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Everything posted by radiochaser

  1. Hey, you can't post that here. That isn't a joke, it real. Funny but still real.
  2. What? He played a trumpet? I thought it was a trombone!
  3. Yeah. What is that allegiance crap? "On 1/17/2025 at 8:18 PM, Chomper Higgot said: Let’s start with allegiance to the Constitution and not to any one man. " "Or an alliegence to any one woman. Remember the chants at the kamala harris rallies? ka ma la, ka ma la, ka ma la. Sort of like chants from cult members" ka ma la, ka ma la, ka ma la, ka ma la!
  4. You mean paranoia like, the up coming oligarchy, the newly elected dictator, that kind of paranoia? Thailand is too far to ship the dirt. It's pick up only. You will have to come here to Pennsylvania. I can meet you at the Philadelphia International Airport.
  5. Or an alliegence to any one woman. Remember the chants at the kamala harris rallies? ka ma la, ka ma la, ka ma la. Sort of like chants from cult members
  6. Trump won the votes that count, the Electoral Vote and he did win that in a landslide.
  7. As a retired U.S. of A. government employee, I can assure you that supervisors in government who are democrat, try to screen out those people who are not registered democrats. They will do what they can to get rid of anyone who is not a registered democrat. In Washington DC, most of the government employees are in the democrat party.
  8. I heard th pope was a Southern Baptist.
  9. You guys can stop posting as if Thai drivers are the only ones that flee the scene of an accident. Here is an American driver doing it too!
  10. My wife allowed homeless people to use the restroom in her restaurant in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S. of A. Then it was discovered they were injecting illegal drugs while in the restroom!!
  11. Left-Wing Social Media Platform ‘Bluesky’ Says It Cannot Keep Up With Users’ Censorship Requests "In the past 24 hours, we have received more than 42,000 reports (an all-time high for one day). We’re receiving about 3,000 reports/hour. To put that into context, in all of 2023, we received 360k reports. We’re triaging this large queue so the most harmful content such as CSAM is removed quickly." https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/11/left-wing-social-media-platform-bluesky-says-it/
  12. Totally off the topic, in a way, of this alleged murder, and a little wierd. I was in a chat session with a Norton 360 tech support representative this evening. Her name was, Priyanka! "Welcome to Customer Support for Norton and LifeLock products. My name is Priyanka. I would like to apologize for the long wait time you had to experience. We are receiving a high number of chats at the moment and we are working on reducing the queue time as soon as possible ."
  13. Because of the anti-war protests, the politicians changed the laws regarding warfare and rules of engagement, which lead to U.S. Military personnel being killed. Do you think that cannot be all bad either?
  14. Yes, it is a lot hotter here in Pennsylvania than it was about 10-15,000 years ago, when this part of the state was covered by an iceberg. I'm glad global warming melted the ice. And New York state and Canada should be glad too!
  15. Not to mention, building homes on mountain sides so steep that you walk into the house at street level, walk about 20 feet to the other side of the house out on the balcony that has 20 to 25 foot posts holding that side of the house level. Then wonder why your houses like yours on the same mountain side slid down the mountain when it rained, carried down in mud slides.
  16. Off the general topic and responding to the Vietnam protest point. Many years ago, I read a news article about the KGB and the Vietnam anti-war protests. It came out after declassification of KGB files and also claimed by an (ex?) KGB agent that the KGB was secretly involved in the Vietnam anti-war protests, helping to organize them in the U.S. of A. The KGB agent claimed their involvement in the U.S. of A. anti-Vietnam war efforts was one of their most successful propaganda coups against the U.S. of A.! And completely off topic.. In late 1971 or early 1972, a U.S. of A. Navy vessel was firing their 16 inch guns at the ( I think) Haiphong harbor and unintentionally shelled a Soviet Navy vessel. Intercepted communications had information of about 50 Soviet Navy members killed in the shelling. Apparently the Soviet Union didn't care as nothing ever came of it.
  17. Has any one seen my dog Spot? He has been missing since Thursday.
  18. Off topic of being in Thailand. I used to know a guy (who used to be a friend) that was busted at the Houston Texas international airport, flying in from south America back in 1979. He had 60 grams of cocaine in his briefcase. He was, suspiciously nervous, so was chosen for extra, special, attention by customs (or whoever it was that did the inspection). The guy that told me he was picked out for special attention had flown in with him. His passport was checked by immigration and he left the airport carrying a kilo of cocaine! That guy wasn't nervous or acting suspicious.
  19. You forgot to include biden in your honor list.
  20. I used to work for a Vietnam vet who was a quadriplegic, due to a piece of shrapnel that went through his brain. He would ask someone that didn't know him, do you play baseball? It didn't matter if their answer was yes or no, he would then tell them, I play base ball. Wanna know what position I play he'd ask? Invariably the answer was yes, many times with a puzzled tone as he was in a wheel chair. He would then tell them, I'm third base, then hope they would ask, how do you catch the ball. His answer, Oh, I don't catch the ball, I'm third base!
  21. I was in advanced training in the Army with a guy who was assigned to work in Turkey after training. I went to Vietnam and later was sent to Thailand, where I met him again. He told me that the women's prison was where you went for prostitutes. He also told me that the best BJ's were from the old women with no teeth!!
  22. According to available data, the estimated HIV prevalence among female sex workers in Uganda is around 37%, which is significantly higher than the general population, highlighting the disproportionate impact of HIV on sex workers in the country
  23. Damn man! I'm over 75 years old. I'll let you know if I drop dead tomorrow. I don't even have a young filly to ride either!!!
  24. No, the guys I saw delivering documents and packages were in Bangkok.
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