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Everything posted by radiochaser

  1. They were not on R&R. Almost all the personnel assigned to the 7th at Ramuson station were on permanent assignment with some there on TDY. At the time I was there, we had RDF sites at other places in Thailand as well and they may have also traveled to different places in Thailand, as I did. All personnel that went to Pattaya were on regular leave as I was when I traveled to Khan Kean (sp?). R&R in Thailand was for those military personnel that were assigned permanent stations in Vietnam. Like I was and later PCSed to Thailand.
  2. During my time there from 9/72 -5/73. If there are any web site links on the internet about 7th RRFS personnel going there, I have not found them or did and forgot about it. I think there may be some youtube posts about being down there. in the late 1960's up until the 7th closed in 1975 or 1976.. Personal experience of guys telling me or I overhearing them talking about going to Pattya. Fishing and being on the beach I believe were the primary reason. Some of them went down there with their tilaks. There were guys that were stationed at the 7th at least three years and one or two that may have been there 4 or more years. Then there were guys that managed to be hired to work for the business' that were working for the U.S. government. Federal Electric, CIA, NSA civilians, (as opposed to the NSA military grunts). OK, this is the first time I have seen this. But I don't know if anyone from Radio Research was with them. In 1959, I think all RR personel were working out of Bangkok. There was a Radio Direction Finding (RDF) antenna array on top of a hotel in Bankok, There may have been some RDF sites someplace in Thailand but I can't remember if there was. I was going to post a link then realized it was from the B. Post. Do a search with bing dot com with this term .. did Radio Research have anyone stationed at Pattay, Thailand?
  3. Then why did soldiers from the 7th RRFS outside of Udon Thanii like to go down there for in country leave?
  4. Why was the CISB changed from 2014, obama and vp bidens years, to 2019, by hand? That does not look like a typographical error. If I had typed that and made a typographical error it would have been 2013 or 2015. Yes, the handwritten dates look to be 2019, but I have seen people writing 4's that looked like 9's and had to ask which it was. Why the blacked out censoring, what is someone trying to hide? Could the censoring be hiding the names of personnel that both ordered the medication and received the medication that were in administration before Trump was in office and not during the Trump years? Is there a computer back up of this data? Is this another hit piece?
  5. Does that really work? I bought something different here in the U.S. of A. that had a bait that mosquitos like and used propane to create carbon dioxide, allegedly to attract mosquitos. The bait worked as I found out when I opened it inside the house and in a few minutes I had several mosquitoes around the bait and me. This thing was supposed to attract and vacuumed mosquitos from 1/4 to 1/2 mile ( I forget which) and vacuum them into a net bag. I had it running for 2 weeks until the propane tank ran out. Wife (a Thai mosquito magnet) and I went out to check the net bag. Three mosquitoes were in it after the two weeks. As we were checking that thing for mosquitoes, my wife killed 5 or 6 mosquitoes trying to suck blood from her legs. I returned the thing for a refund.
  6. I take it you have not seen some of the women in Pennsylvania, U.S. of A.! Some? I mean a lot of the women in Pennsylvania! 😫
  7. Just because I am ugly and old does not make me desperate! 😁
  8. In my lifetime, I have only seen one car, with an automatic transmission, a generator, and a dead battery, started by pushing it. But it was pushed to 40 miles per hour speed, before it started up.
  9. She was supposed, as reported in the news, to spearhead efforts to address the crisis at the U.S. / Mexico border. I did hear her talk about it in a video, so I guess she did her job of addressing it!
  10. Is that an all inclusive statement about all republicans? What about the progressive left? Would they help women and baby after the baby is born? Perhaps, if money is involved, is my opinion. I helped 6 women find help. They all went to planned parenthood and were told that they did not provide any prenatal care. Planned parenthood then tried to convince each of them to abort the baby. Women refused. Two planned parent hood facilities referred two women to pediatric facilities (I think they were pediatric facilities), that were no longer in business. One place referred a woman back to planned parenthood. I located three places that helped the women and babies through prenatal and after birth. Four of the woman were still receiving assistance from those three facilities for their babies and themselves 2 years after birth, I think one moved to another state and one married. It was easy to see, from literature and other means, that none of the three facilities the six women went to were associated with the progressive left. Two were not receiving any federal funds. Those two survived on donations and volunteers from the local community and with medical personnel also volunteering. I don't know if the third facilities was receiving any federal funds. Off topic of my post a bit, but I knew a woman California, that would get pregnant, then get an abortion, because she would then be eligible for free health and dental care for a year!
