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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. 2 dog stories in one day! I love it. I am a self-confessed dog-hater. There are working dogs and all the rest are muck-making machines that spread diseases and cause accidents. Until a responsible government takes control & does something about this problem that harms its citizens and discourages tourists then people will take the law into their own hands. Som nam na.

    And I'm a self confessed dog hater hater. Dogs are the most wonderful faithful friends a person could have and spread much joy and happiness, give me dogs over people any day.

  2. So what is it the hundreds of girls on Soi 6 do exactly? You know, information for the signs to be printed in Chinese and English. National Park? Wat? Student Library?

    There are girls on soi6? thought they were all katoey.

    No eddie, you must have been on soi 6/1 (again)

    Nah, definitely 6, spent one night there on the way back from snookyville, got up in the morning and ran back to bkk and back down to the safety of krabi.

    safe in crabi ?, more chance of crabi in soi 6

    Only ever seen one katoey in krabi and it was so ugly only drunk yanks went with it. You obviously never been there.

  3. So what is it the hundreds of girls on Soi 6 do exactly? You know, information for the signs to be printed in Chinese and English. National Park? Wat? Student Library?

    There are girls on soi6? thought they were all katoey.

    No eddie, you must have been on soi 6/1 (again)

    Nah, definitely 6, spent one night there on the way back from snookyville, got up in the morning and ran back to bkk and back down to the safety of krabi.

  4. I have encountered a few nasty soi dogs (usually at night as they are protecting their territory) but on the whole they have been good natured and just wanted a bit of attention.

    On another note I see how some Thais treat dogs, not just soi dogs but even some pets. I often see little kids kicking them and pulling their ears.

    I understand people's opinion but a few attacks bad apples make all soi dogs bad and in need of being rounded up and killed. Its easy to pass judgement but lets remember these soi dogs come about because of human neglect of pets which end up on the street not neutered but kept alive by being fed which doesnt help but just allows to mate and multiply.

    Too true, in my 50yrs coming to Thailand I've only had trouble with one soi dog which was my fault really for kicking out at him, little sod never forgot LOL.

  5. Pretty low form of life just kills a dog,

    A man of high moral and ethical standards reacting to an unrestrained, un-muzzled (according to the pictures), dangerous dog that had, without dispute, attacked his child. Good luck to him.

    You obviously can't read, the dog was chained and muzzled and had previously bitten the brat, not attacked, after he had made to hit it, still don't let the truth ruin your rant.

  6. There is a restaurant near where I live that has this mangy old dog that's tried to bite me on numerous occasions. The owner thinks it's funny.

    People in this country (sorry, many people) don't know how to raise and train dogs.

    What this man did was wrong, but if this dog bit his kid it should have been put down and it's owner prosecuted.

    "People in this country (sorry, many people) don't know how to raise and train dogs."

    Likewise many people in Thailand don't know how to raise kids, some of them are horrible little sods not adverse to ill treating dogs.

  7. Oh.....

    When you tighten a chuck, the three 'beaks' are moving to each other, but also deeper in the chuck. When they touch your drill bit and the bit is already touching the bottom it can not move deeper, and it prevents tightening more.

    Well after a lifetime in engineering, I've never heard of that.

  8. By the time the Chinese are done, there won't be much left of the planet. Enjoy your cheap manufactured goods.

    Yes they are definitely in a hurry to spend all their "Greenbacks" before they become worthless. America thought they were giving China a helping hand when they agreed to all those trade deals with them and shipped most of the good paying jobs to Great Wall. They opened a Pandora's box and the horse is out of the barn on this one. The Chinese are clever people they are also taking their Yankee greenbacks and buying up American real estate by the billions. A stealth takeover from within. They will definitely beat the Mexicans and the Muslims in claiming the heartland.
    I was staff on the Ways and Means Committee in 1999-2001. I told my boss Congressman Wally Herger about giving MFN to China permanently would lead to massive job loss. However, the Republican Party wanted it done.

    That's capitalism for you, profit & growth = rape of the planets finite resources.

  9. >>I thought drugs and narcotics was pretty much the same? ? <<

    ​Dogs can sniff certain drugs ,hash and Cocaine for example but Yaba ?

    Actually the drug dogs will only alert on the drugs or whatever material they are trained on. Whether or not it is yaba (speed) will depend on whether or not the were trained to find it

    Many countries, like Australia, use them to detect plants or other type of food stuff's in passenger luggage

    A pointer, like above, is the perfect bomb dog, since it is trained just to signal to the handler that it has detected something, not play with it

    Dog's also have a high rate of success when trained to detect cancerous tumors in hospital patients

    What do you mean play with it? Never seen dogs running about tossing bags of ganja up and down, they're trained to indicate, for everything.

  10. It is expensive to purchase, train and maintain a dog and it's handler

    The holy grail for dogs and detection has always been a "super dog" that could do both narcotics and drugs, unfortunately due to the different training methods no agency has ever been able to cross train dogs

    Drug dogs "play" with their handler for a reward for finding drugs and if you have ever played with a dog, you sure as hell don't want a bomb detection dog to "play" at detecting explosives

    Same routine for bombs or drugs, the dogs think it's all a game and do it for the same rewards.

  11. Good advice rent first, buy later if you happy. For me too many muslim population frequent Ao Nang Krabi and they are avaricious business people.

    In my experience of visiting/living in Krabi/Ao Nang since '94, avaricious they certainly are not, most of the time they couldn't give a monkeys, so laid back it's hard to tell if they're awake.

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