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Everything posted by radiochaser

  1. I could be wrong about the location and access, because I was never there, but the U.S. of A. had a work site at Chicksands RAF base and I think Brits worked there too.
  2. Nah! That's British stuff I think. NSA is the way! Top Secret / SCI.
  3. Yes. In the U.S. of A. Don't be mean. My Samsung might cry! P.S. Life is going forward well. Needing an iphone to have a good life ... what does that say about you?
  4. As someone has already commented, that ain't no flea. Some of my childhood and teen years was spent growing up in the south. There were two boys I remember, at two different places I lived, that would pick fat dog ticks off of dogs ... and eat them! It's easy to tell, who the strange kids are, and stay away from them!
  5. What brand? I want to buy some! Yes, an off topic response!
  6. Thais in pickups with bins full of water? That was done back in 1973. I was there!
  7. I am a retired federal agent of the government of the U.S. of A. and worked with a once, little known part of a military intelligence collection agency.. I have had three background investigations that involved multiple face to face interviews of the people I worked with, my neighbors, my relatives, and queries to local law enforcement agencies. All because I either had access to, worked with, intel that was some of the most sensitive material of the military or NSA, or generated cryptographic materials and intel. Every five years, agents were again sent around to question fellow employees, neighbors and relatives to keep my security clearances active. I didn't even need to commit a crime to lose my clearance. 5 moving violation traffic tickets or other moral factors would have caused my clearance to be pulled and I would lose my job. Do I need a background check before I go to Thailand??? More to the point, did you have a background criminal investigation before you went to Thailand? If so, how extensive was your background investigation?
  8. Last year at the mall across the street from the condo, the battery in my Samsung popped out all by itself! I had just bought a screen protector and watched it put on. When the cell phone was given back to me it felt warm then got warmer. The phone split apart as I walked out the nearest exit thinking the damn thing was going to explode, catch fire, or both! With me hoping it didn't like those youtube video's I saw! My cell phone died a hot death by expanding battery!
  9. Who knows where it's going? Not I. Does it matter? Google, Microsoft, apple, opm.gov? They all have my life history someplace! It's that black web that worries me. They have it all too!
  10. Something like that. All my contacts, pictures, documents, etc were downloaded from someplace onto my new Samsung android phone in the U.S. of A., after the old one crapped out in Thailand last year.
  11. Reading the news story, it seems two pistols are involved. Two gun shells (expended cartridge cases) collected at the incident scene, suggests a semi-auto pistol, either 9mm or .45 caliber. Then at the alleged suicide location police collected a .38 caliber revolver. Revolvers do not eject cartridge cases!
  12. I read the mortgage/sales contract the Title Search Company (in the U.S. of A.) gave me. She told me that in the 13 years she owned the company, I was the first that she could remember that read the entire contract. Usually, she would put a contract in front of the buyer, tell them, initial here, here, here, here, sign here, here, here, here and they did. I bought the house at $240,000.00 in 1991. Six years later I moved to a different state, rented the house and bought a second house. When I visited the first house to be sure maintenance was being done, Steve, the neighbor across the street came over and told me that he had refinanced his house at 125% of the then market value which was about $325,000.00 or $350,000.00, don't remember which, with an 11.5% interest rate. Steve also said he thought the interest rate was going to be 9%. He then gave me advice on how to buy homes and sell them. What I owed on both my homes was less than his one home and my interest rate was less than his too. Later I found out that Steve put his house up for sale and found out he had a 10% prepayment penalty to pay off his mortgage. I don't think Steve read his contract. I am sure the interest rate and prepayment penalty information was in it! I worked a short time for a security company that falsified the times they checked doors and buildings when they never did. I quit after finding out if you did what you were supposed to do, you know, actually drive to all the building you were supposed to be checking, you could not do it in the 8 hours of your shift. I told the supervisor I was not going to lie about doing the job. Later I heard the company was sued by some of it's customers. People were stealing from the customers at the times the security company employees wrote they had checked the building and nothing was wrong.
  13. I didn't know that Lake Pontchartrain had a seawall. I had to look that up on the www. I saw a reference to a seawall along Lakeshore drive. Is that the one you wrote about?
