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Everything posted by radiochaser

  1. I couldn't edit my post for some reason, even though I tried less than 15 seconds after posting. Wanted to add, that I like google's mapping function and frequently use google earth .
  2. Yes, on occasion, but I also use, duckduckgo, startpage, bing, bravesearch, and some others too. google search is known to not provide results for certain search requests, due to political bias!
  3. That's only 550 miles from Kyiv, as the attack bomber flies!
  4. Current wars or conflicts in the world today! It isn't just Ukraine! https://revisesociology.com/2021/03/03/ongoing-wars-and-conflicts-in-the-world-today/
  5. I checked obamacare out when it first went on line. My yearly income was $100 or $150.00 too much for the subsidized health care, which would have cost about $100.00 a month if I made $200.00 a year less. The cheapest bronze plan would have cost me $1200.00 a month with a $24,000.00 deductible for myself and my wife! It was valid in only 5 states (U.S. of A) and only in the county I lived in, in Pennsylvania. I would have had to ask permission to see, any, health care provider if I did not need emergency, life saving, medical treatment! If I did not ask permission first, before I went to a medical professional, then I would have to pay 100% of the bill! The subsidized plan would have given me better coverage, but not much better! Good thing I kept my health insurance plan that I had before I retired. It was about $475.00 a month in 2010 and is almost $800.00 a month now. It covers me anywhere I go in the U.S. of A. and anywhere in the world. Deductible has gone up a lot though. Yearly fee increases were minimal before obamacare, monthly costs increasing from $295.00 to $475.00 in 23 years, or only about $180.00 a month. The increase in monthly costs since obamacare went into effect are a little over $300.00 a month! I wonder if I am one of the people subsidizing the $100.00 a month obamacare plan! The obamacare website was sending me 3 - 4 emails a week this year, urging me to sign up for their service. Back in 2019, I was in the hospital for surgery. There was a pre-prep waiting room where patients were on a gurney waiting to go into the pre-surgery room for administration of anesthesia. I heard two guys take a man in the next stall in to pre-surgery. One guy asked the man, where is your pillow? The man said, they didn't give me one. The guy said, oh, you must be on the obamacare health plan! Man said yes. Me, I had three pillows on my gurney!
  6. Do a search on baldwin and gun safety training. There was and is no gun license requirement.
  7. No they don't deserve to have their property stolen. Stupid for leaving the property out to tempt a thief, yes!
  8. A Hispanic friend of mine back in San Antonio, once told me, we don't speak Spanish, we speak Texican!
  9. Wasn't he charged with "unintentional manslaughter"? That is like driving drunk with passengers in your vehicle, crashing, and one or more of your passengers dies. You can be charged with unintentional manslaughter!
  10. The person most responsible for firearm safety, is the person that has it in his (or her) hand! As I understand it, baldwin was the movie or show producer and if I understand that role, then he has ultimate responsibility for what happens on the set. baldwin may have the right to expect that the firearm was not loaded, but he had the ultimate responsibility, as the person who was operating the firearm, to make sure that it was not loaded with live rounds. Easy to do, open the cylinder and look! As I have written before, the most common words out of a person's mouth, after a negligent discharge is, I didn't know it was loaded! What do you think that baldwin is claiming now about the firearm being loaded with a live round. Besides, he pointed it at a person, which is not done when filming, it just looks like the actors do that, then cocked the hammer on the revolver, then pulled the trigger. That, is what the FBI investigation has determined. The revolver did not just go off by itself, he pulled the trigger! So baldwin has the ultimate responsibility for wounding one person and killing another!
  11. baldwin pointed a a revolver at someone and then pulled the trigger. First rule of gun safety, never point a firearm at anyone or anything you do not intend to shoot! The most common words out of the mouth of someone after an negligent discharge ... "I didn't know it was loaded"!
  12. 50 degrees True from me and 324 degrees True from Bangkok.
