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Everything posted by radiochaser

  1. I was walking along a road and saw one starting to crawl across it, so got my cell phone out and started a video. Within a minute I captured it being run over.
  2. I tried 'em. Didn't like em. But I believe it was the sauce that they had been dipped in more than the hopper itself.
  3. Flush the toilet? (Off the subject of snakes in the toilet.) Someplace on the internet, probably you tube, there is a short video of a toilet bowl, with the seat down, then comes the flush, and you see a spider running on top of the water! When the flush ends, the spider runs back up the inside of the bowl and hides underneath the seat! That, ladies and gentlemen, in addition to growing up using out houses, where black widows love to congregate, is why I look inside toilet bowls before I sit down!
  4. There are not enough jokes in this thread. You asean now posters need to hop to it and post more!
  5. That leaves this Americano out of that generalization. I drink sodas, water, coffee, fruit juices, milk, etc, but no adult beverages.
  6. Off topic of digital warriors in Thailand. Bought some stuff from a guy that sells on face book market place. As I was collecting the stuff I bought, he complained about receiving a letter from the state of new jersey, telling him he owes taxes on over $50,000.00 of sales through market place. Made me think, that the tax agencies have people scouring the sales web sites looking for people they can tax on the income they are making from internet sales. The above was just the state. I expect that the American internal revenue service, if not already, will send him a letter as well, wanting their piece of the income pie!
  7. I and other students in schools back in the 1960's America, carried pocket knives in school. The only blood drawn, that I can remember, were by accident. No malicious cuttings by knife.
  8. There was a time I read books one after the other too. The only person I talked with about books was the librarian as in, has that book come in from the other library yet?
  9. I did. I was able to have the marriage annulled. Without the aid of an attorney!
  10. If you need tips on chasing radios, let me know. ????
  11. The article stated, "Downloads are also limited to just one phone or tablet. ". My assumption is that the downloads, if allowed, can also be done using a computer, and the author of the article left that device out. Can anyone advise if my assumption is correct? I do not have netflix but have considered getting it in Thailand if I have any extended stays of 3 months or longer.
  12. I think a more accurate question is, which Condotel. I used google to search for "Condotel Chiang Mai" and had several responses of different condo's that provide a hotel function. https://www.google.com/search?q=Condotel+Chiang+Mai&client=opera&sxsrf=APwXEdfNMP8goIDNzSBa8vG6p7NmgA_ViA%3A1685034589312&ei=XZZvZLXbEpSA0PEP-dK94A8&ved=0ahUKEwj1_YSB-5D_AhUUADQIHXlpD_wQ4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=Condotel+Chiang+Mai&gs_lcp=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&sclient=gws-wiz-serp
  13. Are you claiming that I believe the moon landing did not occur? That I believe evolution did not happen? Now, who is giving out opinions that are not based on valid evidence?
  14. Again, we have been down that road before! Are the final arbiter that has the authority to say what is and is not BS?
  15. Why the continual labeling of "denialists"? Why the rationalization of who or what I believe to fit your narrative? Is it because I don't want to buy into the general propaganda? I won't go along to get along? I should believe as you believe? I cannot have beliefs, thoughts, or ideas of my own? When did I say that there is no green house gases? And are you not using semantics of your own, to fit your own narrative? Did Newton define the final science and nothing has been discovered, explained, defined, developed, etc. since his death? You mentioned Pluto. Wasn't that a planet at one time and was down graded to a lessor body? I remember that upset some people. But, it is what it is.
  16. Confirmation bias goes both ways, right? Please spare us the cliché that the science is settled. I never denied that there is or is not global warming/cooling/ climate change. When did gravity and relativity creep in? Is the conversation going to move to the argument of the earth is flat, no it isn't?
  17. I have consulted numerous resources on the internet and one thing that I find in doing so is, that despite the claim that it is "settled science", the science is not settled. What I do find is that there are numerous claims that seem to blame human kind as the primary cause of global warming, or climate change or what ever is the favored term of today. Yet I also find accounts written by climatologist that say there are no one reason for global cooling/global warming/climate change. And that link, I read that one too, before you posted it. But, I wanted your opinion on the reason.
  18. Still, what caused the global climate changed that caused the ice age to disappear? For that matter, what was it that caused the global temperature to drop so low, that there was a Glacial period in which ice in the northern pole migrated down south into Canada and the northern part of the United States?
  19. I have a jar of some kind of instant coffee at one of the condo's there in Bangkok that is not too bad for instant coffee. I bought it in one of the high end Thai super markets. But it is better than that 3 in 1.
  20. I would rather drink coffee from a Black Canyon (correct name?) coffee shop than that 3 in 1 stuff.
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