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Everything posted by radiochaser

  1. I asked my Thai wife to do set up an account. I am not going to repeat here, what she said about some of the posters here. A moderator would delete the post and might put me on suspension!
  2. Back in 1967, when I was a high school student in backwoods Louisiana, where there was almost no work for anyone, where I lived.. The state of Louisiana set up a work program for high school students during the summer break from school. Ten hours a day, $1.00 an hour, 3 days a week, working under the hot summer sun with often over 100 degree temperature, and 90% humidity. Cutting brush, small trees, and grass with hand tools and repairing damage to local asphalt roads, also with hand tools. Filled sandbags for 8 hours a day in Vietnam, with temperatures over 100 degrees. Worked at a horse stables in San Antonio, TX during the summer of 1968, 8 hours a day, 6 days a week. A little nicer work. Temperatures were only in the 90's. I can empathize with anyone that has to work out in the hot sun in Thailand!
  3. I used to have a girlfriend that thought this son was hilarious and played it a lot. She was barely tall enough to join the U.S. of A. Army.
  4. That does not explain the white women with obese black men that I see frequently in the part of Pennsylvania that I live in (currently visiting Thailand).
  5. Those chihuahua's have some damn sharp teeth.
  6. I'm not fake. I am a genuine imitation!
  7. I took the MMPI at the U.S. Veterans Administration hospital a few times. The first time I was told, we don't know what is wrong with you, but there is definitely something wrong. Later, after taking it again, I aske the proctor how they could be sure that the results of the test was accurate? Could the person taking the test change what it showed about the test takers mental condition? He told me it was a 500 question test and that I could not change the results. I challenged him on it and he gave me the test again. After the second time, two doctors questioned me as to how I was able to change the results of the test.
  8. I do not believe that.
  9. Who am I really? Old Ugly Beyond help
  10. From an article or editorial, that I skimmed through the other day, someone claims that the high cost of drugs is due to a group of business's, now owned by hospitals, drug companies or pharmacies (I might be wrong on the ownerships) that negotiates with drug manufactures for discounted purchases of drugs, then resells the drugs at a high price and keeps the profit rather than passing the discounted price to the customer. This may not be an accurate remembrance of what I skimmed through. What I do know is, I have a good discounted drug price through my goverment health plan that I kept when I retired. I forgot to renew a prescription, through the health plan, for a drug that I have to take daily. They authorized a 14 day supply through the local pharmacy. For 14 pills I paid a co-pay of $350.00!! A three month supply, through the health plan mail pharmacy costs me $20.00!!!!
  11. That would be a more accurate time frame for the drug reduction plan to kick in for most drugs, vs. my memory thinking it would be after his second term in office (if re-elected).
  12. Some time back, I read that the drug price reduction under biden's plan would not kick in until after he finished his second presidential term!
  13. I wish those murder suicide people would commit suicide before they commit the murder!
  14. I like music that sounds good to me. I don't care who sings or plays it or what color it is.
  15. Someone recently posted a link to a website where you answer questions and then it determines what your political leanings are. It turns out, I am a libertarian.
  16. Contrary to your statements I do understand context and reasons I don't screech about anything. Not sure why you claim I screech about MSM. Perhaps you are confusing me with someone else. Like someone else that also was confused and claimed I was a wannabe moderator.
  17. New Tourist Visa Exemption Scheme (60 Days) Effective Date 15 July 2024 Nationals of the following 93 countries and territories are entitled to visa exemption for the purpose of tourism business engagements or urgent work or ad-hoc work, for up to 60 days period of stay and can be extended for another period not exceeding 30 days. Extension of stay is solely at the discretion of the immigration officer. Before the maximum stay of 90 days are eligible to apply for a new type of visa in Thailand. https://washingtondc.thaiembassy.org/en/page/visaexempt-voajul2024
  18. No humour? I even explicitly stated it was old or something like that. It was meant as a serious response.
  19. What does covid have to do with his comment? I have read of people dying weeks, months, and over a year after being injured in vehicle wrecks. The medical professionals attributing the death to the injuries sustained in the vehicle wrecks. In some cases, people who were determined to be responsible for the vehicle wrecks, being charged with manslaughter (in the U.S. of A.) after the person died.
  20. Come on man! Tell us how you really feel!
  21. I know where I can buy a gun without going through the legal process to do so. It's easy. Just use cash, no back ground checks.
  22. Would you believe it isn't a cospiracy if its published by that far right wing news organization, www msn dot com? "Days before an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, President Joe Biden said it was time to “put Trump in a bullseye.”" https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/flashbacbiden said put trump in a bulls eyek-5-days-ago-biden-said-put-trump-in-a-bullseye/ar-BB1pWbB1
  23. Name the police officers that were killed during the January 6 protest.
  24. I think you have the date wrong. It has been going on for much longer than since 2016. It is only more open and not hidden any more.
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