  13. Actually not hard to believe. I forget which country the European I talked with was from, but when he found out I was from the U.S. of A., last July in the Terminal 21 mall, I was asked if biden embarrassed me as a president? My response was that he was an embarrassment as a senator, more so as a vice president, and a bigger embarrassment as president! He knew a lot about biden, more so than some people I have talked to that voted for biden! The guy I talked with may have been from Sweden or Finland. We had a very nice chat about which ice cream to order from the ice cream establishment we were in at the mall. His advice on which ice cream to choose from the menu was very good advice!
  14. I know. I should have continued my Thai language courses back in 1972 when I was in Thailand.
  15. I went to that page, <myultra.com>. This is what I found. "This domain has been registered, but is not currently being used for any web services."
  16. I am mostly interested in the "food like back home" part, now that I am in my 70's. Back in my younger days, I was on the "see food" diet. Not so much now. Perhaps if I were here long term, I might start eating more like a Thai than a foreigner. If I stay for more than 30 days, then I will be going to Thai Language classes. I don't have any problem with not speaking English with expats. I know enough Thai to get by without expats.
  17. North Korea is not shut out on google earth or google maps. I don't know why this tik tok video claims it is. Looking at it now. As an aside, I have what I think is as rare map. A Defense Mapping Agency Kosan, Korea (North Korea) map, SHEET 3223 IV 1:500000 scale. I was showing this map to an ex South Korean Army officer. When he realized that this map was a section of North Korea, he freaked out a little. Told me that if this map was found in my possession in South Korea and I was not in the U.S. Army, I would be arrested! This was back in 1986. Hopefully that would not happen today with access to google earth on the internet.
  18. Off topic? Funny you should write about real estate agencies. My wife and I looked at a condo in July when we were in Thailand. Then she went back to the U.S. of A., leaving me in Thailand. She decided she wanted to buy the condo. I had to go back to the condo association to sign paperwork that basically said, I know my wife is buying a condo, my name will not be on the ownership papers, and I was ok with that (or something like that). I sign the paperwork, take a picture of the signed paperwork and send it to my wife on Line. In October, my wife returned to Thailand to finish the paperwork. The condo association told her I had to again, sign the same document that I had already signed. But the real estate / condo agency said I had to get the document off the internet. I had to download a copy of the document I had already signed, from the website of a Thai embassy in Canada, then pay over $100.00 to have it sent by FedEx to Thailand.
  19. May be an off topic response. Your comment reminds me of when my family was living in Germany and my dad sent me to the back of a local beer joint to buy him two bottles of beer. I stood in line behind other American kids about my age, 12, and watched them buy beer. I get up to the man selling it and he says, what do you want. I say, I want to two bottles of beer. He says, no! I will not sell you beer! Stunned I walked home and tell my dad the man would not sell me any beer. Dad says, tell me exactly what you said to him. Me, "I want two bottles of beer." Dad says go back and tell him, "my dad wants to buy two bottles of beer." I do and the guy sells me the beer. Apparently, by saying my dad wants to buy beer means I am just a proxy buyer for my dad and that the beer is not for me.
  20. I keep looking at the pistol in the news report and I keep thinking, that is not a Colt Defender. I have made several internet searches and have not found a Colt Defender, Series 90 in a .380 ACP caliber. Only .45 ACP. And the finish on that thing. Looks like it is chipping off a cheap pot metal base fake copy. I think it is a fake Colt firearm. Also the frame it looks like it is stamped with "Made in Turkey", but I am not sure the last word is "Turkey".
  21. Why could he not have found some criminal Thai that wanted to illegally sell a firearm and the Thai told him to meet outside a grocery store, in the parking lot? Like when I buy things advertised on facebook marketplace or craigslist and the seller wants to meet in a police department parking lot or in a Taco Bell parking lot to make the sale (machine tools not firearms). A much more believable thing than the guy managed to smuggle a firearm and ammunition through the security of an international airport in Australia!
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