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Everything posted by radiochaser

  1. NO! You are wrong! She didn't ditch me for a younger man, her water buff ... er .. uh... hmmmmmm... never mind..
  2. Nahhhh.. They like to throw gay people (seems like mostly men) off the roofs of tall buildings ... without parachutes.
  3. Arachnophobia and acrophobia. Then there are the heterophobia people.
  4. Seems like they have been anti lgbt for a long time, even before it became popular to fly a flag about it.
  5. Are those the things that look like this? I had something like that in Bangkok a few years ago.. Made by a British guy. Damn they were good and I miss being able to eat them again!
  6. Yes, Don Meung was 17 years ago, if that was when Swampy opened, but the lack of an English speaking immigration officer has been experienced as late as 2022. Then there was the time in 2020, 2019, maybe 2017, etc. Immigration officers don't always speak English. The family has connections with the Thai Police, which includes those in immigration and the lack of the ability to speak English is very evident! Heckfire, even when I went through the stairway hallway, that was where diplomatic entry into Thailand was once done at, (brother in law was an immigration police, remember) even those guys could not speak English! But yes, that was several years ago and not 2023! And 2011 is not that long ago (see my copy and paste below). It is a good thing I have been married to a Thai translator for a little over 30 years! I know enough Thai to get by and live a decent life in Thailand but I cannot have a decent conversation in Thai. I still regret not taking the second semester of Thai language when I had the chance, when I was working in Thailand. I am still amused that diplomats were processed by immigration in the hallway of a stairwell, vs where they go now. P.S. I also "noticed" how you edited my post to make your post more favorable for you. Way to go Lou! Here is the entirety of my post, for those that may not have read my original post: "Not all immigration officers (Thai Police) need to know English, speak it very well, or understand it. My sister in law's ex husband worked as an immigration police officer for several years. He worked inside and outside of Bangkok dealing with non English speaking illegals and never needed to understand or speak English. I still have to converse with him in Thai. My brother in law is a retired immigration officer. He can understand more English than he can speak. Even after living here in the U.S. of A. since 2011, my brother in law's English speaking skills are still worse than my limited Thai speaking skills and occasionally, I need translation by my wife when speaking with him. I do note that you specified "the airports", but my experience is that not all immigration officers at either Don Meung (when it was the only international airport in Bangkok) nor the newer one, AKA Swampy, can understand English or speak English well. Several times in the past, at Swampy, I have needed my wife to translate from and to Thai when entering or departing Thailand. "
  7. I don't recall hearing or reading the term "sunbed" before. Using google, asking what is a sunbed, the google response is basically, what I know as a tanning booth. A device that has ultraviolet light emitters that tans the skin of those that use them. The picture in the article shows both large pillows and beach chairs. Are the pillows the sunbeds or are the beach chairs the sunbeds?
  8. Not all immigration officers (Thai Police) need to know English, speak it very well, or understand it. My sister in law's ex husband worked as an immigration police officer for several years. He worked inside and outside of Bangkok dealing with non English speaking illegals and never needed to understand or speak English. I still have to converse with him in Thai. My brother in law is a retired immigration officer. He can understand more English than he can speak. Even after living here in the U.S. of A. since 2011, my brother in law's English speaking skills are still worse than my limited Thai speaking skills and occasionally, I need translation by my wife when speaking with him. I do note that you specified "the airports", but my experience is that not all immigration officers at either Don Meung (when it was the only international airport in Bangkok) nor the newer one, AKA Swampy, can understand English or speak English well. Several times in the past, at Swampy, I have needed my wife to translate from and to Thai when entering or departing Thailand.
  9. And the vernacular of American English is, the sidewalks are the concrete pathways on either side of the pavement, which is a paved road or highway. I did have to look for the definition of chav.
  10. Some of them are. Especially in California.
  11. I think it is a scam rumor to keep AS members away from that forum.
  12. I have seen hairy, giant, tarantulas. Hundreds of them at a time. I am not eating one!
  13. If I would leave in a huff, because I felt violated, by all the shenanigan's that the democrat, progressive, left does, then I would most likely not have many places I could go, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S. of A.. I see it happening just about everywhere I go here. And not just in Philadelphia.
  14. My wife says I can't look at women like that. So I am blocking your post!
  15. There is always that chance. But I don't think it will happen. She says anyone else that wants her has to have more money than she does. She keeps me around to take care of the grandkids! Not much of an empire. Two homes here and a condo in Thailand, with 8 acres that I own. Plus the take out restaurant that she and her sister own. She nearly shot me with a 12 guage shotgun one night, but I am going to let you guess what that was about! And it has nothing to do with women, beer, money or popcorn!
  16. Trump supporters live in New South Wales? Bison burgers, a hell of a lot better than vegan burgers. Even if they don't taste that much different than a cow burger.
  17. Thanks for the Bahtsold reference. I had been on the website a couple of years ago, but lost the bookmark.
  18. I have read other stories similar to this. It may be a good that my Thai wife is richer than I am!!
  19. No, I didn't forget. I remember other things too.
  20. Yeah, trump is still working to ruin the economy!
  21. Do you remember the search term you used to find that video? I tried but had no luck. Never mind. Found it. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=water+level+adjustment+in+front+loading+washing+machine.+lg
  22. I was getting some contradictory information, from CVS Caremark employees then. Except for the Medicare being not being available outside the U.S. of A., something I have known for years. I will have to call back and ask specifically if I would no longer have the CVS Caremark service that I have now, if I am enrolled in the Medicare plan, as one medication I have is not available for mail order under the Medicare plan. It may be a moot issue right now for me. I was advised by CVS Caremark that I was not found in their system of Medicare eligible participants. They were surprised to hear that I have had part A since 2012 and part B since 2014. I am thinking that the 5 x8 inch post card I received in the mail may have been mass mailed to everyone who has CVS Caremark, without regard to whether you are a Medicare recipient or not. At this point, I also think that the important notification related to this issue, is the letter that, I think, is mentioned on the website and mentioned in my conversations with CVS Caremark and BCBS representatives is the notification of automatic enrollment, the post card is not.
  23. Ah! That's where my girlfriend left her missing red sock!
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