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Everything posted by radiochaser

  1. I also have a stainless steel espresso maker. No better than the aluminum one suggested. I don't know why the Luxa made such good coffee but I have some hope now though. I found one of the luxa's on ebay for sale nearby (about 1.25 hour round trip) from where I live. Made an offer on it. The seller was not asking over $80.00 for it, or it was cheap but in another country.
  2. I thought I read on both Thai Visa and Asean Now, about that very thing happening to tourists, that were in a hospital due to illness or injury, and who were unable to depart Thailand at the end of their visa or visa exempt entry into Thailand.
  3. Is a new ice age upon us? Will glaciers flow south from the north pole and scrape my house away from it's foundations?
  4. Do you think that is why the ice age and the glaciers in the North American continent disappeared?
  5. I have one that looks like that in a kitchen cabinet. The coffee it makes is not worth the effort to do it. This is the one that I think I had before. https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/998002857/mcm-luxa-express-stove-top-vintage
  6. Oh! I thought this was about a bar girl who was famous.
  7. Off topic because this is about my personal experience. I bought an Italian made expresso coffee maker at a flea market one day. I asked the couple why they were selling it. They said it leaked when they poured the coffee, spilling on the counter top and the side of the coffee cup. After the 3rd or 4th pour, I found out, you had to lift the lid when pouring to keep it from spilling. I had not been using the expresso maker because the gasket that came with it was old and needed replacing. I had difficulty finding a gasket because it was an odd size. I finally found the right size and this morning was my first time to use this coffee maker. I woke up the next day after buying a new gasket, very tired and made coffee without my glasses and made my first cup of coffee with that expresso maker. Grabbed a bag of coffee out of the cabinet, put the required amount in the expresso basket, and brewed some coffee. The flavor was excellent! But, it was better than any of the coffee from the automatic, turn on by itself, drip coffee maker I had been using. I stared at the coffee bag wondering why the coffee was so good but could not make out if it was the good tasting coffee I had or the horrible tasting coffee that I had stopped drinking, but did not throw away. I went to get my glasses and looked at the bag of coffee. It was the horrible tasting coffee! The good tasting coffee was still in the cabinet. I was confused. How can the coffee that had been horrible tasting taste so good? I put the maker in the sink and ran cold water on it to cool it off. When I could handle the maker, I opened it up, dumped the used coffee grounds out and put in coffee from my good coffee bag, and brewed new coffee. I tasted the newly brewed cup of coffee. Best tasting coffee I had ever made or ever tasted! I bought different brands and types of coffee and it did not matter, all the coffee was good to excellent. One day I realized I needed new gaskets. I stopped using the coffee maker until I found some two months later. I looked through the cabinets for the coffee maker and could not find it. I asked my wife if she knew where it was. She told me, you said you could not find gaskets so I threw it away! I have no idea what temperature the coffee maker worked at, I just put it on the stove top, heated it up until it spewed and sputtered and then took the coffee maker off the stove top. I added milk to cool it down to a drinkable temperature and enjoyed a good cup of coffee. I miss that expresso coffee maker!
  8. My wife (Thai) questions, only 10K baht? I spend more than that for dinner with the family! If my kid disapears, I will put up money that will make people interested in finding him/her!
  9. I don't understand that bit about repeated warnings about taking notes. I worked with documents from confidential to extremely sensitive Top Secret. Any one caught the first time, taking notes about classified documents and putting the notes in their pocket, would have been arrested by the MP's (military police)! This would have lead to punishment by Article 15 or a courts martial, depending on what classified information the notes were related to! Accessing documents that you did not have access to, was also punished by an Article 15 under the UCMJ, if it was determined you did it deliberately, even if you had the appropriate level security clearance. .
  10. British restaurants in Bangkok, Thailand https://www.google.com/search?q=British+restuarants+in+Bangkok%2C+Thailand&sxsrf=APwXEdd7MRS4Tr01FH6INOFYVPCjW7m5nQ%3A1684292803569&source=hp&ei=w0RkZJOuINLk0PEP7PqBoA0&iflsig=AOEireoAAAAAZGRS02CwawHk10f2qYk5_tOCheWeeIla&ved=0ahUKEwjTm4LSr_v-AhVSMjQIHWx9ANQQ4dUDCAo&uact=5&oq=British+restuarants+in+Bangkok%2C+Thailand&gs_lcp=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&sclient=gws-wiz
  11. That's good to know. I will leave BKK the second week of August. Perhaps I can eat there.
  12. I have seen people wearing the same protective, surgical mask that would have been used for the coronavirus, while sanding sheetrock (gypsum board), which creates large size particulate that you can see floating in the air. When the worker takes the mask off, you can see the particulate dust in their nostrils! Yet, it is supposed to catch a virus you cannot see? Glad to see it's almost universal with not requiring them in my area of the U.S. in southeast Pennsylvania. A few weeks ago I went to a medical clinic to drop off a document. The security guard went off like I was committing a criminal offense when I did not walk over and grab a mask. The lady behind the plastic barrier refused to take the paper that I proffered through the 12 x 5 inch opening at the bottom of the barrier until I put a mask on. I put the mask on, the lady took the paper, I took the mask off and walked out the door . They called me up 4 days later and told me to return and pick up the document. I walked in, no masks, no barriers!
  13. It wasn't the summer of love for me, it was the summer of basic training in the Army.
  14. You pose an interesting question. Where is your internet access server located? That might have something to do with the response you get. My search response is not just 5 years old either. Some of it looks like it goes back to the riots of the 60's, judging from the black and white pictures. Mine, according to the vpn I use, is in the United States. If yours is in a different country, tell me which country and I will switch my vpn region to that country and see what response I get. That looks like a screen shot of a mobile phone. If it is, that causes me wonder if that makes a difference too. Would the OS platform make a difference in your search results? My guess, if you are using a mobile, is that it is an iphone. I am using a computer with Win10.
  15. I have recovered more baht than that from the floors and sidewalks of Thailand, when I am there.
  16. Riots, like these! https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=riots&form=HDRSC2&first=1
  17. Riots, like these! https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=riots&form=HDRSC2&first=1
  18. Nah, like I wrote, I would have been taken to China or the Soviet Union, probably held in a stone or concrete prison, and interrogated every day until they knew I had nothing else to tell them, then executed! None of that Chuck Norris fantasy BS!
  19. I liked married with children. I like British comedy too. Some of the other Americans that watch British comedy with me did not think it was funny. Perhaps a little too subtle for them. Some of it made me laugh till I nearly pissed my pants!
  20. You mean, if it actually happened? It did. Read it again. I just did a little edit but still the same information If the company had found out what I did, I would have been in front of a courtsmartial board!
  21. Came near getting kidnapped by Thai communists outside of Khon Kaen back in New Years time of 1973 , when I was working at the intel base outside of Udon, and went on an in country leave. I recognized something wasn't right during a not too subtle questioning by a group of about 12 - 15 men and kept repeating that I was just a clerk typist and didn't know anything about what was going on at the base. Still scares the cr a p out of me when I think about it sometimes. I could have ended up China or the Soviet Union and no one would know what happened to me.
  22. I don't know about when the first one happened, but I met a guy in Houston TX in 1978 that complained bitterly about being denied a sex change operation. He claimed the psychiatrists did not think he was not a good candidate for a sex change operation due to his mental state.
  23. I used that quote a few times when I was younger and had both weed and money. Then went through extended periods of hard times with no money and friends who shared weed. As I found out, the during the times with money and no weed I was much better off than I was during the times with weed and no money!
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