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Everything posted by radiochaser

  1. My wife would gut me like a fish if I were to volunteer for a group like that.
  2. Wasn't biden the deciding vote on taxing social security payments?
  3. I think part of what you wrote is wrong. I will try to show you what I mean. We all must wear 🟣 purple on purple day and encourage cultural enrichment and diversity in the community by inviting migrants into "other peoples" homes.
  4. I would rather see the abuser in prison for the abuse, rather than see my wife in prison for what the court would condemn as an unjustifiable murder, if she killed her after the fact. Which this appears to be part of the issue, the parent found out after the abuse occurred. On the other hand, if my wife were catch the woman during the commission of the abuse and the abuser happened to die as my wife was protecting the our grandchild from physical harm ... that could be a different matter, as has happened here in the U.S. of A.!
  5. I did not know that. At the time I would guess they were from the 36th Infantry Brigade.
  6. You forgot that group that call themselves anarchists, who participate in antifa riots. As a federal agent, years ago, I assisted state and and other federal law enforcement agents that were investigating anarchists. VOA link with reports of anarchist violence that led to riots. Note the BLM activist riding in the back of a pickup truck with an armed left wing milita group, Texas Guerrillas. I asked a contact of mine, who is still in federal law enforcement, if this Texas Guerrilla group was inspired by the Texas Guerrillas that fought for the confederacy during the U.S. civil war, and attacked Union Soldiers. I was told he could not talk about it due to the ongoing federal investigation of the group! https://www.voanews.com/a/extremism-watch_anarchist-groups-tied-riots-4-us-cities/6195936.html
  7. Every house I had a mortgage loan for, sent an appraiser to look at the house, take measurements, and ask questions about it, before I could get the loan. That was for houses that sold from $100,000.00 to $240,000.00! There is no way that a mortgage company is going to loan millions of dollars based on the word of the purchaser or seller.
  8. A man I worked with was married to a woman he met in Germany when he was stationed there as a senior Non Commissioned Officer in the U.S. Coast Guard. His wife went to Hawaii with friends for a vacation. A relative of the wife called her from Germany and told the wife, you should go to hotel such and such, your cousin works there (might have called her before she left the mainland). Wife found out that her cousin was the manager of a 5 star hotel. The cousin asked where she would be staying at in Hawaii. At a different hotel, she had already checked in. Cousin told her, check out and come to my hotel. You can stay in the penthouse, it isn't reserved, you can stay there free. It was a two story penthouse that was bigger than the 4 bedroom, 2 bath house she lived in back in California! It's nice to have a relative who is the manager of a 5 star hotel in a vacation spot!
  9. From what I have heard, none of the January 6, 2020 rioters were convicted of insurrection, because none were charged with insurrection. Democrats and the media claim that they attempted to over throw the government. None of them had any firearms (or pitchforks!) either. Who attempts to commit an insurrection without firearms? And, and, and, don't forget ray epps!!! The only person who was at the capital, on video, urging people to go into the White House, for 2 days in a row? Was one of those whose picture was put out by the FBI as a wanted person and then removed? If I recall after the FBI had his picture removed, they were sort of like, what picture? Then when they got pressured he was located, charged with a misdemeanor, and released with a community service punishment. Meanwhile I read that there was a guy who never went to DC, only made posts on the internet, who was arrested, charged, and was sentenced to prison??? Antifa, blm, and possibly even the anarchists (who I assisted law enforcement in investigating) have all been involved in riots, that cost millions (if not billions) of dollars in property damage, hundreds if not thousands of law enforcement injuries, carried firearms, and killed people, ... and the democrats and supporters claim, "mostly peaceful protesting"!!!!
  10. I heard that she considered Pennsylvania governor shapiro, but then did not choose him because he is a Jew. With shapiro being a Jew, it is alleged that the democrats were afraid choosing him would cause harris to lose the muslim vote, thus, she (the democrat party) chose walz.
  11. You are wrong! I have seen the FDA approved ingredients list!
  12. So if only Trump had waited to pay a settlement as a result of a civil lawsuit, it would have been ok, ala clinton.
  13. I went through the medical exam for the military along with a bunch of other people. There were draftees who were disqualified for military service because of bone spurs in their heels. There were also draftees that were disqualified for military service because of hammer toes! Both are medical conditions that can lead to problems later in military service requiring surgery and in some cases can lead to discharges as a medical disability! The medically disqualified draftees were so happy about their bone spurs and hammer toes that they proudly bragged about their disqualifications that kept them out of going to Vietnam! My older brother had asthma. He was drafted and judged as medically fit for military service!
  14. I heard yesterday, that the way Trump, allegedly, committed 34 felonies was ... (so to speak) he wrote a check #1 for what ever payment, and that was charged as a felony #1. Then the #1 check information was entered into the bookkeeping record, and that was charged as felony #2. Check #2 was written for what ever payment and that was charged as felony #3 and entering that information into the bookkeeping record was charged as felony #4. etc, etc. etc. until there were 34 felony charges against trump.
  15. I have heard that Trump imposed tariffs during his first term and that biden and the democrat's liked the money the Trump tariffs brought into the U.S. of A. coffers so much that they kept them in place!
  16. Ooooooohhhh!! You have touched on a pet peeve of mine. So am going off topic and responding the the criticism's and hit pieces made against Bush about his National Guard service. There were media claims that Bush skipped out on his week end drills. Either unknowingly or deliberately ignoring facts of his service and what drill time actually is. Bush would work full time, 8 hours a day, with his National Guard unit for a week or more then not attend a weekend drill. He didn't have to attend a week end drill afterwards because he had already completed his require monthly drill service by working 8 hours a day for 5 days that month. Bush actually had more credited drill time for some years than was required, if I recall correctly! A required week end drill time consists of two 8 hour days. Each 4 hour block of time is counted as 1, 8 hour day, with 2 days drill counting as 4 days. Sometimes there is a required 4 hour block of time that is required on the Friday night before the weekend, so in essence, a 40 hour work week is credited by only working 20 hours! If I recall correctly, Bush had also worked 4 weeks in a row, 8 hours a day sometimes, thus completing his required drill time for the following 4 months! As to joining the National Guard to avoid real service, Bravo Sierra, to that too. National Guard units served in World War 2, Korea, Vietnam, and I think they did also in Desert Storm, and the wars that politicians started later too! I was a member of the 36th Airborne Brigade, Texas National Guard and we were the backup for the 82nd Airborne Brigade. If the 82nd had gone to war and then another Airborne Brigade was needed, then the 36th was next in line for overseas deployment into combat!! Off topic rant ended. Roger, Wilco, Over, and Out!
  17. DAMN!!! I have been telling people for years that the political center moved to the left, just as illustrated in your picture chart! The center moved so far left that there are some democrats that call RINO's far right wing. And the center moving so far left is why I define RINO's as moderate democrats! If the center had not moved to the left a RINO politician would be standing right there beside you!
  18. And I have heard talk of her campaign being $20,000,000.00 in debt!
  19. Another post I have to block!! Will this ever end??
  20. Even if that's a bull that identifies as a cow, no one will get any milk from it.
  21. 😄 So, will you support your assertion of what is or is not misinformation?
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