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Everything posted by radiochaser

  1. Did you know that most of the school shootings were not on school property and had nothing to do with the schools? No, you only read the anti-gun propaganda and take it as truth. What resentment am I harboring? It is you that seems to be filled with anger and hate. This is evident in your posts. And that projecting thing. Remember, you were the one that claimed I am uncomfortable with your posts and and even continue to respond to someone you will never meet. Remember, this tit for tat only started because you made a nasty comment about me and compounded it by making more.
  2. That's to early for me to watch. Can they do it at high noon?
  3. Oh, this back and forth is fun. Fact, my 7 and 5 year old grandkids opinions have more credibility than yours. So you should feel uncomfortable. As for facts, I keep seeing the fact that democrats will lie about what they don't agree with is true. I think you would fit right in with the American democrat party politicians. I worked around them. They felt free to talk about their, real ideas and feelings around the hired help, not the BS that the democrat supporting main stream media puts out. Me being just a simple, lowly, federal agent, I was one of the hired help, and they acted like I wasn't even there.
  4. You won't catch me and my lady singing together. Or, if you do, I have extra ear plugs and other types of ear protection so you can't hear me!
  5. That might have been a thing years ago. Like the time back during Christmas and New Years in 1972, outside of Khon Kean, where the communists soldiers were.
  6. responded to the wrong post! Damned screwy web browser!
  7. If you mean the nurse that cared for my wife's father, she was with him 24 hours a day. Even when he required hospitalization for what ever reason. Then she stayed in the room with him. The hospital provided a bed for her to sleep in. My wife would pay the hospital for a private room.
  8. I just checked the link. It looks like you now have to become a member to see what they are selling I guess. But there is no charge to be a member. Register and look for their tea. If it isn't listed in their products, contact them on Line and ask about their tea.
  9. Tea. There was an advertiser of mari jo wana that sold tea. Came in one of those small cans like those tobacco dipper cans. This is their link. https://prikpot.com/product/medical-happiness-10g-super-bundle/?ref=2932157-79232a
  10. How much do you think that will cost? My wife was paying for a full time nurse to care for her father until he died a few weeks ago. It was about $1000.00 a month.
  11. The credit does not go to him. It was faked by someone else.
  12. You know this picture has been faked. Even snopes says it's faked. Why are you posting fake stuff?
  13. Oooooohhhh... Look at that!! An insult! Way to go there. You are so brave! Spiders make me uncomfortable. The sudden explosions of big fireworks makes me uncomfortable (I was once in a war). Your opinion of U.S. of A. politics do not make me uncomfortable. I didn't shoot the messenger. Were you uncomfortable with my comment? You are Australian. Your opinions don't mean anything to me.
  14. Since you are Australian, then your opinions matter less than my grandkids opinions do about politics. I stay out of Australian political commentary, why don't you be nice and do the same for U.S. of A. politics?
  15. He's not being cut off. But he will never get my chocolate from my cold dead fingers. 😄
  16. As a federal agent in the U.S. of A. (retired now) I had to work around both democrat and republican politicians. I found out that the democrat politicians were mean, back stabbing people who denigrated their supporters in private. This was most of them. There were some republicans that did that too, but most of them did not. This is where my attitude was hardened about democrats and the democrat politicians. You exhibit the same democrat attitude, in your posts, as did the democrat politicians in talking about their constituency !
  17. He hasn't moved on. He is still in the insult those who don't agree with me mode.
  18. Nah. He was brainwashed by the democrat marxist propaganda talk by other kids in his kindergarten class. I showed the grandson a picture of ka ma la and he asked who it was. I showed the grandson a picture of Trump and he said that's Trump. So, all is not lost. P.S.. Why the insult?
  19. My wife and I have disinherited our grandson for supporting ka ma la! It doesn't matter that he is 5 going on 6 . He should know better! 🤪
  20. I bought a Vietnam Veteran hat a couple of years ago. After wearing it for a week or so I looked at the label inside. "Made in Vietnam"!
  21. Is easy to tell Russian comrades in crowd. You never see before? (Please read in Russian accent)
  22. Didn't someone else die from drinking that stuff a few months ago? Another woman.
  23. Law enforcement policing thought crimes. Tyrannies slow creep into governance.
  24. If I was being the grammar police, I would have flashed my badge!!
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