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Everything posted by radiochaser

  1. It isn't baggage if his comments are close to reality though.
  2. I will have to try this place when I am in Bangkok next July. Thanks for posting.
  3. Not much to do with this story other than it's about someone cheating on tests. Grand daughter is in the first grade. She has told me about a classmate that has been copying her answers to tests that she has been taking. The class has desks that seat two kids side by side, so it is probably easy to do. The other day she told me that when taking math tests, she has been writing the wrong answer to some of her math problems. Her classmate then copies the wrong answer. When he isn't looking she erases the wrong answer and writes in the correct answer. She is six years old and figured that out?
  4. I searched the internet for the phrase, "Saint Margaret's Bell Gardens". Your post was the only response to the search. I am still curious as to what it means or refers to?
  5. I traveled through Europe one time. I exited the airport to walk around before returning and had to go through security. When my bag was checked as I went through security I was pulled aside and had a more thorough security check of both body and carry bags. The guy checking me asked when I was last at the shooting range. I think it had been a week before and asked him back, why do you want to know. He told me my backpack tested positive for explosives. I asked if I was in trouble and his response was, no, you are an American. Lots of American's backpacks test positive for explosives and they owned guns and used their backpacks at the range a few days before traveling. Since this subject has come up and stimulated this memory, I don't think I should have my new backpack near any firearms or shooting range!
  6. If your post was about people not reading hospital documents, but signing where told to, that is what my response is about. I read what they give me.
  7. Good thread ... I use grab when in Thailand. I did not know I could put a credit card on the account. I have not had a problem with paying cash before. But might put a credit card on it anyway.
  8. If you want to be pernickety about it ... military time would be 0001 hours. No decimal points. I don't know how many times I signed out for leave, when in the Army, at 0001 hours. ????
  9. My Thai wife, who reads, writes, and speaks English, met her niece at Chatuchak Market one day. Her niece was wearing a T shirt with a very obscene phrase in English about what sexual act a woman wanted a man to perform on her. My wife told her niece what the phrase meant. Niece was so shocked she removed the shirt, trashed it, leaving her brassier on top, and went to find a new shirt. Niece was wearing a new shirt, with no words on it, a minute later.
  10. Here in the U.S. I have had people upset with me because I won't just sign the document they hand me and give it back to them. Many times at the end of the document above the signature line is a statement that (paraphrased) reads, by signing this document you agree that you have read it. I also, frequently, get documents that also reads that by signing it, I have been given another document. When I ask where that document is, some of the things I am told are, we don't print that out, no one ever reads that, I don't know what that document is, we don't have that document here, just sign it, we will give you a copy (of the document they didn't give me) when you leave/before you leave, ets. When I tell them I won't sign the document until I have a copy of the one that they didn't give me, one person told me that she had to cancel my appointment!
  11. That has happened in the U.S. as well. That and took out the wrong kidney is another one I read about. Apparently it is such a problem, that some doctors have been writing on appendages, this is the limb to amputate, or the right / left limb to amputate, or remove the left / right kidney only. I also read about a surgeon that removed the wrong organ because it was not the right patient!
  12. in the process of revising the entire management of service pistols and the welfare gun program, under which police officers can buy their own guns at lower than market prices,
  13. Yes, you can aim them. But when you pull the trigger the shotgun hits you in the face. I watched a friend do it and his shotgun split his upper lip open. Next day he had a new buttstock on the shotgun.
  14. Aaaaahhhhh yes! This brings back memories of burning classified military documents once a week in South East Asia.
  15. Now, to go off topic a little bit. If I am receiving disability pension income from the U.S. Veterans administration, which is tax free in the United States, does that mean I can have it directly deposited into a Thai bank and not pay taxes on that income, to the Thai Government? Hopefully the answer is, yes, as there are no taxes in the "first-mentioned State" (the United States)!
  16. nigelforbes, does this help answer your question? https://library.siam-legal.com/thai-law/u-s-thai-tax-treaty-pensions-and-social-security-payments-article-20/ Section Code: 0020 U.S. – THAILAND TAX TREATY 1998 Convention between the government of the United States of America and the government of the kingdom of Thailand for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income. Article 20: Pensions and Social Security Payments Subject to the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 21 (Government Service), pensions and other similar remuneration paid to a resident of a Contracting State in consideration of past employment shall be taxable only in that State. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1, social security benefits and other similar public pensions paid by a Contracting State to a resident of the other Contracting State or a citizen of the United States shall be taxable only in the first-mentioned State. Annuities derived and beneficially owned by a resident of a Contracting State shall be taxable only in that State. The term “annuities” as used in this paragraph means a stated sum paid periodically at stated times during a specified number of years, under an obligation to make the payments in return for adequate and full consideration (other than services rendered). Alimony paid to a resident of a Contracting State shall be taxable only in that State. The term "alimony" as used in this paragraph means periodic payments made pursuant to a written separation agreement or a decree of divorce, separate maintenance, or compulsory support, which payments are taxable to the recipient under the laws of the State of which he is a resident. Periodic payments, not dealt with in paragraph 4, for the support of a child made pursuant to a written separation agreement or a decree of divorce, separate maintenance, or compulsory support, paid by a resident of a Contracting State to a resident of the other Contracting State, shall be taxable only in the first-mentioned State.
  17. There is a weight limit for the overhead storage. If I recall correctly I saw a sticker in one that stated there was a 70 kilo limit. But if I had two bags one with 10 kilos and the other 4 kilos, it wouldn't matter if contents were shifted to make both 7 kilos. You still put 14 kilos in the overhead storage. That sticker I saw was not in a Thai aircraft. The carryon that I had with me on my last trip to Thailand weighed about 13.7 kilos, when I checked just to see what the weight was. No check of the weight was made by any airline to or from Thailand.
  18. Not really. A guy once threatened to kill me one time. He kicked in my front door and entered my house with his pistol. As soon as he saw me standing with my pistol, he turned and left. There is a thing called concealed carry too. Where the evil SOB isn't aware of who has a firearm and who will shoot back. It works!
  19. Friendly fire is much worse than the fire from an enemy. Even though both are equally lethal.
  20. Perhaps a little off topic. My grandmother had a chihuahua. It and my aunt's Pekinese, both small dogs, ravaged the fingers on my hand causing me to drip a copious amount of blood. The only dogs that did when they bit me. Both times my fingers bled for several minutes before the bleeding stopped! I can only surmise the dogs did not like me carrying them, even though I carried them the same way as my grandmother and my aunt carried them. I have been bitten by other, bigger dogs, including a pit bull that ran from almost 200 feet away to bite me on the leg while I was riding a bicycle. My aunt's and grandmother's dogs are the only two that drew enough blood to bleed a large amount much less to drip off the wound.
  21. On the subject of central heating. That isnt happening where I live in Pennsylvania, U.S.A. My monthly budget (every month for 12 months) that I am charged by the fuel oil provider increased from $105.00 a month to $305.00 a month!!! At least if I were at my relatives condo in Bangkok, I would not have to pay for heating and the cost of AC cooling is much lower there than my heating will be here!
  22. A little off topic. Speaking of concrete ... I live in Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Residents of a house across the street from me had some concrete work done after a fuel oil tank that was buried in his front yard was removed. The company that delivered the concrete had concrete left in the concrete truck. They dumped the extra concrete into the storm sewer drain!!! I don't know if they city contacted the concrete company, but city workers had to dig the concrete out.
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