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Everything posted by radiochaser

  1. I have been in a hotels in Thailand where I was either told or there was a sign telling the guest, that they had two bottles of water a day, free. If more than two bottles were opened, there was a charge added to the bill. At one hotel, they charged me for a bottle and claimed that the seal was broken. I did not open it, but paid for it. I was charged 20 or 40 baht for the water. At 7/11 the same size cost 10 baht or less. To resolve that issue in the hotels that charge for more than two bottles and I am staying more than 2 or 3 days, I do what my Thai wife does, buy 2 liter bottles of water from a near by store. That way I have enough water for my coffee, that I make in my room. Those were not cheap hotels either. Except the one that a Thai friend of the family reserved for me. I only stayed one night there. After that experience, I told friends, I would make my own reservations. What was odd at one hotel was, even though I bought my own water, every day there were two more free bottles in the room!
  2. I hope this thread keeps going with more information and links for Bangkok! A good source for a BLT sandwich would be delicious! ???? Won't be back to Bangkok till the end of June.
  3. That food looks good! Too bad I am not in Pattaya!
  4. The Earth isn't flat. It's an upside down bowl! ????
  5. If your hypothesis is the case, then all the authorities need to do is wait and see if someone shows up at a hospital with radiation burns or poisoning! https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/radiation/emergencies/isotopes/cesium.htm#:~:text=External exposure to large amounts of Cs-137 can,cancer because of exposure to high-energy gamma radiation.
  6. You are the one that is making the claim. So I am seeking clarification from you. Why should I go ask a moderator to verify your claims? You could ask a moderator and post the results that verifies your claims, right?
  7. Now you have done it. Does anyone know what the google.com website address is so go to it and I can type google into it? ????
  8. The government healthcare website sent me a bunch of emails, telling me that the sign up period was open, you haven't signed up yet, hurry up and sign up for healthcare, the signup period is about to close, this is your last week to sign up, this is your last day to sign up, you still have time to sign up ... etc. Since that website knows what my age is (from the first time I set up an account) and knows that I am on medicare because I tried to find out the cost of obamacare one year after I was on medicare, I am now wondering why I had so many emails urging me to sign up? Could it be that the obamacre healthcare plan is now being used as the secondary for medicare? I have not bothered to do an internet search so I don't know the answer.
  9. If it were driven by my searches, then would it not provide results based on my past searches. Like youtube does? That does not seem to be what occurs for me with google. Yes, I see results for searches that I make with google, but when I search for certain political themes, google will not provide results, or sometimes only 1 or 2 results. Yet when I use the very same search words, bing or 1 or 2 of the other search engines will pull up multiple results on the first page. I have in the past gone as far as to click through the numbered pages (1, 2, 3, 4 etc) at the bottom of the google page and look at the results on each page until google stops providing any more pages. Odd since many of the results that google presents are also found in the results of the other search engines.
  10. https://constitutionus.com/democracy/is-the-united-states-a-republic/
  11. Ah, but that is not in the rules, is it not? Which is what your claim was, was it not?
  12. Based on some research that I did (not the kind of research for a phd though) I could see that google must have an algorithm that would exclude results that google did not like. I think that was in the news a few months or a couple of years ago. I can't even remember what the subject was so I am unable to provide any links to any news articles.
  13. Did you look at your link? It pulls up 1,447 responses! Would you please just show me where you said the "mandatory" requirement is in the rules, where you wrote that it was?
  14. Oh, but I did and I checked one book out from the library. Soon after, I had visits from classmates that wanted to see the pictures. While I was interested in the pictures, I was also interested in what I was reading, which in most cases I failed miserably to understand due to what I eventually came to understand, was the frequent use of the Latin language. I quickly became bored with the book and took it back to the library with a week left on the 2 week check out.
  15. OK, so you do not want to quote the rule. I ask that you do because I can not find a rule that says it is "mandatory" to post a link!
  16. One thing I have found about posting youtube comments. Sometimes I have no problem, other times, I have to disable the VPN to post. It's hit or miss.
  17. Well damn! So it is! Color me shocked! Excuse me while I shut up about obamacare.
  18. Could you, perhaps, quote the rule number and rule?
  19. I misunderstood. I thought the captchas were with google, the only search engine I get them with and with youtube, owned by google.
  20. My plan covers my wife and myself anywhere in the United States. It covers us both in Thailand, or Japan, Germany, UK, India, etc. Any where there is a U.S. Embassy, my health care plan will cover me there. I have Blue Cross Blue Shield Federal Employees Plan. I am on Medicare, but my health care plan still pays for both of us, just more for my wife than me. Medicare says I owe this much ..... to the medical provider. My health care sends me a letter and says, they paid it. Otherwise I would still be paying money. For example, I have had multiple skin cancers last year that have been treated by radiation treatments, rather than cutting chunks of flesh from me. I had to go in for 21 treatment sessions for each skin cancer. More than 100 times I went in with a copay of $120.00 after Medicare That is over $12,000.00 that Medicare did not pay for.
  21. Are you using a VPN. I find that when my VPN is active, I have to do capta, but not if the VPN is not active.
  22. Yes, I did. Twice, just this week! https://aseannow.com/terms/
  23. That is interesting. Those are much lower figures than the obamacare website provided when it went on line, which is when I checked, a few months later. I also called the call center for the obamacare system and spoke to a woman. That was how I found out that I had to get permission to visit a health care provider, or I would have to pay the entire bill if I did not have permission. She also told me that the bronze plan was only good in the county I resided in, Bucks, and was only good in 5 states if I were traveling through (or in) those states. Perhaps things have changed. I will still keep my health care plan as it covers me anywhere I go in the world (first world countries) if I need medical care. I can and have used it in Thailand. Sometimes the caveat is, if it isn't emergency medical care, then I send the bill in to the insurance company and they reimburse me. I just checked that website. My income is much greater than what you entered and there are only 2 in the family. The payments are much lower than it was after obamcare was instituted. I pay a little more than that per month for the health care plan I kept when I retired . Still, the obamacare plan's out of pocket expenses $18,200.00 are much greater that what I have now, by about $6,000.00. But it would only matter if I were to be hospitalized. My wife is still under SS age right now and the copay is only $30.00 a month. The other thing is, she does not need a referral from our doctor to see any medical professional. When the office rep asks if she has a referral from her doctor (which they asked me too) she says no and tells them what health insurance we have, they say ok, you don't need a referral. I also have very good pharmacy coverage. e.g. I picked up a large number of pills one time for my wife. I asked how much and the pharmacist said, fifty cents. I immediately and erroneously exclaimed, what? Per pill? She laughed and said no. Fifty cents for the prescription! I get a 90 day prescription of pills that I have to take 1 daily. Without my pharmacy coverage that would be $270.00, with my coverage it is $32.00. I don't understand why you had higher monthly figures unless they costs are higher in Philadelphia county. The website said the silver plan for the two of us would be $618.00 a month or $7420.00 a year. I pay about $1000.00 more a year. But again, my out of pocket expenses are over $6,000.00 less.
  24. So you meant that you do internets searches. I guess I did misunderstand your comment. You don't have to verify anything that I post. You have every right to disregard any and everything that I post. You have every right to not believe anything that I post. I will not be offended if you don't believe any thing that I post.
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