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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. A few years back riding down to Ao Nang I noticed a few riders approaching the other way waving their arms about like crazy, "I wonder what all that's about" I thought to myself, two seconds later I found out, OUCH! 5 stings, no helmet of course.

  2. Ask yourself this , if MM had any chance of winning the world championship , do you think he would have been pissing about like that ?

    He let Lorenzo go by far to easy , then continued to battle with Rossi .

    MM is not as squeaky clean as people make him out to be.

    Watch " Hitting The Apex "

    Not to mention Lorenzo passing Rossi under a yellow.

  3. Mmmm. That didn't work too well.

    The video I wanted to embed was:

    Let me try this embed code again:


    She lives just up the road from me and her son Richard is a friend. Incidentally, the lead guitar in the vid is her ex Len, lives in Phuket.

    Wow! So where do you live?

    I understand she moved to England back in the 70s.


  4. What on earth got into his head in Sepang? I know the whole Marquez thing has got to him after he supposedly mucked up his race at Philip Island but today's antics were off the scale.

    I can understand he thought MM was again messing up Vale's race pace and he saw Jorge dissapearing into the distance but to lose his rag and push MM so wide was ridiculous! Today Vale lost the plot and the title now ass he has been given the penalty of starting at the back of the grid in Valencia.


    He had the right to go as wide as he pleased having the inside line and Marc had plenty of room but instead rode into Vale even hitting his knee with his head, Vale just pushed him off. Lots of vids on youtube proving it, fastbikes has a good one.

  5. One could argue that as Thai culture isn't suited to western ideas of democracy and that coups have been been necessary to prevent the politicians from using democracy as a cover to rape the country for all they can.

    Why Thailand wants to follow failed, so called democratic, systems like the US and UK is beyond me.

    When you look around: Myanmar, Lao, Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines than Thailand and Malaysia are the 2 best...I wouldn't call that a fail.

    "Thailand and Malaysia are the 2 best."

    At what?

  6. I was pulled over for a left turn on red. Tried to bribe the cop but nooooooo, had to go to the police station. Standing room only, place packed with tourists paying fines.

    A few Thais too but a majority, farang.

    The police office staff were churning out receipts about every 3 minutes. Maybe 10,000Bt an hour being collected.

    Pretty good racket. Rent motorbikes to unlicensed, uninsured tourists, then pounce on them when they turn the first corner.

    I believe the Soi 9 Police Station is in the top 5 places visited by tourists.

    Thought it was legal to do a left turn on a red.

  7. Yeah me too, he's going to be lucky to get in the top five in Valencia and though he's had success in Sepang so have the others and they're all really fast at the moment. Much as I want him to win, I thought his cock up at Misano was going to bite him in the arse and it's looking like I was right.

  8. Was in court today, charged with 12 accounts of murder, 4 rapes and 3 paedophilia charges. When they asked me why i did these things i had the ingenious idea of saying "It is all in my religion".

    Sitting smugly, thinking i'd outsmarted the bastards, the judge interupted and told me i was quite obviously not muslim...

    Probably Christian then.

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