  11. Not really, I have acrophobia. I lied about jumping out of the C141 (I think it was this plane). I spoke to the jump master and asked to be the last one out of the plane. When I got to the door, I crossed my arms, closed my eyes and he gave me a foot in the right direction, i.e. kicked out the door! I opened my eyes after feeling the static line pull and checked to see if my canopy was open. Except for going out the door and some anxiety about the canopy not opening, drifting down to the ground was kind of nice. Then there is the anxiety about not doing the parachute landing fall correctly, which we trained doing from a jump tower a few miles from where I lived, which if you got wrong, you could break a leg or something else. At the next jump at Ft Chaffee, I was chosen to run the ground Net Control Station (radio commander) because I had prior active duty communications training. I moved to California before the next jump and transferred to a Basic Combat Training unit that did not jump out of airplanes.
  12. My first three jumps for qualification with a National Guard Airborne company were from 1500 feet. Jump qualified jumpers went out at 1200 feet.
  13. Not having a lot a lot of experience with that, just 5 jumps from 1500 feet and above. I would say the parachute would have to deploy immediately after you jump. Someone posted a video showing a guy jumping from the top of a smoke stack and it looked like someone may have held the drag chute (pulls the parachute out of the pack) pulling the parachute out as he jumped. Might have only fallen no more than 25 feet before it deployed.
  14. You're funny! Back then, 1978 & 1979 when the jumps were made, I was 6' 3" and about 155-160 pounds. Since then I have shrunk, expanded, and now I am 6' 2" and 174 pounds. I was more hansum then too. My wife lies and tells me I am still hansum. 5 parachutes for 5 jumps to become jump qualified. Jumped with two parachutes at a time. The main chute and the reserve. Jumps 1-3 were from a Huey helicopter, jumping from 1500 feet above ground. You had to work fast to get your reserve out if the main failed to open. Somewhere in the vicinity of Houston, TX. 4th jump was from a C-130 Hercules. I don't know the altitude. I forget where the drop zone was. 5th jump was from C-141 Starlifter. I don't know what altitude the was. Drop zone was at Ft. Chafee, AR. All jumps were with static line.
  15. Where would you buy vinegar for use after jelly fish stings?
  16. I'm wondering who packed his parachute. Fortunately for me, when I was in an Army Airborne Company, professionals packed the 5 that I used.
  17. I am surprised that no one has claimed this is the fault of global cooling .. uh ... global warming ... mmm ... climate change! Yeah, that's it, climate change did this.
  18. Can ... can ... you tell me in English what you wrote? Neither google or bing translate can figure it out!
  19. Would you please, pretty please, stop posting about my wife?!?!? I'm not worried about the 50% withdrawal stuff. Wife has more money than I do. But those other things. Yeah, stop posting would ya?
  20. Thai food take out business. It is situated inside a large building that is a historical landmark owned by the state in which it resides. On a low sales day, over 10,000 people may go through the building that houses more than 100 other business'. Of course, not all 10,000 people are not buying her product.
  21. There is a Soi, in Pattya, named Batman???? Does that mean there is also a Soi named Robin?
  22. Well, we don't reside in England, Scotland (do they speak English there, I forget), Australia, New Zealand, or Belize, we live in America. So she reads American English. I however, am adapt at reading English written in other countries and understanding it. Except, English assembly instructions, printed in China, for furniture made there, and shipped here.
  23. Could it be due to low self esteem of some asean now posters and a need to denigrate someone else to make themselves feel better? That or just plain arrogance that I am better than you low lifes! Thought I would add, that some asean now posters imply they are better than other asean now posters too, not just better than Thai people!
  24. I don't know. But I can and I can flick them across the room too!!!
  25. I was surprised to find that McDonald's burgers in Thailand taste much better than the ones here in the U.S. of A.. I wanted some western food and due to painful knees I did not want to go downtown Bangkok to walk around and find some. So hobbled across the street from the condo to the McDonald's in the mall there. After I returned to the U.S. of A., bought a McDonald's burger here and the taste did not compare to the ones I ate in Thailand. Those small McDonald pies in Thailand are better too! Also, some of the western food restaurants run by westerners have poor tasting food too!
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