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Everything posted by radiochaser

  1. My condo has a phone number posted on the wall in the elevator to call if there is a problem!
  2. I watched the video. I'm thinking he panicked.
  3. Warned you would be barred by a poster? I wonder if it is the same wannabe moderators that I am thinking of?
  4. Are you going to milk this thread for more jokes?
  5. Stop posting about my Thai wife. And she doesn't have anything to do with these forums, Only I do.
  6. I did the temple run one time. Since then when I am asked if I want to go, like tomorrow Oh, wait, it is tomorrow. I mean today. I just say, no, I don't want to go.
  7. Well, there is USA Today (do they lean left?) https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2024/08/13/kamala-harris-article-google-ads/74789965007/ And, Hindustan Times (I think they hate Ukraine) https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/kamala-harris-campaign-team-editing-headlines-within-google-search-ads-to-suggest-major-publishers-backing-her-report-101723633191525.html And the National Desk (never heard of them before) https://thenationaldesk.com/top-videos/news-of-kamala-harris-campaign-google-ad-edit-comes-at-bad-time-for-silicon-valley-giant-2024-election-axios-report-text-articles-presidential-nominee-social-media-voters-politics MSN . com (?) https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/harris-campaign-caught-pushing-literal-fake-news-headlines-in-americans-google-searches/ar-AA1oKf3q
  8. I have shot inflated vehicle tires with a 9mm handgun hitting the tread, not the sidewall. What was amazing about it was, the bullets bouncing off the tire in different directions and not penetrating the tire. I have also fired .22 LR rounds at inflated tires. They also bounced off, two, bouncing right back and past me, with a whizzing or whining sound. With both the 9mm and .22 LR rounds, I stopped shooting tires after about 3 rounds each when I realized what was happening. I think I almost earned the Darwin Award in those instances. Assuming he shot the front windshield as the car moved towards the police officer and the bullet was deflected by the glass, and not penetrated, it would have most likely gone up and over the car. Usually, based on tests I have seen of shooting the front windshield of a vehicle, the deflection is off from the point of aim, after penetrating the windshield.
  9. The only thing I can think of about why she wasn't arrested was, political connections. "The server Clinton used as secretary of state contained "several dozen emails containing classified information determined by the [intelligence community] element to be at the CONFIDENTIAL, SECRET, and TOP SECRET/SAP levels," the inspector general, Charles McCullough, wrote in the letter, which was first reported by Fox News. "SAP" stands for special access programs, which carry a classification level higher than top secret." When I was in the Army Security Agency (ASA), there were people who had Top Secret clearances, that took Confidential level classified study materials out of a secure compound. They were given permission by some instructors to do so. Some instructors were given courts martials. loss of rank, loss of pay (fines), and jail time. Some were given Article 15's resulting in loss of rank, loss of pay, and their Top Secret clearances. The students were given Article 15's , loss of pay, possibly rank, and also lost their clearances. The people that lost their clearances were transferred to the Department of the Army (ASA was technically part of the National Security Agency) which probably meant going to Vietnam as an infantry soldier.
  10. I missed that. Left Chiang Rai the afternoon of the 13th. I briefly looked at a weather report and I think it predicted thunderstorms.
  11. I don't understand how a rental can get in the condition that one was in. I rented an efficiency apartment, in the U.S. of A., for several years while waiting for my security clearance to be completed (it took a while because I was married to a Thai woman) for the Federal Government job I was working at. When I was notified that I passed the background investigation and had my security clearance, my wife and I started looking for a house to buy. We bought a house and I notified the manager of the apartment complex I was moving out. The apartment manager told me, we will check the apartment and after deducting for any painting and cleaning that needed to be done, I would receive the balance of my deposit back. Two weeks after moving out I received a check for the full amount of the deposit, which puzzled me. I called the apartment manager and asked about it. He told me, I have never had a tenant leave an apartment in the same condition I rented it in. We didn't have to paint or clean it. We were able to rent it out a week after you moved out.
  12. Why did you edit your post removing the sentence with the <deleted> words. Was it so insulting, you felt bad about it?
  13. That makes sense to me. Too bad bubblegum can't make a decent response like yours.
  14. Had to get an insult in there, didn't you. Does that make you feel good? Now, tell me what the deleted words were in a way that they won't be deleted so you comment can be understood.
  15. What does your use of "BYW" mean? Internet search says: Bets You Win Bring Your Wallet By Your Way Bright Young Man Back Yard Wrestling And the greatest number of responses are for: A model of Adidas shoes, BYW Select
  16. That would be nice to do. I'm 75. Mom died when I was 7. After that, there was an evil step mother!
  17. It's spelled dammit, dammit, not damm it! 😁
  18. And me wondering what is wrong with an orange and white tabby running around the condo building where our condo is. Dirtiest cat I have ever seen!
  19. I don't know about WI laws regarding legal aliens voting rights. Only that, allegedly, in Pennsylvania only u.S. Citizens are legaly allowed to vote.
  20. Aroused your curiosity in what way?
  21. I told him if he voted, he would be arrested for illegaly voting and would lose his green card.
  22. In the case of my Thai brother in law, who is a green card holder (legal immigrant) in the U.S. of A., he was registerd to vote under the motor voter law in Pennsylvania when he was issued his Pennsylvania ID card (could have been drivers license). I told the office of registrar of voters office 2 or 3 times he was not a U.S. citizen thus not eligable to vote. Everytime I checked the voter rolls after notifying the registrar of voters office he was still registered to vote. Perhaps he was still registered because his voter registration had him registered as a democrat!!!
  23. Along with part of the topic of this post ... The left also claimed that Bush did not attend required weekend drills. Either not knowing or deliberately ignoring (I believe the latter) that Bush had worked full time at his Reserve unit for weeks. Working full time for weeks will qualify a Reservist as having completed his/her required once monthly weekend drill time and can allow them to not attend weekend drills. The difference between working full time vs. attending weekend drills is, a four hour block of a weekend drill counts as a full time work day. Attend a weekend drill on Saturday and Sunday and that counts as four eight hour days. Have mandatory drill Friday evening with the Saturday and Sunday drill, that counts as five days of drill. If you have a required Friday night, Saturday and Sunday drill, but you have worked 40 hours during a proceeding week, then you are not required to attend the weekend drill unless you are slotted into a mission required position. I did this as well when I was not employed in Texas as it actually paid more than unemployment pay, little as that pay was. Even though I did not have to attend weekend drills after working a 40 hour week at the armory, I chose to attend as I liked doing so.
  24. This is the part that I believe applies, based on my experiences. The Army told him, we are giving you this rank, but you are not really this rank until you complete your educational requirements... "It's important to note that provisional ranks are temporary and do not confer permanent promotion or permanent changes in pay grade unless officially confirmed through the regular promotion process." If, I understand correctly, he never completed the educational requirements necessary to have a permanent change in rank to Command Sargent Major, so he did not retire as a Command Sargent Major, he retired as a Master Sargent. It might not mean much to civilians, but it does to those who are in or have been in the military. It isn't grasping at straws, if he claims he retired as a Command Sargent Major, but he was never promoted to Command Sargent Major. It that rank is not listed on his DD214, then he retired at what ever was his last listed rank on his DD214. But if he did retire as a Command Sargent Major, it is very easy to prove. Publish his DD214. They are not a classified document and can be shown to the general public, if one wants to prove that they were assigned to a unit, had a particular MOS, held a rank, was Special Forces qualified (does not apply in this case), or, was promoted to Command Sargent Major before retirement.
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