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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. A gorgeous young redhead goes into the doctor's
    office and said that her body hurt wherever she touched it.
    “Impossible!” says the doctor. “Show me.”
    The redhead took her finger, pushed on her left shoulder
    and screamed,
    she pushed her elbow and screamed even more.
    She pushed her knee and screamed;
    likewise she pushed her ankle and screamed.
    Everywhere she touched made her scream.
    The doctor said, “You're not really a redhead, are you?”
    “Well, no,” she said, “I'm actually a blonde.”
    “I thought so,” the doctor said,
    “Your finger is broken.”

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, wealthychef said:


    OMG I go so crazy over idiotic climate denialism.  Off topic though.  Still, come on, really?  

    Is it off topic though? surely if you're gullible enough to believe the Agenda 21 driven AGW scam then maybe you can be convinced that breathing out whatever cocktail of whatever from e-gigs mixed with the Co2 is also somehow managing to compete with the Sun in driving climate change.

  3. 58 minutes ago, CGW said:

    Quite! so much more pleasurable to be sat by the roadside, breathing the fumes and talking in breaks between the "roar" of unregulated exhaust noise from the cars, trucks & motorcycles, surrounded by discarded garbage :shock1:

    For eating there is no better place in the world than Singapore & if your budget is up to it pretty good night life also.

    The cost of housing is bloody ridiculous though!

    Orft to Singers with you then my lad, bye bye :w00t:

  4. 54 minutes ago, CGW said:

    Quite! so much more pleasurable to be sat by the roadside, breathing the fumes and talking in breaks between the "roar" of unregulated exhaust noise from the cars, trucks & motorcycles, surrounded by discarded garbage :shock1:

    For eating there is no better place in the world than Singapore & if your budget is up to it pretty good night life also.

    The cost of housing is bloody ridiculous though!

    Orft to Singers with you then my lad, bye bye :w00t:

  5. 31 minutes ago, Seismic said:

    "Besides the growing health concerns over e-cigarettes". The only concerns over health have been raised by people and organisations directly connected to the Tobacco industry. Even there some tobacco companies are now quietly buying up Vaping companies (not to close them down, but to profit from them as their own products become more and more proscribed. It is now generally accepted worldwide that E-cigs are significantly less harmful than tobacco products, however like anti-vaxxers and climate sceptics there are always a few nutjobs who will go against science for personal gain or attention.

    I was just about to give you a like until your last inane statement, if you're not aware of the dangers of vaccinations and the very obvious climate scam you need to do some research.

  6. 1 hour ago, overherebc said:

    Walked behind one guy who had one stuck in his gob and had to stop to let him get further ahead so I could then see where I was going. It brought to mind the old Navy movies when the order ' make smoke' was issued. 

    Why do the user love to produce those huge volumes of the 'smoke'?

    Just askin'


    It's not smoke it's vapour and dissipates rapidly.

  7. 1 hour ago, Thian said:

    What's wrong with that picture? Looks perfect to me, good floor, no soidogs/cats/rats...they all speak english, perfect.


    Today i got scammed in Arno's steakhouse in EMquartier...i ordered a double burger 2x200 gram of meat but got 2x75 gram of meat...had to pay for the 200 gram burgers though...I hope Arno reads it, i've seen his pic and will ask him about it one day when i meet him.

    If that's perfect for you, why did you ever come to Thailand? p.s. love soi dogs and always feed them.

  8. 1 hour ago, Pdaz said:

    Singapore went through this years ago. The Thai Govt should follow their example and provide Govt administered open air food centers. Then they could do away with the ramshackle vendors and hawkers. Nobody would lose their living and it could help to prevent corruption and backhanders.

    Rent and utilities at a set price and easy for hygiene inspections etc.



    OMG no, the last thing we need is another sterile city like Singers, Thailand is unique and that's why lots of people love it, just look at that picture, YIKES!

  9. 8 hours ago, jonclark said:

    Absolutely, But corruption in Thailand is as endemic as ice in your beer, its the proverbial grease that makes the cogs of power turn.  Remove the ice and the beer becomes unpalatable and flat, remove corruption and things will grind to a halt. That is just the way it works. 


    The aim was to raise the living standards of the poor, those who have been overlooked for so many years by the ruling classes - lest we forget they too have been happily skimming from the top for many, many decades without any moral qualms whatsoever over the  guilt or innocence of their actions, cause that' show it works here. - in itself she was right to pursue that policy which was effectively a large agricultural subsidy. The principle was subsiding the cost of the rice so farmers got a better price. Certainly not unique and a well proven way to rack up huge losses to the taxpayer. In the EU, CAP accounts for somewhere in the region of 30% of the entire annual EU budget. UK farms get somewhere like $300 per hectare for cultivated land. Agricultural subsidies are a great way to lose money...but they keep farmers viable and happy(ish).


    Yinglucks downfall, imo, was she also wasn't experienced enough to be PM - before she was PM she was a complete political novice with no experience whatsoever - kinda like Trump. As such she was entirely dependent on those around her for advice and support and when all and sundry jumped on the bandwagon to get their nose in the trough of corruption, well that was her undoing coupled with the establishments dislike of those pesky outsiders taking a bigger slice of the corruption pie than they were able to.


    In 5, 10,  15 years down the line it will be a new name..more corruption from a failed subsidy policy and the same old machinations. 


    Anyway, I'm off to put some ice in my beer now. Enjoy.   



    Fair comment except for "ice in your beer"? gross, unless you like watery beer :shock1:

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