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Everything posted by radiochaser

  1. Thank you. I will be in Thailand in February until March next year, but I don't think I will be that way.
  2. You write that like you have seen him dance. That must be painful!
  3. No. I wonder why you would feel that way.
  4. Judging from seeing the women dressed like that in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S. of A., with children, someone likes and taps that.
  5. That dog handler is prettier than the dog handler whose dog sniffed out the apple in my backpack, from 4 feet away, after I arrived at Newark International Airport, Newark, New Jersey, U.S. of A. Aaaannnnnddd, completely off the topic, with no relation to the topic at all ... have you in Thailand heard all the furor about the, allegedly, pickup truck size drones, that have been flying over New Jersey, U.S. of A.???
  6. I did not know about the battery fire bags. Good information.
  7. I was thinking of a small gas engine motorcycle that would be good for rough roads. A small off road kind of motorcycle. I have an ex-brother in law outside of Bangkok where I could ride it in the countryside. No hills or mountains that I can remember in his area, but it is pretty rural with dirt roads around where the ex BIL lives. I don't like the idea of having an E bike because of the fear of the battery burning (yep, I have that phobia), so it would have to charge outside where it would not set anything on fire. I would not have one in Bangkok as the wife and I have a condominium, with indoor parking, and no place to plug in to charge the electric bike. If I do buy a motorcycle I would probably get help buying it from a friend of the family. He is both a motorcycle enthusiast and a photographer and combines those two talents by going on motorcycle tours in Thailand and other countries, both on and off road. His pictures of tours are known internationally. His pictures of my granddaughter taken a few years ago, are some of my favorite pictures of of my granddaughter. Still, even with the potential advise from the family friend, I still like this thread as I am learning from it and I like the pictures in it too.
  8. Those places are the kind of places I would like to explore in Thailand. Too old to walk but it would be nice to ride there.
  9. Thank you sir. It looks like my restaurant hunt continues. Most of the western or near western food that I buy is usually in the shopping malls of Bangkok. Usually not cheap either. I did find one in a mall called "The Mall" that has really good food (I think they claim organic) that isn't overly expensive. They even grow some of their own vegetables hydroponically. My wife was in Thailand in October and was taunting me with pictures when she ate there!!
  10. How much do you pay them for their service? I have seen the motorcycle taxi guys delivering documents and other things before.
  11. That food at your link looks good. I forget where you wrote that you were. Is it Chiang Mai where those restaurants are, that served the food in the pictures?
  12. They do or did in the Thai Government hospitals.
  13. I found the information in a magazine years ago. Someone did the testing but I don't recall and I don't' think there was, any percentage or amount per gallon specified in the article.
  14. I drank well water as a kid, that has fluoride in it.
  15. I listened to a youtube news report about Chinese goods in Mexico last night. The Mexican police raided a mall, built by Chinese, in Mexico that was packed with counterfeit goods like Disney stuff. It was the third time they had done it I think. The goods were valued at millions of dollars (if sold I guess). This happened in the past week I think.
  16. I have a rental home near Site R in Pennsylvania. Site R is built into a mountain. I am pretty sure that right after the 09/11/2001 attack when the Vice President disappeared for a few weeks, that is where he was at. I heard military jets flying above the house for weeks, which had not happened before, after I moved in in May of 2001. I heard the jets turning on their after burners every day for a while. If you drive down hill from Watsonville, PA, east, towards the border of Maryland, in the winter, you can see the opening of the entrance to Site R.
  17. I have no doubt that the following copy and past, from just one of the thousands of emails I have received from the democrats, is actually just a general broadcast to everyone on their email list, but I find such emails amusing. That "just one of the thousands of emails I have received from the democrats" is not hyperbole. I have more than 10,000 emails from democrats archived and have not once, replied or donated to their cause, yet, they keep telling me I am one of their best, top, etc. supporters! The idea I am expected to believe that, "you are one of Kamala's top supporters this year" is laughable. And that they would tell me "before we share with the rest of the team"? Who is it on the democrat team actually believes that I would believe this? Would your comment, "Some of them are so dumb" apply to whoever thought statements in their emails like this would be believable? 10/24/2024 (radiochaser), our records show that you are one of Kamala's top supporters this year. That’s why we want you to read this before we share with the rest of the team: FIRST: Nate Silver’s polls showed all seven of the battleground states within the margin of error -- and almost all of them trending towards Trump. THEN: Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, funneled $75 MILLION into a far-right super PAC to further tip the scales in Trump’s direction. NOW: Kamala is getting pummeled with attack ads in the key states we need to win this election. Unless grassroots supporters like you help her fight back, we could be in deep trouble.
  18. I read a news article some time back, that Trudeau won the election in Canada, just from the votes in 3 cities. The article suggested that if the popular vote was in the U.S. of A. then New York City and 2 or 3 other cities could elect a President.
  19. What is the "Lean method" that you refer to? I don't recall hearing of that before.
  20. Wow.. A flintlock musket. I did not know that those were still in use, that wasn't a hobby or as a reproduction firearm. And are those beer bottles used as a door step?
  21. Please, use a sarcasm alert on all your posts, that way everybody knows you are using sarcasm. I used "lowly federal agent" first? Oh heavens to Betsy! No one has ever given me a nickname. So, no.
  22. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! That would make Canada bigger than the state of Texas! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! 😆
  23. Oh no!!! More insults. A "lowly federal agent", how will I ever get over such an insult!! 😰 Yes I resent democrat politicians ... Especially the during that one democrat convention I was tasked to work at. Those 5 dnc (do you know who we are?) attendees that claimed I threatened to handcuff them and send them to prison!!! Too bad for them, they lied and were caught red handed and red faced. Gaslighting? Man, I used them new fangled electrical light things for lights! You should try them. They are the best thing since that internety thing. Why are you guessing that Sandy Hook is fiction?? That actually happened! You should know that!!!
  24. I am a hansum man. I know because my Thai wife tells me so! Sorry about you. P.S. Does anyone have a used lie detector for sale? (Something not too expensive.)
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