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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. Okay now I'm worried about staying in Thailand. The situation is getting worst for foreigners. Bombs, lack of human rights, immigration rules changing, borders monitored and now this. Time to get out, before the lynch mobs arrive.

    Done it, left in May after a long on/off relationship since 1966, for what looks like the last time. TBH I fell out of love with Thailand years ago after all my favourite places were encased in concrete, heck I don't even like paved roads, dirt bikes n 4wd used to be much more fun. As me and her indoors broke up in April can't think of any reasons to go back, it's not even cheap anymore, Malaysia, Cambodia n Vietnam are cheaper, maybe even Burma, not tried there yet.

    Sawasdee Thailand, it's been lots of fun.

  2. ... Outsiders do not understand what's going on in our country," he said.

    Honestly I think the Supreme Leader should stay home from UN in NYC - he will def feel most unwelcome there, just like if Jung-Un suddenly showed up unexpected ...

    If Kim went, it'd be Jung-Un and Wrong-Un.

  3. An Israeli doctor says: "In Israel, medicine is so advanced that we

    cut off a man's testicles, put them on another man, and in 6 weeks, he is

    looking for work.

    The German doctor says: "That's nothing. In Germany, we take part of a

    brain, put it in another man, and in 4 weeks he is looking for work."

    The Russian doctor says: "Gentlemen, we take half a heart from a man,

    put it in an other's chest, and in 2 weeks he is looking for work."

    The American doctor laughs: "You all are behind us. Six years ago, we

    took a Muslim with no brains, no heart and no balls and made him

    President. Now, the whole country is looking for work!"

    This joke actually won an award for the best joke in world competition held

    in Britain!

    What joke?

    • Like 1
  4. I've got a chromecast and I love it, don't need to use with chrome browser but it is the only thing I use chrome for. In about 40mins I'll be casting the moto gp, can't wait, c'mon Vale!.

    great to hear it, I already bought the TV and look forward to trying out a chromecast.

    One thing I don't quite understand u say u don't need to use with the Chrome browser but it's the only thing u use .chrome for.

    Don't quite get it......

    Sorry, just mean I have firefox on my laptop which I use most of the time but chromecast is just so easy to use with chrome I use chrome to chromecast.

    My phone is android and chromecast works well with that but don't know if it works with apple stuff.

    If you like sports there's an app called olwebtv for android which works great with chromecast, once again no idea if it works with apple.

  5. My first two laptops were IBM Thinkpads back in the days of yore. They were brilliant, the tank of laptops, really sturdily built and never any problems. On the strength of those, in Oct last year I bought a Thinkpad edge off the internet. From day one I was dissappointed, very flimsily built, would creak and groan if I even looked at it. It wasn't long before it started having problems, every time I turned it on it would go into startup repair which was eventually traced to a faulty memory stick, and then it devoloped a line down the left edge of the screen which has now developed into 5 lines all in a laptop less than a year old. I would never buy another Thinkpad and in fact am typing this on my 5yr old Inspiron which is a brilliant laptop and has never given me any problems.

  6. He turned down going to the Erawan shrine not for his own safety of course, but for the safety of his bodyguards and entourage. I therefore assume that his armored car is big enough for all of them too.

    At face value of course, this would seem like the actions of a coward. So I guess he's a coward.

    Does that make many leaders of countries and government services and ceo's of companies cowards too? It's normal that those are driven around in armored cars and do not visit certain places at certain moments for simple safety reasons.

    Sounds quite naive to start calling all those people cowards for that reason.

    Especially in Thailand there's good reason for Prayuth to take safety measures. He took over to end the shootings and bombings that were frequently taking place. Attempts to destabilise the country. There will be many that would love to see him killed. Don't make things easy for them.

    "He took over to end the shootings and bombings that were frequently taking place"

    Lets not get carried away with promoting fabricated coup motivations, by parroting coup apologists.

    The PDRC and their gratuitous shootings and bombings were designed to create the impression of political dysfunction, so that those who could not win elections could create another pathway to power.

    I'm sure a timely Prayuth whisper in Suthep's ear would have brought the PDRC nonsense to an abrupt halt.

    And letting the election proceed would have finished the matter.

    Neither of those two things were in the self-serving interest of the PDRC and coup perps, and the rest is history.

    To suggest the coup was designed to end political dysfunction that was contrived, is simply parroting their self-righteous spin..

    The only thing more insane than this post are those who clicked 'like'.

    Do you seriously think the PDRC did the shooting and the murders ?. Surely nobody is that gullible.

    btw: You should wipe that spit off your chin and your keyboard.

    And yet you get no likes.

  7. 365 sports is a total rip off, was very happy at first till they invented more channels and moved the sports I like to the new channels, and wanted more money in the process. Now channel 7 (the golf channel) is showing Malaysian TV? The sooner my subscription finishes the better.

    The "golf channel", is that like "watching paint dry" channel?

    No but thanks for helpfull reply, next time we want your opinion we'll lift the dust bin lid.

    "we'll"?, how many of you are in there then?

    As most dust bins contain rubbish and s-*t he may be hinting (strongly!) that you are part of the contents and the rest of us helpful people are on the outside looking in at the contents (you) knowing that we are not getting any help.

    Can we get back on topic as I would love to know what sites people are using NOW as these sites change on a daily basis.

    Being Scottish! I would of course prefer any free sites that anyone knows about.

    I'm also the rubbish that gave you a link in post #7, you're welcome.

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