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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. Pinochet was good? Insane! Pray to god Thailand doesn't come anywhere close to emulating that murderous thug.

    Human rights violations during the military government of Chile refer to the acts of human rights abuses, persecution of opponents, political repression and state terrorism committed by the Chilean armed forces and the Police, government agents and civilians in the service of security agencies, during the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet in Chile since September 11, 1973, until March 11, 1990.

    According to the Commission of Truth and Reconciliation (Rettig Commission) and the National Commission on Political Imprisonment and Torture (Valech Commission), the number of direct victims of human rights violations in Chile, it accounts for at least 35,000 people: 28.000 were tortured, 2.279 were executed and around 1.248 continued as Disappeared. In addition some of 200,000 people have suffered exile and an unknown number would have gone through clandestine centers and illegal detention.

    this is a manipulation. this commission shows data about victims of both sides - military junta and communists.

    MrPerfect took care of one obvious flaw in your argument. I could compare GDP per person between large modern democratic economies and countries like China (comparing city-state economies like Singapore or the Vatican wouldn't be valid), or question how many people in Japan, South Korea or Taiwan want to roll back the clock to their more authoritarian past, but I'll take a different route:

    A common complaint against US democracy often posted here is that it's bought by the rich--people like the Koch use their wealth to influence elections in a manner far out of proportion to their individual votes. It seems that this is close to your idea of votes being proportional to wealth and taxes, the mechanism is not the same but the outcome broadly is.

    Do you approve or disapprove of the democracy (partially) for sell aspect of the US system?

    yes, for sure elections are manipulated by a group of rich citizens. and this is the only thing which protects America from communism

    Oh please! That's the saddest excuse ever.

  2. Being eroded…?

    Not one hour ago I was watching the accused terrorist, Nattawut, on "Peace TV" in Bangkok spouting his rhetoric...

    Big bad Junta's don't allow accused terrorists to spout rhetoric do they?

    Seems they are actually not as big or bad as the biter and twisted make them out to be.

    Big bad Junta is bad enough for your home country of Australia to ban them from setting foot on its shores. Oh how it must feel to be so out of touch with the entire population of your native land. Australia and Australians despise the coup and are filled with disgust at the mere mention of the anti-democratic and oppressive antics of these thugs you love so dearly. You are an aberration.

    Are you SURE that all of the Australians and Americans are against the coup and not just their governments?

    Have you done a personal survey or read the surveys online and can provide the links for people to check them out?

    If you have no source, references or links then it is only your word against anybody elses .

    Perhaps you should find real life examples before posting.

    Australia's measures against the Juntas are the harshest of any Western nations and yet not a single protest against the Australian government for leading the way by any Australian individuals or lobby groups - the governments response was met by full support from all sectors of Australian society.

    Face up to reality, you expat coup lovers are out of touch with the overwheliming majority of Western countries and the citizens of those countries, your values, morals and ethics are sub par, sub human and unacceptable to decent folk.

    I don't think you will be around for long. At least not under this name. You make it too personal and you clearly can't control your emotions.

    Truth hurts?

  3. Hey you general-bashers. Why not write down what the General is doing wrong?

    We need arguments gentlemen.

    I would love to...but my visa and work- permit can be revoked at any time.

    But: does "freedom of speech" ring a bell?

    For example?!

    If your workpermit gets revoked because you wrote what the General is doing wrong (in your opinion) then we will read that somewhere and come to help you. Don't stress baby.

    You can write like, i wished the General did ...... or ..... . He's a normal guy so he won't kick you out for that. Maybe he even agree's with you and it will be tomorrows news.

    Who cares if he's not elected. Elections in Thailand don't work, didn't you see that? It almost became a war and that's over now.

    Now this guy is doing the big cleanup and i'm happy he's doing it.

    They worked for the majority, just didn't work for those who lost and their elite/military friends.

  4. If flight MH370 did indeed follow the path suggested by Imarat's Satellite data. Then just as Malaysian Military monitored the flight making U-Turn and its flight Back Across the Malaysian peninsula... Why has there been no comment from Singapore or Indonesian Military... Remember this was an unknown object entering their Airspace...

    MH370 was monitored by Malaysian Military Radar after it officially went silent to other sources. So it was 100% Detectable here (If it was indeed on this path...) Same with Thailand, was first an object being Monitored reported then dismissed. There has been complete silence by all Military involved in War Games in Thailand that were being conducted at this very time. Ships, Air Bases and Aircraft would have 100% Visibility at this time. Why the Silence?

    For one, I believe Aircraft was never in Singapore's or Indonesian Air Space, or if contacted... no answer it would have been shot down. It was referenced in Thai Air Space... Then Hushed up, only reported when firmly questioned. By that time it would have exited and continued its flight. North...

    Close but no prize, it went west to Diego Garcia, only the "exceptional" ones could pull this off!

    You sound very sure on that. Would you mind sharing your own personal research that led you to that conclusion?

    And by research I don't mean other people's YouTube vids or theories copy and pasted from conspiracy websites. I want actual facts that you have uncovered by yourself to draw this conclusion.

    Who stands to gain?

    That's it? That's all you got? Somebody, the way you see it, "stands to gain"? Sheesh. ROFL. Now there's scientific method for ya'!

