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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. Pitiful! The one finger salute usually works better. giggle.gif

    Yes more universal in nature. Another Canadian invention I think.

    Actually it's not. The 1 finger salute comes from the English. During one of their wars with the French, the French vowed to cut off the middle finger of all English archers, so they couldn't use their longbows. The French lost, and the English proudly displayed the fact that they still had their middle finger.

    Your history lesson for the day.


    Actually that's the alleged origin of the "V" sign.


    A commonly repeated legend claims that the two-fingered salute or V sign derives from a gesture made by longbowmen fighting in the English and Welsh[26] archers at the Battle of Agincourt (1415) during the Hundred Years' War, but no historical primary sources support this contention.[27]

    The first unambiguous evidence of the use of the insulting V sign in England dates to 1901, when a worker outside Parkgate ironworks in Rotherham used the gesture (captured on the film) to indicate that he did not like being filmed.[28] Peter Opie interviewed children in the 1950s and observed in The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren that the much older thumbing of the nose (cock-a-snook) had been replaced by the V sign as the most common insulting gesture used in the playground.[28]

    Between 1975 and 1977 a group of anthropologists including Desmond Morris studied the history and spread of European gestures and found the rude version of the V-sign to be basically unknown outside the British Isles. In his Gestures: Their Origins and Distribution, published in 1979, Morris discussed various possible origins of this sign but came to no definite conclusion:

    because of the strong taboo associated with the gesture (its public use has often been heavily penalised). As a result, there is a tendency to shy away from discussing it in detail. It is "known to be dirty" and is passed on from generation to generation by people who simply accept it as a recognised obscenity without bothering to analyse it... Several of the rival claims are equally appealing. The truth is that we will probably never know...[28]

  2. I think the time has come for the Thais to show a large scale protest of civil disobedience. If thousands, or 10's or 100's of thousands of people came out in protest, what could the junta do? Far too many to arrest. Can't shoot them. Pretty much anything the junta would do to suppress them would result in massive international condemnation (resulting in massive loss of face for the junta).

    Of course the junta could play the Burma card, close the borders of the country and slaughter the protestors and plunge Thailand in a Burma style repressive military regime.

    "can't shoot them", Oh really! Since when?

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