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Everything posted by radiochaser

  1. This might apply. "In the military, a provisional rank is a temporary rank assigned to an individual for a specific period or purpose. Provisional ranks are typically used when there is a need to temporarily fill a higher-level position due to a vacancy, absence, or other operational requirements. For example, if a higher-ranking officer is temporarily unavailable due to illness or assignment to another duty, a lower-ranking officer may be given a provisional rank to temporarily assume the duties and responsibilities of the higher rank until the situation is resolved. Provisional ranks are usually denoted by a specific prefix or abbreviation, such as "Acting" or "Provisional," added to the regular rank title. It's important to note that provisional ranks are temporary and do not confer permanent promotion or permanent changes in pay grade unless officially confirmed through the regular promotion process." The term we used when I was in the Army was "Acting Jack", meaning, he was not a real sergeant, just acting as one. In basic, I was an "Acting Jack" squad leader and wore an armband with Corporal stripes, but in reality, I was a lowly PVT. E-1.
  2. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 53 seconds  
  3. That looks better than the expensive bags I see on most motorcycles used for travel. A good idea.
  4. Somewhat off topic ... I read once about a woman that had both given birth and passed a kidney stone. She said the passing the kidney stone was much more painful than giving birth to her baby. I have never given birth (even though I am a man) to a baby, I can attest that passing kidney stones are painful. And such tiny things they were, barely visible!
  5. My emotional response to people like this dad is, they should commit suicide first, then commit the murder(s), in that order!
  6. I lived in backwoods Louisiana during part of my childhood and teen years. Not only did klan members hate blacks they hated republicans too. In the early 1960's I heard them talk about how much they wanted to lynch both people. I hear the same vitriol and hate from democrats of today. Makes me think that democrats are people that gravitate towards hateful philosophies.
  7. "... a state law that goes into full effect in the 2022-23 school year to require public K-12 schools, community colleges and universities to provide free menstrual products in all bathrooms, including bathrooms designated for boys, ..." https://www.oregonlive.com/news/2022/07/oregon-mom-challenges-statewide-rule-for-tampons-in-boys-bathrooms.html
  8. The irony, joe biden would then be forever known as a MAGA supporter!
  9. What do you carry in the tubes?
  10. That does not explain all the left wingers in starbucks in the U.S. of A.
  11. My permeant residences is in the U.S. of A., I am in Thailand until the 21st. Before coming over I had a painful and sensitive spot on the back of my neck. July 8 at about 11:30 am, I called my dermatologist and advised them I thought I had another skin cancer. I was told, we have opening at 12:00 and 3:30 Pm, when would you like to come in. Being that I was still on my first cup of coffee after waking up, I opted for 3:30 pm. Biopsy was taken and July 9 I was advised that I had a squamous cell carcinoma. Doc had a minute so she spoke to me. She said I could go in on the 10th or wait till my next scheduled 6th month exam on Aug 27 and she could take care of the skin cancer then. I chose to wait as I was leaving for Thailand on the 14th. This dermatology office is a very good one in my opinion. Better quality service than the Veterans Administration hospital and I don't have to drive to the city of Philadelphia. I would not claim this is the usual fast service here in the U.S. of A. though. I am on Medicare and retained my government paid health insurance, through Blue Cross/Blue Shield (BCBS), when I retired, which picks up anything that Medicare does not cover and covers my wife who does not have Medicare. BCBS also covers me here in Thailand or just about anywhere on Earth that the U.S. of A. has an embassy and whose employees has health care.
  12. Vogon's are in Thailand?!?! May the gods help us!!!!
  13. But, he tries to be in charge sometimes. Sometimes I think he believes he is in charge.
  14. That leaves me and my wife out of the conversation then.
  15. And my wife doesnt understand why I don't have one, so it will be easier for me to pee!
  16. Yeah! You know lou is in charge!
  17. The last viscous mass murder that occurred in Levittown that I am aware of involved two homes, both within 5 minute walk from my house in Levittown. An Amber type alert went out to cell phones saying stay home lock the doors. Cops and sirens were all over the place. That was March of this year. My office had me provide assistance to the Middletown PD one time, back before I retired. Can't remember what that was about though.
  18. Watch it budd! I never point at the microwave. It's rude! 🤪
  19. French might work in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam with the older people. From my days in the Army during the Vietnam war and intercepting communications between the governments or militaries, they used French as the lingua franca between them.
  20. Years ago, I used to get strange looks from Thais in Bangkok when I spoke my limited Thai with them. Later in the U.S. of A. a Thai woman told me that it was because I was speaking Bangkok Thai with an Issan accent. Sort of confirmed by another Thai asking me where I learned Thai, also because she said I spoke it with an Issan accent. Speaking of accents. I used to work in a government call center. One day I worked a call from a young lady that was a political refugee from Vietnam. Her English had both a Vietnamese and southern drawl accent. It is the first time I can recall hearing two different accents at the same time.
  21. Do you operate sideband, morse, data? I have a Novice license from the U.S. of A. but I'm not active. When I was on active duty with Army I worked HFDF locating transmitters. I was trained to use radio morse for comms. Had almost 10 years with National Guard and Reserve with about 8 years in signal platoons ..
  22. I used to watch it on )American) Public Broadcasting System (PBS) on TV. One time it was just once a week, another time it was at 8 PM every night. I think it was a weekly TV series show in Great Britain and being a SciFi fan I liked it, it having British humor. The characters were supposedly on a space ship traveling (forever it seemed) through space, if I recall correctly. If you like science fiction then you might like it.
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