 hours ago, James105 said:


    When the average age of death from Covid is 82 (at least in the UK), I would suggest that age is very relevant here.    If the average age of death from this was 20 I would actually be on your side here.   


    I hope someone who thinks like you infects your parents or grand parents, whoever is 82 years old, or they just have an accident and cannot get hospital care because hospitals are full and they die. Then maybe you'll start thinking


    • Sad 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Man faces charges in Buriram for failing to report for COVID-19 screening


    Health officials, in Thailand’s northeastern province of Buriram, have filed charges against a man, who recently returned to his home in the province from Bangkok and refused to report to the authorities as legally required.




    Well done, put him in jail for 10 days, fine him 5,000 baht. Too bad they won't pursue manslaughter charges if anyone he infected died of covid-19.

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