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Everything posted by NativeBob

  1. @MJCM I'm sortof busy and away from desktop. There are 3 "portrait photo" shops, 2 are fine and friendly. They also do some touchup to you image to look younger and fresher.
  2. let me try snap from Google Earth. Basically it is under flyover from Central Lardprao - cross the street and there it is. But ... do you speak thai? Can you show them so-called "sample"? I always carry few photos in a wallet.
  3. strange, never had an issue like this. Use shop opp. Central Lardprao since last century.
  4. 2 Kingdoms in the same basket? Sounds like a oxymoron. However cases like this quite easy to judge: if he entered Thailand with thai passport - than he's khun thai, otherwise - brit. He's not some deity to be one-in-two or one-in-three emanations.
  5. german musims is even funnier than thai christians (see 'em at Bang Rak near Assumption cathedral). #ROFL
  6. el guitarista (please don't look @ U-tube >>> my cat vomitted)
  7. I thought his speech [threatening China] was pathetic but then he bought T.Swift LP and claimed that he's a 70s man. Priceless! PS: look at Youtube him plays guitar. Yes, that is the Sec of State. Hillary was (really?) better
  8. Very-very illegal hence very popular. Them active shmemblers per capita are the highest in the world.
  9. Oh NO! What about: ~ Raytheon ($RTX), Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics and other hi-tech giants? ~ Those sweet shares you-know-who owned? ~ Financial support for "young democracies"? ~ Billions of dollars syphoned through "classified funding"? World peace is for hippies and we know that sixties are over, man!
  10. Ok, there're also polish, romanians (moldovian) and hungarian communities and language groups. Them all talking slightly different "slangs" of Russian languages, understand each other and share immense love and respect to their Motherland and countrymen. Ooops, I forgot that our beloved Lubavitch rabbi was originally from Uman' and pogroms (weekend cultural events) took place exactly near western border of Russian Empire - hence the name "Border Land".
  11. during Exodus'22 some cities turn into temporary passages for refugees from Central and Eastern UA. Also they didn't/don't fancy each other and speak different languages. Driving through arabesque suburbs with empty households.... what a blazing temptation! What I heard is that within first weeks most of non-geriatric population of those regions simply vanished. PS: does it matter who actually DID looting?
  12. @swissieThere's very useful feature on this forum called "Ignore". On the subject - friend ("friendly contractor") left Western Ukraine on the fifth day of that special operation to Moldova first than Romania. He is programming expert of level 1000 and found no problem with new work/job. Back home he had a house, garden, smaller house for musical instruments as a hobby, car, bike and BBQ place. It was looted almost same week he and his family left. Sad story. Yes, where will those people return?
  13. they don't on the Hamas side or some sort of supporters. They are against mass slaughter of innocent civilians. Tanks on the streets, bombs and air-to-surface missiles. Well, yes they are not smart after all >>> the protests are pointless and useless. Funny detail is these are well known places: Yale, MIT, UCLA >>> lots of foreign students.
  14. Yes, they are a big problem to recruiters in Thailand: they apply for certain job than find another and <deleted> the employer. Cute!
  15. I got my "arms" at China Town: telescopic stick, knife, Rambo: First Blood machete, nunchakus' and pepper spray.
  16. Thais are obsessive gamblers and often commit transactions through crypto, even buying funny coins and so. That's one reason. But money laundry is very serious issue as well. Just get yourself cold-wallet and relax
  17. Sounds like Pattaya under German occupation late 90-s. Kartoffelen Salatten everywhere, fattsos with their LBFMs and very arrogant behavior. Now that happened with Phuket under Russians? Well, they come in waves )
  18. he didn't have enough money to buy himself off. typical for KPN >>>> Full Moon btw
  19. Interesting events are happening during Pesach - a.k.a. The Passover, during which the almighty host (spirit) killed (slaughtered?) all firstborn but spared those with blood of lamb on their doors. Today France24 shows mass graves of Palestinians
  20. There are really good schools in MY. Any so-called International school in Thailand (Bangkok according to my experience) is just a rich kids social club. For example KIS >>> there no Toyotas at parking lot. Figures... Bright kids at Thai Universities (not MBA, Design or Arts or such, real science) don't come from posh venues like Regent, Berkley and similar. IMO kids should stay with their parents at least until 18. Heard so many sad stories about kids sent to "foreign land" alone. Even to AU. Should avoid UK - too much of "freedom". Another option to get ironclad education is SG, but financially is quite heavy.
  21. Not very clever: if you can't communicate w/patients than don't offer any services. That Vachira is obvious <deleted>hole - they want $$$ and don't care what exactly is wrong. Thai lunacy level 999 PS: Although Vachira Bangkok (same chain) offers very high commission for "bring-me-new-customer" scheme. Way more than Bangkok and Bamrungrad Hospitals. So the picture is obvious - some "guide" sends them to get medical treatment, but instead they got banana. Hence anger and confusion. Easy-peasy
  22. Chula med faculty? Funny! mainly "cardiologists" with silver spoon up their <deleted> Been there saw them
  23. <deleted> I used to know one "working girl" she used an agent to "let her passport travel alone". Finally when she had to go to MY she was arrested for fake Visa(s) and hence illegal entry. She ended up in Surat Thani jail. Not very pleasant jail between Thai jails as I've heard.
  24. Sounds strange to me too. However I used to work with one interesting customer who flew back home almost every 2 weeks during couple of years. he said that IO just looked at him with eyes wide open ) He had no choice to come to Bangkok and check the quality before they (us) send products to his company. But that is different story 14 years! Wow!
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