    There's lot's more on the web, if you're too lazy to look up to you.
  5. If flight MH370 did indeed follow the path suggested by Imarat's Satellite data. Then just as Malaysian Military monitored the flight making U-Turn and its flight Back Across the Malaysian peninsula... Why has there been no comment from Singapore or Indonesian Military... Remember this was an unknown object entering their Airspace...

    MH370 was monitored by Malaysian Military Radar after it officially went silent to other sources. So it was 100% Detectable here (If it was indeed on this path...) Same with Thailand, was first an object being Monitored reported then dismissed. There has been complete silence by all Military involved in War Games in Thailand that were being conducted at this very time. Ships, Air Bases and Aircraft would have 100% Visibility at this time. Why the Silence?

    For one, I believe Aircraft was never in Singapore's or Indonesian Air Space, or if contacted... no answer it would have been shot down. It was referenced in Thai Air Space... Then Hushed up, only reported when firmly questioned. By that time it would have exited and continued its flight. North...

    Close but no prize, it went west to Diego Garcia, only the "exceptional" ones could pull this off!

    You sound very sure on that. Would you mind sharing your own personal research that led you to that conclusion?

    And by research I don't mean other people's YouTube vids or theories copy and pasted from conspiracy websites. I want actual facts that you have uncovered by yourself to draw this conclusion.

    Who stands to gain?

  6. If flight MH370 did indeed follow the path suggested by Imarat's Satellite data. Then just as Malaysian Military monitored the flight making U-Turn and its flight Back Across the Malaysian peninsula... Why has there been no comment from Singapore or Indonesian Military... Remember this was an unknown object entering their Airspace...

    MH370 was monitored by Malaysian Military Radar after it officially went silent to other sources. So it was 100% Detectable here (If it was indeed on this path...) Same with Thailand, was first an object being Monitored reported then dismissed. There has been complete silence by all Military involved in War Games in Thailand that were being conducted at this very time. Ships, Air Bases and Aircraft would have 100% Visibility at this time. Why the Silence?

    For one, I believe Aircraft was never in Singapore's or Indonesian Air Space, or if contacted... no answer it would have been shot down. It was referenced in Thai Air Space... Then Hushed up, only reported when firmly questioned. By that time it would have exited and continued its flight. North...

    Close but no prize, it went west to Diego Garcia, only the "exceptional" ones could pull this off!

  7. The solution is not the switch to another os which is not any better, only different.

    Besides if it's Android then Samsung is the best choice.

    Only if you like to spend too much money, the Moto G is a stonking phone for a third of the price.

  8. She also wrote about the salaries from the two duties saying they were very high for her and therefore she decided to donate 40% monthly.

    How many other politicans can say this from themselfs!

    To Donate 40% from their monthly salaries.

    yeah obviously too honest to sit with that lot!

    • Like 2
  9. I'm trying to imagine how naive and gullible you would have to be to believe this poll.

    I'm thinking most of the posters on this forum are mature males, probably from western countries, and having some extensive experience of life in general.

    That's why most of the posts are laughing at the so called result.

    But there we have a couple who actually swallow this stuff!

    Can you imagine what's going on up there?

    Knowing Thailand, knowing their penchant for absolute corruption, watching this scenario unfold, just like a bad soviet propaganda film.

    And yet they are believing it all.


    "just like a bad soviet propaganda film.", or one of Fox's Better reports!

  10. This again shows that Prayut is putting the people first by not having an election that will legitimize his position in the eyes of the west.

    If he did have an election under martial law knowing he would win some (7% of Thai's and 8 falangs on TVF) would think it was rigged for him to win. If he had an election that was not under martial law knowing he would win the 7%'s would be out terrorizing, burning and killing again.

    So for Prayut to know that he would win the next election and still hold off to allow reforms to pave the way to a peaceful sustainable democracy shows that he is truly heralding the voice of the majority and which is reflected in these polls today.

    You really have got to be joking, you're percentages are rubbish and you know it and your last statement is laughable.

    • Like 2
  11. Corrupt, nepotism, cronyism, scandalous, disgraceful and an insult to the community. The old guard is back and they are worse than ever...and that's saying something.

    But, but, the reds, blah blah...

    Over to Rubl & djjamie..

    Don't hold your breath, the apologists for the facists are stiil watching the nightly happiness show and regurgitating it every day.

    There are none so blind as those who WILL NOT SEE.

    Back to anyone who doesn't love the Shin self enriching kleptocracy must be a fascist (note spelling) and support the Junta routine again.

    The Shins were so anal in their nepotism and cronyism that little sis lost her glorious PM/DM positions because of it. They got carried away and thought they could ignore rules in their quest to fill key positions with family controlled numbties.

    Many countries around the world seem to tolerate this appalling behavior from their politicians - with wives, children and assorted relatives being paid a salary from tax payers money for services as secretaries, researchers, gofers etc. The UK has had many scandals regarding this and abuse of home allowances. The rules are outdated but politicians wont change them for obvious reasons.

    It's crap the NLA leader endorses it - but let's not pretend the Shins didn't max it for their family's benefit either. How many little Shins did "auntie poo" have on the payroll? How many Shins and in-laws were receiving some form of state payment? Wonder if Ying's lad was paid for his hi-speed train lunch box design or just got another meddle to add to his already impressive ribbons on his state uniform?

    Many people see this, and simply accept it as being beyond change - as all the politicians take advantage and wont change it.

    nobody's saying the shins didn't do it or it isn't prevalent in many countries, the point here is this lot said they'd clean it up. Fat chance! fat pigs at the trough will never share.

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