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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. You just need your home country licence and the permit

    And a lot of observational skills in the country. Please expect the unexpected like.....

    1) Cars/bikes driving the wrong way on the wrong side of the road.

    2) no lights on, at night

    3) dogs/cows wandering across the road.

    4) a red traffic lights doesn't always mean people stop.

    5) turn signals only used at the same time as turning (not before).

    Stay safe and hope you enjoy your holiday.

    6. When someone flashes the headlights it DOESN'T mean that you can go.

    First thing I tell anybody from the UK, flashing headlights is exactly opposite to the UK.

  2. Certainly the greatest eye-damaged keeper ever. Who can forget that twisting eel save low down at his post in one of the olden World Cups - was it Mexico?

    Yeah Mexico '70 against Pele, the most incredible save ever. He gave up proper football after his accident but played a couple of seasons in America. Greatest two eyed keeper of all time though some say Yashin but they're wrong Lol.

  3. Here's something that should offend

    Last night I reached for my liquid Viagra and accidentally swigged from a bottle of Liquid Paper.

    I woke up this morning with a huge correction.

    My budgie broke his leg today so I made him a little splint out of a couple of Redhead matches.

    His little face lit up when he tried to walk... unfortunately, I had forgotten to remove the

    sandpaper from the bottom of his cage.

    Last night I was sitting on the sofa watching TV when I heard my wife's voice from the kitchen,

    'What do you feel like for dinner my love ...... chicken, beef or lamb?' I said, 'Chicken, please.'

    She replied, 'You're having soup you fat bastard, I was talking to the cat!'

    Surely he would have woken up with a huge card on.

    • Like 2
  4. I completely lost trust and respect for the BBC after their unbelievably false portrayal of the events in Bangkok around 2010. Total morons reporting to the world and not having a clue about what was actually going on. One incredibly ignorant reporter rachel something or other saying "And here we see the redshirts streaming in to Bangkok determined to fight for democracy" ! Give us a break, BBC, these old biddies were going in for thaksins 2,000 Bht per day, nothing else. At least make sure your reporters are aware of reality !

    I think you're a bit confused, 2,000baht a day was the yellow traitors going rate.

  5. "Government Spokesman Maj-General Sansern Kaewkamnerd said yesterday almost every country had shown support for the government after the Foreign Ministry explained the government was exercising limited power to keep peace and order in the country."

    It's quite bizarre how in this day and age a supposedly educated man can somehow think that blatantly lying in the face of voluminous evidence that contradicts the lie will somehow cut it. The Internet, and the almost complete impossibility of shutting down the flow of information has made people like this spokesman a dinosaur. I guess it sums up the junta-from-another-age, although one is aware that they have no inkling of this.

    "It's quite bizarre how in this day and age a supposedly educated man can somehow think that blatantly lying in the face of voluminous evidence that contradicts the lie will somehow cut it."

    And yet it works for governments worldwide, they're all blatant liars and they don't care who knows it.

  6. using "fag" to reference a cig must mean you are not an American!!!!!

    In America, we have many dangers!!!!

    1. walking through Detroit

    2. Black Friday

    3. McD's 5-minutes before close

    4. trying to find Canada on a map in less than 30-minutes

    but i get you.......humans you create takes a special bond. you would die for this kid, so that's special.....

    i would die for 100 big macs right now!!!! lol

    I walked through Detroit, no problem. Mind you, about a week later they had the riots of '67 but my ship had sailed.

  7. In the US right now & just caught the CBS Evening News.

    The television anchor said, in a SERIOUS tone "President Obama said that cutting carbon emissions would be a strike against ISIS".

    I was boiling spaghetti noodles in a pot when I heard that. I almost killed myself with boiling water....I almost fell into the pot laughing.

    Obama went on to say that the world would end or something by 2050 (not sure on that date - I was laughing too hard), if we didn't hurry up and tax the shit out everything even more.

    I CANNOT BELIEVE people fall for this malarkey.

    Save the bees! Save the trees!

    Save the whales! Save those snails!

    Yep, except for the fact global warming is real, it's effects devastating, the consequences for not acting now catastrophic for humans and other life forms, and denying this is just hiding from reality.

    Oh please, nobody with an ounce of common sense believes that crap any more, it's the biggest scam in history, bigger even than capitalism.

  8. ah those guardian spirits again who must have been taking a nap when the coup happened?

    Maybe it is thanks to all the Guardian Spirits that the coup Happened.

    To put an end to all the corrupt and incompetent management that the country had.

    "To put an end to all the corrupt and incompetent management that the country had."

    And return it to the original corrupt and incompetent management of Prem's elite buddies.

  9. In case some of you didn't read the article in full. At no point does it make a comparison with Thailand or ASEAN at all. They simply discuss the low levels of English proficiency exhibited by Malaysian English teachers.

    Any comparisons have been made by the posters on this forum.

    But when stated that english is spoken better and more widely in malaysia than n thailand the OP disagreed and relied on the report for proof of his convictions. Which is wrong.
    you such a fantasist . Read again and grow up unless you are a juvenile

    "you such a fantasist"

    And that's an example of your English?

  10. There you have it! Unlimited freedom of speech leads to conflict. So in P's eyes this will be controlled as long as he remains in power. Points of views are to be suppressed if you don't conform to the way P wants.

    So far this has only been dealt with using courts and adjustment camps. I fear it will get a lot worse and can only hope it doesn't get like N.K. With his 20 year roadmap now one can only guess at when he will step down and allow democracy to return. One also has to wonder if the people running for the next gov are going to be hand picked by him to ensure his way of thinking remains the rule for a very long time.

    I was all for his coupe. Thailand needed to be rid of the T clan rule and PTPs hand in everything. P has been doing many good things for Thailand, but????

    "P has been doing many good things for Thailand"

    Such as?

  11. Then that begs another question.... laugh.png

    Both smartphones do not have sensitive data on them and I believe there is an APP or two that can help secure them, so......

    any recommendations on a cheap VPN I could use for the next 4 months that would take at least 1 link - the laptop?

    I've not been in this situation before so am trying to find my way through with help from you brainy people biggrin.png

    I use IPVanish, seems reasonable.

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