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Everything posted by radiochaser

  1. And now, I am curious about what you are going to do with 100 meters of 1.5 mm wire. Oh! Antenna! I am guessing a loop antenna of some sort. For AM radio??
  2. People too can develop pavlovian responses. I know someone else knows this. Just thought I would throw this out.
  3. What Army were you in? I enlisted in the U.S. of A. Army in July 1969. My advanced training was at Fort Devens, Massachusetts. My pay after deductions was about $70.00. I learned that I could hitchhike into Boston Friday afternoon and work for 16 hours on the weekend and earned about $120.00 a month. The good old days! 🤪
  4. I don't look suspicious! Old! Ugly! Beyond help! But not suspicious!
  5. A family of Nigerians that live a few houses away from mine in South East Pennsylvania. Nice family, his kids play with my grandkids. Has a job and earns his money. His kids goes to the same Catholic school as my grandkids. I can't say the same about the Nigerians that made an international telephone call to my house phone one time, trying to scam me out of something. Don't know what. They just kept repeating, you owe us ............ (unintelligible word).
  6. I agree with riclag. I receive up to 15 emails a day from the democrat marxist party (got on their mailing list when obama was president). Everything the woman in the video says is almost word for word in those emails from the democrat marxist party!
  7. Police said they raided the bridge club after its anti-corruption centre received a tip-off. The members had broken a 1935 law, the Playing Cards Act, which prohibits individuals from possessing more than 120 playing cards, Pattaya One said. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-35491852#:~:text=It is illegal for individuals to possess more,Australian citizens%2C were arrested during the anti-gambling raid.
  8. Not far from New Jersey, in Pennsylvania, where I own a house, homes over 60 years old are selling for almost $400,000.00. Have it remodeled or rebuilt and it sells for between $500,000.00 and $600,000.00. I'm wondering when the bubble will pop and leave people with a mortgage of $500,000.00 for a house that has a new market value of $250,000.00!
  9. I read someplace that there are pictures going around showing Trumps ear without a bullet wound. Those pictures are alleged to be from 2 years ago. Perhaps these are the pictures I read about.
  10. I will disagree with you on the bullet "does not keep making noise until it hits something". The 5.56 travels at a supersonic speed for several hundred yards, I forget how far. The shock wave (what ever you wish to call it) the supersonic bullet creates will make a cracking sound when it passes an object along its path. I have personally heard multiple cracks as a 5.56mm round passed multiple trees in a forest. I have also heard the supersonic crack of 5.56mm rounds as they passed by me when I was shot at in Vietnam then heard the sound of the rifle being fired afterwards!! This also applies to 7.62mm rounds that also travel at supersonic speed. Having pulled targets during competition, being protected by earthen berms, and about 8 to 10 feet below targets, I have heard the supersonic crack as rounds pass over out to 600 yards from the muzzle of the rifles that fired them.
  11. How could they get lost with that bright light shining into the woods? Never mind .. I will leave quietly!
  12. He was looking for a visa stamp in my passport. Like the visa stamps Ethiopians need.
  13. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 48 seconds  
  14. I was asked that question at the gate, in Addis Ababa, enroute to Thailand on Ethiopian Airlines, from the U.S. of A. Do you have a visa for Thailand. I started to say no, then the other gate keeper said, Americans don't need visa.
  15. That would make the extreme right, so far right, that they would be on the left! 😆
  16. Apparently so did some AI software, claiming that the attempted assassination of Trump was fictional and not real, comparing it to kamala harris's campaign for president, saying her campaign was real.
  17. I am not surprised. Just been wondering when he would try to do it. The U.S. Constitution sets out many guidelines for the number of votes required to take certain actions. However, only one process requires a three-fourths majority vote: amending the Constitution itself. To change the Constitution, three-fourths of all states must ratify, or approve an amendment.
  18. A woman who tried to become a man, still had her girl parts, got pregnant, but still claiming to be a man. Then the media and the left became ecstatic, sort of crowing, see, we were right, a man can be pregnant!
  19. In my opinion, you have described American commercials.
  20. I was in a taxi yesterday going back to my condo and saw a red #26 bus. I swear it was the same bus that I rode on before the Skytrain was built. It was old then too! So much for not having old bus's in Thailand.
  21. I am from the U.S. of A. I think British humor is hilarious. I don't understand why Americans think the Seinfeld TV series is funny. That applies to many other American TV comedies too.
  22. He was famous for being 'the pregnant man.' https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/famous-being-pregnant-man-heres-202541047.html
  23. I have a book of acronyms (first letters of words that make a word) and abbreviations. Some acronyms have over 50 different meanings.
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