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Everything posted by radiochaser

  1. It isn't up to you to decide if what he posted is "misinformation"! That is malcomb's job. He told me so! 🤪
  2. I don't know why you would write that. I did search for the news reports right after I read it. Looks like it may have happened yesterday, based on a link to X with a date of 11/7/24. Most links are for this morning. I have only been on aseannow.com this morning and have not checked any news reporting. I see it as a despicable act, regardless of who has done it.
  3. I have watched youtube videos of democrats decrying the election of Trump where those crying were claiming that they would be put back into slavery or, if white, claiming that blacks would again be enslaved. This is the first I have heard/read that messages invoking slavery, were being sent to anyone. I will follow this to see if law enforcement discovers who was responsible. I am curious if it will or will not be another fraudulent claim of racism from a leftist, as has happened in the past.
  4. Dry rub BBQ or wet BBQ? I prefer wet.
  5. That's kind of what I thought it would taste like. A little different due to what food the ground rats ate vs. what squirrels eat. I have never eaten ground rats nor noo noo. I believe I would only have a problem with the tiny bones and whatever herbs (and their taste) used in the cooking. Less so now than when I was younger, when I would eat most anything placed in front of me.
  6. Some really minor trivia that I just realized. My grandmother was alive during the terms of 19 different presidents!
  7. You should see those windmill blades up close. I don't know how long they are but I have read that the tip of those things are moving upwards of 150 miles per hour. That is 220 feet per second, if I have done my math correctly. Try dodging that when it comes out of no where! If it were not for global warming, my house, here in Pennsylvania, could be underneath a very, very thick sheet of ice that covered Canada and the northern part of the United States about 10,000 to 15,000 years ago!!
  8. I don't know enough about her during her beginning to make a judgement on that. I only know about her mostly from her recent activities, about the last 2 years. I have heard some of what she did during some of the January 6 trials. She seems to be a war hawk, if I go by what I have heard. At this time in my life, I have no use for politicians that are willing to send soldiers into battle, then restrict them with rules of engagement that hinders the military's ability's to prosecute a war. Especially when fighting against an enemy that has no reservations, rules, or restrictions on how they prosecute a war against American soldiers. If American soldiers are going to fight a war, then let them. I believe it is because of political restrictions on the military in Vietnam that it ended the way it did. I was involved in signals intelligence and electronic intelligence gathering that covered the area below the DMZ and North Vietnam where those political restrictions, in my opinion, led to soldiers, both American and South Vietnamese, being wounded and killed! Nixon was right to pull soldiers out of Vietnam.
  9. I call chaney a RINO. My definition of a RINO.. a RINO is a moderate democrat! Oh, I have taken those internet tests on the internet (echo?) and they confirm what I have been calling myself. Libertarian.
  10. I don't believe it. I have smelled wet dog. I have never smelled anyone from any race that smelled like wet dog. Some people do have a smell. Some of them are from the food and herbs they eat I guess. Others from not washing enough. Some who do not use any deodorant or anti-perspirant (with deodorant). But wet dog? No, only a dog that has not been bathed in a long time smells like wet dog. I did know a guy whose residence (an efficiency apartment with kitchen and bath) smelled like his dog. His bed smelled like dog when I sat next to it. His lounge chair smelled like dog when I sat in it. A big pile of clothes in the corner of the room smelled like dog. Not wet dog, just dog!
  11. Windmills have been killing birds for decades. I used to walk among the wind generators in the Altamont Pass, CA and some of the surrounding area windfarms. There were dead birds under them every time I was there. That was back in the late 1980's up to the mid 1990's. Then I moved out of California.
  12. How did they taste? Was the meat removed from the bone before you tried to eat them or did you eat the meat off the bone? Have you ever eaten squirrel? If so, how did the, assuming ground rat, compare squirrels, the tree rats?
