Back in 1967, when I was a high school student in backwoods Louisiana, where there was almost no work for anyone, where I lived..
The state of Louisiana set up a work program for high school students during the summer break from school.
Ten hours a day, $1.00 an hour, 3 days a week, working under the hot summer sun with often over 100 degree temperature, and 90% humidity. Cutting brush, small trees, and grass with hand tools and repairing damage to local asphalt roads, also with hand tools.
Filled sandbags for 8 hours a day in Vietnam, with temperatures over 100 degrees.
Worked at a horse stables in San Antonio, TX during the summer of 1968, 8 hours a day, 6 days a week. A little nicer work. Temperatures were only in the 90's.
I can empathize with anyone that has to work out in the hot sun in Thailand!