  14. Wow! 1000 baht a day. That is about the average that I spend on my self, when I am in Thailand. I really hated it when my ex-brother in law retired from the Royal Thai police and gave up his free apartment, where I stayed by myself. I only had to pay for electricity there. But it was very convenient to the MoChit BTS/MRT stations. Also convenient as it was closer to downtown than some other places. I only had to pay a few Baht on the bus to go to MoChit, then downtown on the BTS/MRT, depending on where I was going. No need for taxis to go where I wanted to. What the heck is a Scoopy? You don't buy anything from 7/11? Why pay for a tour? Family friends do that. I don't have a girlfriend.
  15. That used to be done in the U.S. of A.. I have seen the Border Patrol enter busses looking for illegals and it was more than 100 kilometers from any border. When I was assisting U.S. Border Patrol this subject came up as well. I would not be surprised that the democrat party has stopped the activity of checking for illegals, here in the U.S. of A..
  16. That happened to me on a bus from ... uuuhhhh (I forget the name), the city where my brother in law was living and working at, which was near the Lao border, and I traveled to Udon Thani. Thai police had a roadblock on the high way. They were checking peoples ID's. One came to my seat and said passport. I gave it to him he opened it up and gave it back in about 3 seconds. I think the only thing he did was to check if the picture looked like me. They did take 3 people of the bus though.
  17. Flying through Europe means I will be on different flights that connect in two different countries in Europe. I will stay in the airport a few hours at a time before leaving on my next connecting flight. My travel is for the purpose of going to Thailand. Europe is not my destination. Even though I will not exit the airport, from what I read, I may need a transit visa for the second stop in Europe. Last year, I and other family members flew to Thailand and we had to extend our stay there for a week before we left on our return flight. Our return departure date was past 30 days. I forget how many days it was. Two or three other times in the past I have also had to extend my stay before I left on my return ticket to home, because my return flight was more than 30 days after my arrival in Thailand. I have had no problem with that, so far. One time before when I flew to Thailand, my first stop was in Germany. What I found odd was that I needed to go through immigration just to go from my arrival gate at the airport to the gate from which I departed the airport to continue my travel to Thailand. I think I may have gone the wrong way through the airport and left the international travel part, and walked into the domestic travel part of the airport. I actually left the airport building for a few minutes too. When I reentered the reentered the airport I received a second stamp in my passport before I had to go through security again. It was after questioning the German official that first stamped my passport, I understood that I could actually leave the airport, so I did. I walked around outside for a short time, then decided it was nothing special and went back into the airport proper again. But I have had no trouble with the issue of my departure from Thailand being more than 30 days after my arrival there. I did, however, have a problem leaving Thailand one time. My wife booked me a round trip ticket, leaving 28 days after my arrival in Thailand. When I went through immigrations they said I had overstayed 3 days. I showed them my itinerary from the U.S. of A., and connecting in Japan which showed my scheduled arrival date and time, in Thailand was 28 days before, But the entry date stamped in my passport indicated that I had arrive 5 days before I actually did. I argued a little bit, then just paid the 1500 baht and continued through to my gate. I have since, tried to remember to check the date of the entry stamp since then.
  18. I know what the purpose of a bar is. I am not stupid! I worked in a bar when I was 19. I was hired to be a bar back but sold drinks on occasion. The only reason the bar I referenced sold sandwiches was to keep the customer in the bar, so they could sell more drinks. Otherwise the customer would leave, get something to eat, not go back to the bar, and the bar lost money! When I worked in the bar, I saw a lot of people that drank beer or liquor over a period of several hours but not enough to where they would get belligerent, could not walk straight, fall down when they tried to stand up, slur their words, puke their guts out, pass out, try to start a fight, or just fight, etc.. But too many do those things! Not all drinkers of alcoholic beverages are drunks. Not all drunks fight, but enough of them do that I find it convenient to stay out of bars. Even when many drunks don't fight, they can become obnoxious in one way or another, my brother in law for example. Or one the supervisors I had when working for the government. As I once posted in another thread. I would rather hang around with 100 people who smoke marijuana, than hand around with 10 drunks!
  19. My BIL was a Royal Thai Police Sargent. He was a badminton player for the Police team. From what I understand, he made it to the top badminton team of Thailand ...
  20. I have tickets to Thailand, flying through Europe and tickets returning to the U.S. of A., flying back the first week of August. My round trip tickets to Thailand and returning were purchased about 2 months ago. Tickets I do not have yet, are to from Thailand to Vietnam and back to Thailand.
  21. It is the purple line of the MRT. Nonthaburi Civic Centre. That map you posted looks like BTS.
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