  13. Deleted. Internet issues causing problems on my end I think.
  14. When I was on facebook ASA pages, there were linguists that wrote about a meningitis outbreak at Ord. I think one or two may have been there at the time. Been a few years so I can't recall the details. I have no memory of who the NSA guys (not singular) were. Just that they were there. One NSA rep always showed up in the DF room with a bunch of badges hanging around his neck. I asked why he was wearing so many. He told me that he traveled around to so many different units and could never remember which security badge was needed for which base so he wore them all, then told the guards, you choose which badge you need to see. The bomb dump at Phu Bai? I missed that. It happened after I left in May 1972. That was also written about on the facebook pages. I think someone said that it was raining shrapnel down on the base. Or was that a bomb dump at Danang? I think the bomb dump at both bases blew up. I remember the bomb dump at Qhuy Nhon blew up when I was at Phu Cat. It was at night and we could see the glow of explosions over the mountains, hear the whoomph, and sometimes it seemed we could feel the explosion through the ground. Phu Cat is about 15 miles away from Qhuy Nhon as the Huey flies.
  15. The only civilians I knew (only talked with) at Phu Bai were the NSA guy assigned there and the Vietnamese working on the base. Since you went to VN lingy school, was it at Fort Ord or Fort Bliss? Were you ever at Phu Cat? I was with Det 3 of the 330th RR Co, for 7 months when our DF site was on the northern perimeter just down the hill from the bomb dump and near the K9 kennels.
  16. You are welcome. You can check my posts on my profile page (or whatever it's called). I would not say that I am always courteous, but when someone calls me names or bullies me, I won't back down from the attack. I think at most I might make a sarcastic that may border on being snide. But no outright denigrating to or about people. I don't know that my experience is in cultural or historical milieu is extensive, but it is more than what some have had. My dad was in the U.S. Army so there was the benefit of travel and exposure to different cultures and countries. I have also had employment that has required that I associate with people such as (what I call) the little old man or woman down the street, up to having to work with Secret Service personnel protecting presidents. Here in the U.S. of A. there has been, for several years, some advantages to being a minority. I could take advantage of that by making a claim based on Cherokee Indian (oh wait, I mean Native American) ancestry, but I guess I am too lazy. Besides, I seem to have been able to get by on my own.
  17. Yes, that isn't me in the avatar, but that is what I did for seven months, working high frequency direction finding (HFDF). Did you know RRU guys from the 8th after the 8th moved to Danang from Phu Bai in 1972? A guy I trained with as a 05D DF operator left Vietnam in 1971, was sent back to the states to work a job that bored him to death. He re-enlisted to go back to Vietnam and was with an Airborne DF unit in Danang. One aircraft he was in was hit by 37mm anti aircraft fire. They were able to return to Danang with out crashing.
  18. Were you assigned to a Radio Research unit perhaps?
  19. I like that stuff. Wife bought me some when we were there in July and August this year.
  20. Who defines what disinformation/misinformation is?
  21. What? You are surely dismissive of me it appears. Am I the only one that does not live semi-permanently or permanently in Thailand? Can I not go there and visit with my relatives that are Thai citizens? Why would I have to look for a racist? There are too many that openly demonstrate their racism for the world to see. You should be aware of the racism that is exhibited in this very forum. Move on to where?
  22. Yes, I agree, that is a slightly grainy picture of the woman that was stuffing a ballot box. https://www.wfsb.com/2024/10/31/bridgeport-election-official-fired-over-absentee-ballot-scandal/
  23. I have seen the advertisements for that I am a racist thing. A movie I think. I hardly ever go to movies now in the U.S. Living among racists changed me and it affects how I associate with other people, that is the reality that you are denying. I am not attempting to change millions of other people. Was it you that I wrote that I wrote a response to, writing that democrats have told me they are voting for Trump? I don't live in Thailand. I only visit there. I stay at my condo next to the river and marvel at the night time sights from the 26th floor. I will be there next February and return to the U.S. in March.
  24. Well, for me, I have an appointment for radiation therapy for my skin cancer. Going to ask the doctor to look at that thing on my right cheek, I think that might be skin cancer too. Then, I will go to get a passport photo taken. I need it for the application for my permit to posses a firearms suppressor. Then it's also the day I have to water plants. Eat some food. Drink more coffee. Drive my RAM truck And last, but not least, read comments on aseannow.com! There is more, but I only listed the most important things to do.
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