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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. Despite what UK gov't may advise, there is a general prejudice toward the predominately Muslim areas of Thailand. Same as with Myanmar, the social problems are generally NOT created by the Muslim minority.

    I have traveled extensively throughout the South, North & Northeast of Thailand, including Krabi & Phuket (by means of a Suzuki 125 motorbike, w/ large backpack resting on the seat), .

    In fact, the South (people-wise) is considerably safer (in my experience), as the Muslim Thais tend to be more "down-to-earth", drive more maturely, than the norm, are readily more friendly, and considerably more honest toward foreigners. However, people are still people everywhere, so remain vigilantly cautious, in any case.

    Re: Malaysia ~ If you've ever visited Sri Lanka, or India, then you already get the drift of what precautions need to be maintained. Penang (across the bridge from Butterworth, is a great location to visit in Malaysia. I did not detour far from the Malaysian National Highway, especially while riding thru KL. Singapore is fantastic. Despite being located on the Equator, if I could afford the living costs, then Singapore would be the place for me. Enjoy the excursion.

    Hope this helps with your decision making process. Cheerscoffee1.gif


    I have never been to Sri Lanka or India (it's on my to do list). Could you please advise regarding the precautions you are advising?


    Malaysia / Singapore has three major ethnic groups. Chinese (Buddhist), Malay (Muslim), and Tamil (Indian-Hindu). The Tamils tend to be the more sophisticated street people of Malaysia whistling.gif


    Until you eat with them, they lightly wash their hands with cold water no soap then trough their food down with their hands like their lives depended on it, used to make me feel sick.

  2. She won't get any fairness from this bunch of traitors, after all she and her bruv gave the people ideas above their station and the fascists aren't having any of that.

    Ideas that didn't work !! Who would want them in thei right mind. Her and bruv also tried to sneak an amnesty bill through Parliament.....didn't work also and was a contributing factor in their downfall. The people who you call Traitors and fascists are the ones who are gradually getting Thailand back on its' feet,.....maybe you are possibly filled with so much anger that you are blind. Surely you wouldnt like people back in power who only think about lining their own pockets as well as their mates. Who is the traitor to the Thai People ?? I would suggest the Shin Clan should be included in your answer

    Sneak? is that what you call the business of a democratically elected government? putting bills through parliament is what they are absolutely entitled to do. Amnesty bills are all the rage in thailand, without them many coup leaders would have to have been held to account and the army would never let that happen. All this fuss about some bloke who flogged cheap shares to his mrs, do you really think that's worth the destruction of democracy? No, it's just a smokescreen to further the agenda of the elitist fascist right, swallowed hook line and sinker by their gullible sympathisers. If and when, and it's a big if, this treacherous putz returns free democratic elections to the people, there will be an amnesty bill otherwise Prayut, Prem and their cronies will all face the firing squad.

    So which squeaky clean country do you come from where politicians don't line theirs and their friends pockets? It's certainly not the UK or USA, or any other capitalist country for that matter, for that is exactly what they do. Thailand under Pheu Thai and all it's other guises was a thriving economy and for a change the ordinary people were seeing some benefits, and that's where the trouble lays, the snouts at the trough were not willing to share.

  3. Every time amnesty and politics are mention in the same talk up pops Thaksin's name. Khun Thaksin has not been convicted of a political crime but of a crime aimed at increasing his personal wealth. Amnesty/Pardon for this man has nothing to do with politics and it is for this reason that the opposition rose against Yingluck when she attempted to manipulate amnesty for her brother.

    So amnesty for murderers but not thieves?

  4. Another - Margaret Thatcher (a bloody Pom).

    Margaret had a humble upbringing - Daddy owned a grocery store.

    She became the longest serving UK PM of the 20th Century.

    Someone referred to her as the "Iron Lady".

    She was tough - she had to be. She introduced policies to reduce unemployment.

    Enough from this bloody Aussie.

    Over to the Poms to expand on the above.

    Time for tea & scones.

    Because you're an Ozzy I'll forgive you your ignorance, Thatcher was as evil as they come, doubled unemployment, destroyed communities and introduced Freedman free market capitalism, a broken system we are all suffering from now. May she burn in hell. Getting back on topic, I would say Vladimir Putin, a giant of a statesman standing against the insane hegemony of the US and it's puppets.

  5. Maybe, maybe not. The FB problems seem to coincide with other international websites going off & on. Foxnews source? cheesy.gif

    No, not maybe.

    Facebook was down.


    Is that too difficult for you to comprehend?

    Except the slowdown is across many (most) sites and to IPs geographically all over the world.. Even entire networks like skype etc..

    Is that so difficult to comprehend ??

    Nope! just facebook.

  6. http://www.expertreviews.co.uk/mobile-phones/1403668/moto-g-3rd-gen-review-2015-the-new-best-budget-smartphone

    excellent phones, I have had three of the 2014 version and a lot of people with Iphones liked mine better.

    about 7000 baht, but however I don't think available for purchase directly in Thailand, sadly.

    not impossible to import, wonderful phone

    transferring the numbers from IOS to android should be simple, if it's not transfered via SIM card to the new phone (might be different SIM, I don't know) then it should work via bluetooth

    just so you know, i'm not sure if it's still applicable as of now but apparenlty if you have an iphone the sms are sent via something like Imessage and if you switch phones and someone sends you a SMS you will not get them because Apple intercepts them


    that's the page where you deregister it apparently, but you can look that up on google if you want.

    I've got a two and a half yr old Moto G dual sim recently upgraded to 4.1, fantastic phone infinitely superior to my previous LG4X HD, cost me £130. I laugh at iphone owners, just fashion slaves.

  7. forget google translate, just ask us!!!

    i'm 110% fluent

    maybe more

    They were both fluent. But unfortunately in different languages.

    Reminds me of when W was president and he was trying to speak Spanish. Amazing to see someone illiterate in two languages. biggrin.png


    His statement "there's no word for entrepeneur in French" cracked me up, moron.

  8. I bought an Acer in Krabi some years ago, within no time at all I poured a pint of Chang all over it. I took it back to the shop and they sent it to Phuket for repair, a week later it was back all spick and span and fixed for free under guarantee, well impressed.

    Incidentally, I now have a Dell Inspiron 1545 which I've had for 5yrs with no troubles and the build quality is excellent, definitely one of the best laptops I've ever had. It's only drawback is it has no HDMI so I bought a Thinkpad edge just for that purpose, big mistake, what a piece of rubbish, it's 11 months old and had so many problems I've already had to have windows reloaded, the screen has a bunch of vertical lines down the l/h side and the build quality is, well, non existent, it bends and creaks and groans I'm loath to touch it.

  9. West side is generally OK if crossing from Satun or Songhkla, If traveling through Pattani, Yala or Naratiwat you should be OK if you stay on main roads, would recommend traveling between 0800 and 1600, don't hang around the border towns such as Sungai Kolok in the evenings.

    Statistically you are more likely to have a road traffic accident than be a victim of terrorism smile.png


    Exactamundo? From Pulp Fiction.

    From the Fonz, long before pulp fiction.

  10. "Outsiders do not understand"

    yup we 'outsiders', we lowly 'farang' and 'aliens' do not understand about precious Thailand that xenophobic of countries

    truth is... most Thais don't 'get it' either... but DAMN you Ambassadors!!! go home !!!!!!!!!!!! I AM THAI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes we do understand. The problem is we don't agree with you simple as that. A big difference. if this man is to become a real PM then he needs to grow thick skin, a backbone and stop offering to have a 'straightener' with anyone who disagrees with him. Very childish IMO.

    I often here from Thai that outsiders don't understand Thailand. Many of us have been here long enough to fully understand. It is we just don't agree with you. Please deal with it. I deal with the fact that your views are often different to mine.

    I agree.

    I'll make a bold - or not so bold - statement that most Thais do NOT understand the world at large; outside it's tiny borders/mindset/experience/education.

    Not bold at all, just the truth, most Thais have no knowledge of, or interest in the rest of the world.

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